
Snarking On Fatlogic

@snarkingonfatlogic / snarkingonfatlogic.tumblr.com

Fat acceptance and fatlogic deserve to be mocked. Shitposting like a motherfucking boss! var sc_project=11823608; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="4d5d44dd"; var sc_https=1;

gutlordgaineruk mentioned you on a post

@snarkingonfatlogic I'm fat not miserable or controlling but thanks for the crass generalisation

Ooh, someone found a thesaurus! 

Yeah, you seem like a totally happy and well-adjusted person whose opinions should be respected and valued.


Anyone uncritically using the phrase “diet culture” to criticize others is not someone I am inclined to take seriously. It demonstrates a distinct lack of awareness and lack of critical thinking skills.

There’s no such thing as “diet culture”, except in the sense of someone trying to sell you a diet plan that you don’t need because you can’t or won’t muster up the necessary self-discipline to lose weight. It’s all just more capitalism.


Getting real mad this week about people being disingenuous fucks about the WoT show casting. 

Fucking assholes abound.


So I went to the fucking gym tonight, right? Not too unusual, I do pay for a fucking membership and all. And I'm on the mats, stretching and preparing to work out, when I notice the treadmill that I'd been eyeing to warm up on was free (finally.)

So I get up, and in the process accidentally cut this other lady off while she was walking towards it. Not on purpose, ofc, and I apologize and offer it to her, because I'm a nice fucking person. She declines it, but still shoots me a nasty look as I step up and start walking.

She's on her phone, talking to someone through the microphone on her headset, and very loudly says "Well, I WAS going to get on the treadmill, but little miss piggy got there first."

And of course, since I'm a little sensitive babey™, look at her and immediately burst into tears, and run off the treadmill and back into my car, where I then proceeded to sit and cry for an absurdly long period of time.

So anyway. That's where I'm at tonight. How are y'all?

And then a hunky waiter with amazing forearms came out and gave you cheesecake for free, right? Because this obviously happened.

@snarkingonfatlogic yeah, actually! Her name was Joanne, and after we shared the cheesecake we went back to her house and made sweet passionate love for hours. Thanks for bringing out that side of the story, you're so smart! :)

Ha, this was actually funny. Makes a change from the usual squawking indignation; I mean, I still don’t believe a word of it, but at least you were amusing about it.


So I went to the fucking gym tonight, right? Not too unusual, I do pay for a fucking membership and all. And I'm on the mats, stretching and preparing to work out, when I notice the treadmill that I'd been eyeing to warm up on was free (finally.)

So I get up, and in the process accidentally cut this other lady off while she was walking towards it. Not on purpose, ofc, and I apologize and offer it to her, because I'm a nice fucking person. She declines it, but still shoots me a nasty look as I step up and start walking.

She's on her phone, talking to someone through the microphone on her headset, and very loudly says "Well, I WAS going to get on the treadmill, but little miss piggy got there first."

And of course, since I'm a little sensitive babey™, look at her and immediately burst into tears, and run off the treadmill and back into my car, where I then proceeded to sit and cry for an absurdly long period of time.

So anyway. That's where I'm at tonight. How are y'all?

And then a hunky waiter with amazing forearms came out and gave you cheesecake for free, right? Because this obviously happened.


Please sign the petition before this weight loss app targetting children creates countless eating disorders and body shame! Just a reminder, diets are not sustainable, do not work for long-term weight loss, are very stressful on the body (particularly the inevitable yo-yoing) and raise your set point. Riots not diets! 

Every time I think FAs can’t get any stupider, they prove me wrong.


🦇 This 💀 blog ⚰️ supports🎃fat👽Goths🖤of🕷️all🔮genders 👻

I support fat goths because they are fucking hilarious.

Keep rocking that look, fat goths, because I always appreciate people willing to make fools of themselves for my amusement.


how many times u think people react the same way when they see u outside tho

You want to try that one again? I think you just went through some temporary aphasia or something.


so sorry you will die unloved and alone 😔


Everyone dies alone, kid. You’re born alone, and you die alone.

Unloved? That’s some projection there, though. At least two people in this world love me: my wife, and my son. Two isn’t many, when you count the teeming millions who inhabit this planet, but you know what? It’s two more than will ever love you.


🦇 This 💀 blog ⚰️ supports🎃fat👽Goths🖤of🕷️all🔮genders 👻

I support fat goths because they are fucking hilarious.

Keep rocking that look, fat goths, because I always appreciate people willing to make fools of themselves for my amusement.


if your first piece of “advice for the newly fat” isn’t “lose it or get it under control before it gets worse and destroys your body/joints/health” then as a formerly obese person who destroyed her joints from the hips down I’m going to be questioning you.

@snarkingonfatlogic It's a metaphor that implies cleanliness from something sullying the mind. Have you read poetry before?

I studied literature of various kinds, including poetry, in formal education for about fourteen years. 

I continue to read a wide variety of books on a daily basis, and have a strong interest in retaining the analytical skills I built up during my formal education; in adulthood, I have turned myself towards autodidacticism, simply from a love of learning and increased knowledge.

In short, madam, I know poetry, and this ain’t it.

This is the unwitting self-impeachment of someone who fails to realize exactly how much her words reveal her true motivation: that the reader substitute your thoughts for his own, in order to advance your agenda.

This is also known as brainwashing.


Chasing thinness will not make you happy. If you think you will be more important, more happy, more beautiful, more talented, or more deserving of any of those labels once you are thin, I can tell you right now that that is a lie. I can promise you that that is false. There are things out there that are more important to grasp than thinness, and right now there is nothing more important than scrubbing away all the infections in your mind. If you can do one thing today, it is to attempt to bring this fact close to your heart:

there is nothing less important for you to be than "not fat" - Megan's Poetry #612

“Scrubbing away all the infections in your mind” sounds awfully like brainwashing, doesn’t it?

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