
hello, old friend


Jacqui | she/her | CA star wars, xmen, person of interest trash

If you call pedophilia a kink please unfollow me and never talk to me again

Isn’t it disgusting that 23 people just unfollowed me


Unfollow me too

this goes double if you call paedophilia a disability. unfollow me twice


and if you call pedophilia an “orientation” or in any way compare it to being LGBP+ you can unfollow, delete your blog, and set yourself on fire. 

I just lost 50 followers.. bye

clearing out the trash


Yo, same goes for me, if you say any of this shit get the hell out

yo same goes for me if you say any of this shit get the hell out

^Haiku^bot^7. I detect haikus with 5-7-5 format. Sometimes I make mistakes. | Who do I read? | Contact | HAIKU BOT NO | Good bot! | Selfie | Meep morp! Zeet!


Derek Hale: *gets shot, beaten up, is electrocuted, hurt, sexually abused, manipulated, framed for murder he didn’t do several times, girlfriend family and pack dies, everything is shit he is basically in hell*

Derek Hale: *gives out candy on halloween*


my common sense watching my idiot brain overthink everything


how do men this weak even manage to survive


men: what are these feminists talking about? we don’t objectify women

also men: the ideal woman is literally just an object shaped like a woman’s body

So the guy that posed this doesn’t eat, piss, or shit?


Sometimes I think about the future of self driving cars and how everyone I talk to about that future is like “okay but in an emergency we’ll be able to take back manual control, right?” and I usually placate them by saying, yeah, that’s totally how it’ll happen, but actually we’re already seeing the opposite. Cars with “self driving” features like steering and breaking that kick in and take control from the driver if the driver is about to rear end someone or is in a dangerous situation because the truth is computers can think faster and have better reflexes than us and I think about this going into the future and how if the self-driving cars are able to share their data with each other and learn from the driving experiences of every car on the road soon we’ll have cars that are so massively experienced at driving and avoiding accidents and making microsecond decisions and partial degree turns of the wheels and being so damn precise that automobile accidents will be almost unheard of and that’s when we’ll develop the most wasteful hilarious extreme sport in history where a single human driver will go up against an arena of ultra smart self driving cars and just by driving around recklessly try to coral them into crashing into each other and I tell you I would watch that sport all day.

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