
Hat House Happenings

@hathousehappenings / hathousehappenings.tumblr.com

This blog is dedicated primarily to the Disney Channel's Adventures in Wonderland. Here I share my own observations of the show and my various fanworks, as well as highlight the content others create for it!
Drop by and see what we have cooking up at the Hat House!!~Rachel

There’s always something happening at the Hat House!

Hello everyone! My name is Rachel and welcome to my AiW blog! Here you'll find a collection of artwork, findings and musings for Disney's Adventures in Wonderland.

My main blog is @rachel1987 and if you’d like to know more about me, you can check out my intro page here.

You can watch full episodes of AiW with a subscription on D+ or for free on TeaforTen’s Youtube channel ((or the Internet Archive)). TeaforTen’s blog is also a great place for more info on the show, as well as to view production content.

If you’re interested in my fan content for the show, you can locate a lot of it under the MyArt tag as well as my full gallery on devART. My Youtube channel also has some speed-draws of the artwork you’ll find here. If you like fanfiction, you can find my works on Ao3 and FF.net.

Through 2023-2024 I’m doing a full watch through of the series and making posts about it. If you’d like to check that out, please look at my #Wonderland Watchthrough tag!

NEW: For the 31st anniversary I’ve compiled all of the songs from the show on a drive that you can find here

Thanks for stopping by and I'll see you around the Hat house!


this week i had only the time/energy to do one :'( and i hadnt drawn the tweedles in a minute, so i figured id do this number since i really like it. they had a lot of fun with this and you can tell

i think thanks-a-lot day as a holiday sounds really neat, like genuinely. we need to make this a thing. i wouldnt mind a day where you just thank people for things. im always very awkward about coming off as too mushy or weirding someone out for giving them a compliment or something so having a holiday where thats the whole point sounds convenient and nice fr i know its supposed to be a wonderland thanksgiving but thats not really what people do on thanksgiving. i mean youre thankful but i think its mostly just people being thankful for what they have. at least ive never seen people thanking people on thanksgiving. hmm

but anyway...how did the queen get zero thank yous?? in the first song rabbit says he owes her 1200 for that year. did he just forget the year before?? i also think the line about rabbit liking monster truck rallies is very funny. its not the first time in the show hes shown interest in cars before, there was the golf cart episode. why does he know so much about golf carts


88. Pie Noon.

All I can say is, thank HEAVENS for Gilbert Gottfried. He's a little ray of sunshine and brings a smile to my face every time in this episode. I kiss him, I hug him, I want to put him in my pocket.

This is a tricky episode to look at when you're trying to consider it advice for dealing with bullies. He tries to get support from his friends and they are all too scared to help. They tell Hare to go to an authority figure for help and she straight up tells him that it's his problem and he has to deal with it on his own. It's such a circumstantial problem that there's no way that this episode can work as an educational experience.

Also, I think it's weird that they go the whole episode talking about how Mike McNasty is bad because he throws pies, then in the end Queenie pies Willie! For no reason! Queenie! That's bully behavior!? What is this episode?!

It's a favorite but it also is just so ludicrous.


87. Gratitude Adjustment.

This is one of the episodes that I often forget. It's fine, just really not memorable. Hatter and Hare have a punchy little song in it. Armelia gets to play her own mom. *shrugs*

I did find it funny that even Queenie’s mom finds Hatter attractive.

This does have one of my favorite Tweedle songs though! I have a very similar feeling about leftovers. No thank youuuuu.....


take the bunny and run

alice is really me at the start of this episode, especially rn. im in an ap european history class and my final test is coming up in a few weeks and ive really gotta start focusing more on it but ive been very distracted...coincidentally also by a video game. although not so much someone calling me on the phone.

this episode is like. very funny to me. because while duchess is annoying in the other episodes, i never disliked her or thought she was particularly bad. she was just a more condescending version of the queen. but this episode is so insane cus shes just straight up terrible. poor mr rabbit :')

its also another great episode for the queen and rabbit's friendship, and i always like the episodes like that. she can be mean to him and he talks bad about her behind her back but i like when the show reinforces that she does actually care about him.



i like all the songs in this episode, the last one especially gets stuck in my head sometimes..

other than that this episode is sort of an eh one for me, i dont dislike it its just forgettable. but i wanted to draw the pants. i didnt realize that they were pretty hard to make out when i committed to that idea, so ..........


86. Take the Bunny and Run.

Probably the meanest Duchess episode of them all. This is the one that I think is the most memorable out of all of her episodes. We get that she and Queenie are frenemies, but Rabbit did nothing to her to deserve this treatment.

I had an idea for this episode before I even watched the episode again. It didn't come out exactly as I'd planned, but at least I pushed myself to do something out of in comfort zone.

I hope Rabbit got some time off after this. He was really put through the wringer.


85. Just the Fax, Ma'am.

This episode feels like after filming with the Duchess for two weeks, they needed to give her an introductory episode. I guess it does to show that they didn't have the intention to air the shows in the order they were filmed.

The real gem of this episode is, of course, the fax machine. I had to draw it, I just had to. Growing up in the 90's, I don't remember anyone having and using a personal fax machine. Maybe my grandparents, but that was because my grandma worked from home as a court reporter. A personal fax feels so high tech and extravagant for the time, which matches Queenie of course.

I was thinking while watching that if this were to be remade now, she's be checking Twitter or TikTok. Or she signed up for a newsletter and was auto-subscribed to other affiliates and just didn't look at who the email was from. I dunno. What I mean to say is that the story could still be done now and end up in equal hilarity. ^^;


Gilbert Gottfried as Mike McNasty from “Pie Noon”. 🌹

His performance in this episode brings a smile to my face every time. Nobody could have played McNasty the way Gilbert did. It just wouldn’t have been the same.


84. The Royalty Trap.

This is when they decided that the Duchess was going to have a plain old mean streak. This and "Take the Bunny and Run" is when she's at her most cruel, I think.

Having said that, there's this moment in the middle when she's helping Caterpillar get ready to be on television? I have no idea why she does it, it doesn't really seem like something she'd do. Unless maybe she and he go back a while. I know it was just a way to shoehorn in Caterpillar's storytime, but still. So I decided to illustrate it.

On a side note, I love "Department of Missing Royalty". It has my favorite long pan and camera work from the whole series. You can tell that it was all handheld and I just... I enjoy it too much.


83. Bunny, Can You Spare a Dime?

Oh, this episode had some goofy stuff in it. It’s one of my new favorites! (I’m looking at you, ghost Caterpillar.)

Here are some notes I took while watching the episode:

  • Patrick flubbing the “hop diamond” line.
  • Alice moving the mouth of the Diamond Encrusted Nutcracker to match Hatter’s dialogue.
  • I think some of my coworkers took notes on workplace habits from Horace in Caterpillar’s story.
  • Hare pulled up the flooring with his plunger during the final song and dance number.

I feel like I’ve been spending too much recently too, which is what prompted the picture for this episode's picture. This song was drifting around TY before the episode rereleased on D+, so it's always been one of my favorite Rabbit songs. It's so snappy and Patrick performed it perfectly. I'll probably print this sticker design at some point to remind me to be better with my spending/saving. ^^;

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