

@proud-is-my-funeral-pall-blog / proud-is-my-funeral-pall-blog.tumblr.com

hugh armitage of poldark | est. june 28th, 2017
She smiled a little more, lips pressing together. Meeting his gaze—but only briefly. 
“No—I b’lieve we doused the fire before t’was too late. Though I am sorry if I used strong words on you.” 

His eyes lingered over her, lids lowering, the line of his lips giving a soft twitch. “My dearest Demelza, you have said nothing unwarranted------and nothing it did not do me good to hear.”

She tilted her head, lips adopting a faintly sad smile. “—that’s because you are very decent.” She endeavored to look reassuring and gave his arm a gentle pat, shedding her previous unease. 

His head tilted a little to favor one shoulder, and he smiled gently, searching her eyes, reaching after a moment to glance her fingers with his own.

“I suspect not------but I should be pleased if I had not altogether spoilt your evening.”

She grimaced a little more, though her smile did not altogether fade. “—you make it sound very horrible.” She met his gaze. “Well—perhaps I’d be happier not knowing anyhow. You’ve not made the decision to stop associatin’ with me, so I’ll just be thankful for that.” 

Here his expression turned, becoming somewhat more serious.


“On the contrary------it is on account of my regard for you that I take such great offense. Though------to tell the truth, I have often found that such talk sits ill with me regardless.”

She smiled a little more—somewhat despite herself now, features ducking momentarily as she lowered her eyes. “No, but—I have never seen him run, so perhaps we should not be too sure of ourselves.” 

He smiled slightly more------dryly, a little sardonically, but now with some genuine warmth.


“I think I should prefer not to witness it. But I would be surprised to hear that you had not------he intimated to me that his pursuit of you had been more along the lines of a hunt.”

She looked at him, lashes flickering—as if trying to measure the exact nature of this remark. A tiny smile touched the edges of her mouth, slender eyebrows faintly risen. “Oh—? Well then, we’d best hope he’s not wise to our strategy.”

He paused------glanced back at her, eyes narrowed slightly, the line of his lips giving a small, ironical tug.


“Well, as you have noted------I don’t believe he is particularly fast.”

She followed his gaze across the interior, and then back again. “Well—we may take cover if he does, I don’t b’lieve he moves very quickly.” 

“Indeed.” He dropped his head a little, shifting nearer to her, his voice become uncharacteristically dry, screwing up his eyes as he searched the crowd. “I believe he said something to me of that effect.”

“Oh—let’s not talk of it anymore.” She took a small breath, glancing at him, her brow still drawn with concern—and looking a little bit sorry now. “It’s done with.”

“If that is what you wish. I shall not lightly forgive myself for the distress I have caused you, regardless.” He looked down------and then, after a moment, out across the bustling room.

“I am unsure where he has got off to. But I pray he will not approach us again.”

“—I don’t know if you are teasing, but I don’t much care for it either way.” She crossed her arms over her chest, hugging herself a little.
“I’d better prefer if you were to forget it ever happened.” 

“As you like. But I believe what I am trying to say is that I see the point you are making------that the act itself does seem somewhat barbaric.” He paused here, looking down again.

“But barbarism------barbarism must sometimes be met with barbarism if one hopes to have any chance of combating it. Even so, now is neither the time nor place.” He swallowed, lifting eyes slowly to find hers.

“I fear I have behaved abominably, Demelza------I apologize.”

“I wish you’d not. I dearly wish you’d not.” Another sigh escaped her lips, eyes lowering. “I wish you’d walked away and thought no more of it. I’d not ever have forgiven myself if something more were to’ve happened.” 

“I have known many men to fight in duels, and very few to be killed in them. I would not suppose I look upon the issue lightly------but------perhaps I no longer regard it as I should.” He bowed his head a little more. “That said, you must know I will forever hold this man in the lowest of esteem; given the chance, I would gladly string him up from my own yardarm.”

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