
yanitta writes dark stuff


writer & poet | she/her | asian | probably biro-ace | slytherin | enneagram 1 + intj-t
yanittawrites’ wip directory🍌
100 follower celebration game! (sorry if i answer your ask late, but i’ll answer everyone’s!)

🍒Hi! I’m Yanitta (she/her), and I’m an asian writer (& poet?) from Thailand! (Any southeast-asian writers hmu!<3) I mostly write speculative fiction: fantasy, horror and a bit of historical fiction and period dramas! Btw, I’m friendly, but socially awkward...so you can send me asks and messages! I won’t bite, and I’d love to make friends ;) *note: you can tag me in games or send asks!*

Btw, my name means “scholar” in Thai. ;)

*all of these are linked, so you can check out the ones you’re interested in!*

If any of you want to be added to the taglist, ask questions or discuss our wips together, send me a message or ask! They’re appreciated and they make my day<3

current wips🍑

Celestial City — ya urban fantasy period drama set in victorian england

Cacophonous Screams in D Minor — horror and literary fiction short story collection

  • Gertrude’s Dream Waltz (short story #2) — gertrude hypnotizes a mysterious boy at school to learn more about him
  • Femicide under the street light (short story #3 + prose poem version) — a woman walks alone at night and is paranoid

Unnamed Poetry Collection — feminism + asian culture + mental health + nostalgic childhood memories

finished wips🥝

Cacophonous Screams in D Minor — finished stories

  • Momma’s a butcher (short story #1) — a cannibalistic mother lures her daughter into a slaughterhouse

Just an update...

I just submitted "Momma's a Butcher" to a couple lit mags!! abdkbfdjjcbej this is the first time I'm submitting to a lit mag, so...SO EXCITED af!! The worst part is waiting 6 months for a rejection...


Color Synonyms


also: pale; blanched; sallow; pallid; waxen; spectral; translucent; albino; 


also: dust; stone; pepper;  


also:  coal; slate; dusky; ebon; shadow; murky; 


also: flesh; khaki; cream; tawny; 


also:  henna; russet; sepia; chestnut; cocoa; drab; bronze; 


also: terracotta ; rouge; carmine;  fire-engine; ruddy


also:  pumpkin ; rust ; 


also: sunny; amber; saffron; hay; straw; platinum; 


also: viridescent; grass; jade; forest; 


also: turquoise; cyan; ultramarine; royal; aqua; aquamarine;


also: berry;  amaranthine;


also: flushed; candy; cherry blossom; petal pink ; 

—–additional synonyms added by me


I will forever cherish this post. I’ve seen it a multiple of times; how foolish of me to not reblog this masterpiece the first time I see it UGH


Resources For Describing Characters

Physical Appearance

Character Traits

Talents & Skills


Support Wordsnstuff!



Wait, wait I’m bored and I have a terrible but amazing idea.

Send me a name from my OCs and I’ll give you the pros and cons of dating them! (Or of being their best friend, if they don’t date.)

send some names!

--diana, jay, lenore, nannerl, tenny, louis from celestial city


Hello Yanitta! What inspired you to have an urban fantasy period drama? I feel like I've yet to see such a concept and it sounds amazing! Does your WIP include a secret other world like (many) other urban fantasies? Happy story teller Saturday!


Hi, and thanks so much for the ask! I love this question!

Well, I personally love urban fantasy, and I think the purpose of reading is to escape into another world! But I felt like the best part in urban fantasy novels was how the magical elements interact or exist simultaneously with the normal every-day stuff. So I decided to write urban fantasy!

Another thing is that, I don’t like the presence of social media in books. It just takes all the difficulty out of things, and honestly?? Spending a whole day on the internet is not at all interesting. I wouldn’t read a book about characters spending the whole day on tumblr (because that’s the reality in 2020 XD)...so I decided to write it in a historical setting. At first, I planned to set it in 1920, but I changed it to 1860 because I love the Victorian era, and it is a period where new modern technology was starting to become more common. The existence of motor cars, steam engines, photography and light bulbs started to become more prevalent, so that is my favorite historical era!

Celestial City includes 3 parallel universes. In the first book of the series, the third one will not be mentioned yet. So the first one is our normal world where the Celestials exist, and the second one is a world specifically for monsters with some supernatural traits (they still look like humans, but they have powers like flame, water, flying, telepathy, etc). In the normal world, Celestials are widely known. Everybody knows that Celestials are the supernatural police that keep the monsters away. People are born with Celestial traits, e.g. heightened sight and speed, etc. So there are people who are normal and not Celestials, but the idea of magic and Celestials and monsters are normal to them. So to sump up this answer, it’s not a masquerade world or a secret other world! ;)

Hope that answers all your questions!!


Last Line Tag!

Thanks @chloeswords for the tag! I have no ideae how old this is, but I finally WROTE something!!

This is not a happy piece at all. It’s a snippet from my recent spoken word poem called The Bullets Lodged in Our Throats. It’s a reflection of the things that are happening in my country today, and it’s not fun.

