saving a lot of data, a sinnoh fanzine

@sinnohfanzine /

a charity fanzine all about sinnoh!
Anonymous asked:

would you guys ever consider opening up more pdf versions to be purchased? sadly i missed out but i would still love a copy and to be apart of a donation process! i totally understand if not, though! thank you for putting together such a lovely sinnoh creation

I’d consider it, but probably not for a while. (Maybe for the anniversary of the games?)

Currently, we’re both got our hands full with various projects and other zines (…pssst, check out @rallyspectrumzine if you like lgbt fire emblem things). Thank you for your continued interest!


And we’re done! Thank you to everyone who purchased a copy of Saving a Lot of Data, along with all of our fantastic artists and the others who supported us along the way. We raised over 200 dollars for Earthjustice, who will be continuing the fight for environmental justice.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Remember - Pokémon are by our sides, always!


Happy Birthday to Sinnoh! Today, twelve years ago, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl were released in North America!


Welcome back! From Tuesday, March 19th to April 20th, the PDF copy of Saving a Lot of Data… will be for sale for $12 USD. It contains over 40 pieces of artwork celebrating the people, places, and pokémon of the Sinnoh region. 

Buy your copy here!

Sales are now closed! Thank you to everyone who bought a copy. We’ll be posting updates on payouts and the final donation total to Earthjustice soon!

Anonymous asked:

How long will the digital zine sell for, and would you guys ever consider doing a re print of the physical zine??

The digital zine will be for sale from March 19th to April 20th.

About the reprint - I wouldn’t say that we’ll never do one, but there aren’t any plans for it. (We do have about six leftover copies we’ll sell eventually, though.)


Welcome back! From Tuesday, March 19th to April 20th, the PDF copy of Saving a Lot of Data... will be for sale for $12 USD. It contains over 40 pieces of artwork celebrating the people, places, and pokémon of the Sinnoh region. 

Buy your copy here!

Anonymous asked:

Hey, just wanted to check if the pdf was still on for release, but it's totally understandable if life got too busy, plans fell through, or something.

Hi! Thanks for your interest!

Since both of the mods are on break now, we’re actually setting up the digital distribution at the moment. We’re planning for it to be released on at $12, with everything made going to Earthjustice. We’ll update everyone as soon as the page goes live!

– abi

EDIT: I forgot to mention! The sales will be open for about a month.

Anonymous asked:

do you guys think you'll do a reprint?

If the demand’s high enough, but right now the moderators are pretty busy with school and other projects! Thank you for the interest, though.


Is it too late to get a physical copy of the Zine?


We have a few spare copies (and I mean, like, six. It’s not a lot.) but we won’t be selling them for a while! They’ll probably go on sale the same time as the digital rerelease.

Anonymous asked:

No pressure, but are there still plans to release a pdf for this zine? I'd love to be able to support this and see the art everyone made!

The digital release probably won’t be until late February / early March, considering the schedules of the hosts. I’m sorry for that date, but the two of us have college apps/college to deal with.

We’ll post an update if that date changes!

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