
Overthinking It

@saccharii / saccharii.tumblr.com

I like to keep my blogs minimalist

i read the hobbit in 3rd grade and i thought it was really lame. however i liked bilbo baggins for some reason and i was fully convinced he was some sort of rabbit/mouse thing until i saw the lotr movies and was really, really confused


Do you ever see something like this:

and think, "This'll be a fun little thing to read while I wait."

And then you read it and you're fundamentally changed as a person and you're left staring off into the middle distance as you contemplate life and love and connection and what it all means?


newbie fic authors, shooting themselves in the foot: This fic is bad haha I suck at writing lol I am being mean to myself in the hopes that you will be nice to me but actually am dissuading anyone from even clicking on my fic because all I have done to advertise it is tell you why you shouldn't read it

me: I am King Big Dick of Fanfic Mountain and I have arrived in your fandom with the Express Intention of writing my Very Favorite Fics, which I will generously allow you to read. You're welcome.

Anonymous asked:

I'm always seeing AO3 works with notes saying "Based on this fanfic prompt: [dead tumblr link]" or "Inspired by this fanart: [dead tumblr link]" or "[person] made this amazing fan edit of my story! Check it out:[dead tumblr link]."

Source posts disappear all the time on tumblr.

But reblogs don't!

So I am begging tumblr/AO3 users:

If you want to link a tumblr post in one of your AO3 works, please first reblog the post to your own tumblr blog, and then link your reblog, instead of linking the source post directly. That way your AO3 the link will keep working, even if the OP deletes.


“Respect to Nature.”

Humans adapting themselves to nature rather than forcing other species to adapt to us. This is what we must do in the Anthropocene. Trees are the most important three dimensional structures of many ecosystems, and they are the central design features of most permaculture gardens. They provide many products and services to other species, from housing to food (acorns, insects, pollen), shade and shelter from the wind. We ought to respect their importance.




the fact that at the council of elrond glorfindel is like “just throw the ring into the ocean” is so funny to me after reading the silmarillion just because it feels like the subtext is him being like “yeah let’s try maglor’s patented and tested method: Just Yeet The Accursed Fucking Thing Into The Water”

*at the council of Elrond*

Elrond: Alright, everyone listen up. We elves have 4 methods of dealing with Accursed Fucking Objects™, as demonstrated by my four parents. 

Number 1, the Elwing Method or Mom Method. This is to hide the accursed fucking thing away and keep it safe and close. This is highly not reccommended if the object can take over its user like the ring can, and Sauron will be searching for it, so this method is out of the question. 

Number 2, the Earendil Method or the Dad #1 Method. This is, send the accursed fucking thing across the sea or to some higher power. According to Mithrandir, the Valar will not take it and Tom Bombadil wants nothing to do with it, so this is also out of the question. 

Number 3 is the Maglor Method, or Dad #2 Method. This is to yeet the accursed fucking thing into the ocean. In this case, it is not a good idea as Ulmo will be very upset and we will still have to contend with Sauron. 

The last method is the Maedhros Method or the Dad #3 Method. This method is to yeet yourself into a volcano while holding the accursed fucking thing, and also the method we will be using. You will not have to yeet yourself into the volcano, only the ring, don’t worry, Frodo.

Those…those really are the four methods aren’t they?

@procrastinationonvacation how dare you hide this in the tags

Anonymous asked:

Okay, that’s IT. As a bisexual ranch dressing supporter I just can’t continue to follow you in good conscience. Why do you industrial carpet shippers all think it’s okay to use bland women as a scapegoat for premium disco culture? Maybe if you actually bothered to read the ukranian degeneracy thesis you’d understand batman’s suntan technique, but I guess you’re just too busy making free insurance consultation posts, so whatever. Blocked, flambéed and unfollowed.

being on mobile and seeing the random generated ask before the warning about it made this an experience


My friend sometimes brings her six-year-old to our DnD sessions and my husband (the DM) lets her roll for all enemy attacks and sometimes he will show her a few figures and let her secretly pick what creature we meet next. Who needs encounter tables when you have a first-grader around

She cheers when the monster is winning.

DM: *places an ugly, slavering, repugnant, spine-tingling creature on the battle map*

Child who can barely see over the table: ᵗʰᵃᵗ’ˢ ᵐᵉ :)


“why would you write fics for small, unpopular fandoms? you’re not gonna reach that many hits in fandoms not many people know about” ?? because I’m not writing fics for hits or kudos, I’m writing them for me because these characters are my blorbos and I have so many ideas, so much thoughts about them that my brain might explode if I don’t write them out.


All those videos that are like “Why is this big area of this country uninhabited???” always have five reasons it might be.

  1. It’s really cold
  2. It’s really hot
  3. Big mountains are hard to build on
  4. No water and humans generally need that
  5. All four of the above all at once

“Why is the population of Spain almost all concentrated in these little areas?”

Well it’s probably the mountains innit

“Why does most of Russia live on the west side of the country?”

Well it’s probably the freezing cold winters and boiling hot summers innit

“Why does most of China live east of this line?”

Here there be water, my friends.


Thinking of the larger context of LOTR and like, the fellowship swapping old war stories and shit and Sam just says “Yeah I killed a huge spider…Shelob, I think?”

And Gandalf just blinks and is like, “You what now?”

“Yeah, killed it. Had to save Frodo”

Gandalf elects not to tell Sam that he killed the spawn of a primordial demon.

the daughter of the embodiment of darkness which ate the original sun and moon and almost ate the devil.


That's not important. What is important is that it was a danger to Mister Frodo.

Anonymous asked:

If I never hear the phrase “B-but the Jedi were flawed” ever again, I would cherish every day of rest of my life and view it as a sign that humanity is healing.

What annoys me is that it's either brought up whenever you talk about the Jedi at all or when you talk about how terrible Order 66 is.

If it were really just about someone thinking the Jedi were flawed they wouldn't obsessively use said "flaws" (I've yet to see a true dogmatic flaw in the Jedi Order) to suggest they had their slaughter coming.

Which is especially funny because like with the Ahsoka show people can look at Anakin Skywalker (who's a character I like, he's interesting) who committed nearly evil deed it's possible to commit but manage to see his humanity. Only to turn around and dunk on the Jedi for the tiniest of things.


having anxiety is like being given permanent unwanted custody of a halter arabian. like okay buddy is it panic time again. cool you probably need more exercise and an apple and then maybe you'll calm down.

taking my stupid walks for my stupid mental health with my stupid hypervigilant brain horse

thoroughly enjoying the notes on this post because it's equal parts people with anxiety going "yeah that's what it's like" and people with arabians going "yeah that's what they're like"

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