I chose the least controversial part of the poem to post because there are laws that imprision the people who lash out against the government or r*yal family in jail for up to 7 years. About 6-7 university students have been arrested for speaking up, a few protesters disappeared and ended up dead, and tens of thousands of people are protesting at the democracy monument despite the COVID-19. They are trying to abolish the lese majeste laws and section 112 & 116 of the constitution that doesn’t allow free speech.

I’ll leave a link here to an instagram post that shows all the protest locations [there’s a carrd qr code in it if you want to learn more] and another post here to a short infographic about what’s happening in my country and another tumblr post here that sums everything up. You can click on the two hashtags: #whatshappeninginthailand and #ขีดเส้นตายไล่เผด็จการ for more info.

Sorry for killing the mood...I tag *anyone who wants to do this.*


Character Study: Jay Bonlenet [celestial city update ii]

From my wip Celestial City! Ask or message to be added to the taglist!

Ok!! Since all of you seem REALLY interested in Jay Bonlenet, one of my characters from my wip: Celestial City, I decided that I would do a short Character Introduction to Jay Bonlenet’s backstory, his stances now and his relationship with Diana!

But first...Boring life update!! — I have so much homework ahahhhhh. And I have 4 exams this upcoming week, so I won’t be really active! Btw, I am sooo obsessed with spoken word poetry atm and I’m so guilty for not writing my novel ;-;

*There will be spoilers to Celestial City, but since it’s not published they might not be final. I’ll add a spoiler warning before I say anything!*

Name: James “Jay” Bonlenet

Age: 16

Nationality: French-English

Relationships: Adoptive Siblings — Louis, Desiree, Lenore, Nannerl Charmaine // Biological Sibling: Tenny Bonlenet // Best friend: Fritz Starkschulz // * SPOILER* Unrequited Love Interest: Diana Jai

Fun and Embarassing Fact: Jay Bonlenet’s character is inspired by the same person I wrote about in my poem: When we talked about things that didn’t exist and broke our brains.

Jay Bonlenet is an enneagram 7 (the enthusiast). He’s always happy and enthusiastic, jokes all the time and is not afraid to break rules. However, he can be really sensitive at times! He likes to ruffle his hair when he’s nervous as well.

He aspires to be a successful scientist and inventor. However, when people ask him what he like sto do, he tells people he used to be an inventor but not anymore. When people ask him why he’s not one anymore, he doesn’t say anything and walks away. He fears that his inventions will cause harm to other people because he believes he accidentally killed his parents due to one of his inventions that went awry. However, his invention did not kill his parents. It was something else he was unaware of.

Jay and Tenny moved from Paris to London after his parents died when he was 10 and Tenny was 8. They lived with the Charmaines at the time. A few years later, he lost his brother Tenny when he was 15 and Tenny was 13 in an accident. Their parents had already died years before the accident occured, but Jay survived the accident and Tenny didn’t. It is a Celestial tradition where the most recently dead Celestials from each family becomes a ghost that works in the Celestial Council and oversees the laws and regulations. However, Tenny died at the age of 14, so he was too young. Tenny is still in ghost form and the only people that can see and interact with him are Jay and Diana.

Amelie Bonlenet was part of the Celestial Council (as a ghost). She was Jay and Tenny’s biological mother. However, Celestials who are part of the council are strictly told not to interact with living Celestials in a “friendly” way. There is a scene in the novel where Jay talks to his ghost mother, and tries to reconnect with her but due to the laws, she cannot interact with him in a mother-son way. (This scene is so heartbreaking I want to cry ;-;)

When Diana shows up at the Charmaine household after being accused for the murder of Catherine Swantide, Jay feels a feeling of familiarity and that he used to see Diana before, but he doesn’t remember it clearly.

Jay and Diana used to meet when they were both 6 in the Cursed World. It’s an alternate universe where monsters look like humans but have some supernatural traits: flying, nightvision, flames, etc. He and his parents and Tenny helped Diana get home safely and sent her back home. When Jay went into her house to escort her back, he witnessed Diana’s abusive stepfather hurt Diana’s mother. Diana begged him not to say anything because she didn’t want to be a ruined woman (though she was still 6 years old!!). — [Diana didn’t know that the man wasn’t her biological father.]

Jay agreed not to say anything to anyone, but he vowed that he would find Diana when he grew up and help her.


Later in the series, after Jay started to realize that Diana was the girl he met in the Cursed world, he started developing a crush on her. But since Diana is gay [she didn’t come out openly yet], she rejects him. Their relationship was jeopardized by that conversation, but after a few months, they start to become good friends again, and Jay finally accepted the fact that Diana doesn’t like him back that way.


I hope you enjoyed this short insight to Jay Bonelent’s backstory!! You can reblog this if you want to, and I’ll really appreciate it. Also, you can direct message me asking about my wip, Celestial City and the characters in it! I’ll be happy to answer. Tell me which character you want to hear about next, and I’ll do another character introduction! ;)

My REALLY SHORT taglist: @oddsandinks @sunwornpages —ask or message to be added or removed! <3


Poetry Update [#2]

  • This poem is a bit related to this post! If you like it, please check it out ;)

hi!! so so sorry for the lack of content this week, but i’m proud to say that this week, i wrote THREE poems!! like what?? but i totslly neglected by novel hahah..... so i’m going to share a snippet of one of the poems i wrote called:

When we talked about things that didn’t exist and broke our brains.

This is about my experiences on having my first “crush” and finding out in the end that it was not “actually a crush.” it was just some kind of longing for a platonic relationship (bc i didn’t have any friends at the time ;-;)...this is based on a true story and experience...so hope you enjoy this deep dive into my emotional history hahah,,,


i’ve been doing my homework on how to break into a writing career and honestly. there’s a Lot that i didn’t know about thats critical to a writing career in this day and age, and on the one hand, its understandable because we’re experiencing a massive cultural shift, but on the other hand, writers who do not have formal training in school or don’t have the connections to learn more via social osmosis end up extremely out of loop and working at a disadvantage. 

like, i didnt know about twitter pitch parties!! i didnt know about literary agents and publishers tweeting their manuscript wishlist, in hopes that some poor soul out there has written the book they really want to read and publish!! this isnt some shit you learn about in school! you really need to know the ins and outs of the writing community to be successful! 

for anyone interested, here’s what i’ve learned so far in my quest for more writing knowledge:

1. Writer’s Market 2019 is a great place to start– it gives you a list of magazines and journals that you can send your work to depending on the genre as well as lists a shit ton of literary agents that specify what genres they represent, how you can get in contact with them and how they accept query letters. this is a book that updates every year and tbh i only bought it this year so i dont know how critical it is to have an updated version  

2. do your research. mostly on literary agents because if you listed on your site that you like to represent fluffy YA novels and some asshole sends you a 80k manuscript about like…gritty viking culture, you will be severely pissed off. always go in finding someone who you know will actually like your work because they’re the ones who will try to advocate for you in getting published.

3. learn how to write a query letter. there are slightly varying formulas to how you can write an effective query letter. you’re also going to want to get feedback on your query letter because its the first thing the literary agent will read and based on how well you do it, it could be the difference between them rejecting you outright and giving your manuscript a quick read

4. unfortunately, you’re gonna want to get a twitter. Twitter is where a lot of literary agents are nowadays, and they host things like twitter pitch parties, where you pitch your manuscript in a few sentences and hashtag it with #Pitmad #Pitdark, some version of pit. a lot of literary agents and publishers will ALSO post their manuscript wishlists, which is just the kind of books they’d like to represent/publish, and they hashtag this with #MSWL (it is NOT for writers to use, only for agents/publishers)

5. connect with other writers, literary agents, publishers at book events. you will absolutely need the connections if you want to get ahead as a writer. thats just kind of the state of the world.


hi!! thanks for all the asks for my 100 follower celebration!<3 there are some i still haven't answered because i am currently stressing about school and remembering thai poetry for an exam...so if any of you want to help me hahhahh...i'll answer things later, and i'll post a new update on celestial city and my poetry really soon!! ;)

help ;-;


happy 100!! 🍉 so my character zhen (who is ace) is the most lazy person ever who contradicts herself all the time. like she'd refuse to cook (she's a great cook!) but then will give in at even the slightest push and pretends to not care but cares a lot! who is her best friend from your wip?


thank you!<3

lenore definitely would be her best friend! she could be with diana sometimes, but diana doesn’t like laziness and unorganized stuff... lenore would definitely complement zhen. she would encourage her to cook and possibly make zhen more open with her feelings! they would be good as best friends ;)


congrats again!! for the celebration ask game: 🍓idk if this is just me but...jay gives off mlm vibes. like bisexual, maybe??



i was pretty sure jay was straight until you point this out...maybe he’s bisexual but has a leaning towards women? i guess? i can totally picture him with a man, so ahahah idk whether this is true...but it could be true! it’s a possibility!


Hi! I’m a new follower, congrats on 100! 🍉 Joan is a 22-year-old, bisexual pirate. She’s sort of an adrenaline junkie— she loves adventure, fighting, and the ocean more than almost anything else. She also loves fashion, fancy weapons and clothes and jewelry. She’s religious, but it’s not always obvious unless you hear her praying to La Mer. She may be a bit morally... not so great, as a pirate, but she protects her own. Who would she be compatible with? (My writeblr is @dragonstoravens)


awh thank you!<3

after reading the description, joan would definitely be compatible with jay!! they’re both adventurous and kind morslly grey! and i gues she’s not afraid to break rules either! jay loves fashion, especially his hair! they would fit great together as best friends because their personalities really match!

but as a romantic interest? i think jay an joan are better off as friends. maybe she could be romantically compatible with nannerl. nannerl’s not as playful or enthusiastic as jay, but she’s ambitious, also morally grey and really passionate about her feelings!

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