jongin getting his make-up done during the filming of ‘tiger inside’
jongin’s pretty hairstyle in ‘tiger inside’ bts 🌸
jongin behind the scenes of ‘tiger inside’ 🔥
EXO 엑소 ‘Obsession’ Dance Practice
if you’re so mad stop making them, making gifs is still based of the original video, depending on the gif or the coloring or if you add subtitles, adding filters to make it look better doesn’t change a single thing. it’s still the video. you’re basically saying that because you put a filter and a name on it it’s now yours. how stupid can you be?
if mocking what i said makes you feel better as a grown ass adult then that really isn’t my problem. i still sleep well at night. tumblr is a platform with millions of users, so is twitter. you can’t control all of them. you “creators” need to stop being so fucking whiny over a goddamn moving picture for fucks sake. idc if it takes time, nobody will care about it next year.
asdjhjkjfkf it literally changes EVERYTHING, its not a video clip anymore, it’s a gif - a completely different form of media that I made from scratch 🤦
and I’m sorry for hurting your feelings??? i guess?? after you told me mine were invalid???? lmao. you seem really pressed for someone who sleeps well at night (unlike you, I at least have a reason to be) you need to stop being whiny abt people calling you out for stealing their stuff.
people will most definitely care about it next year, all of us ‘“creators”’ care about the gifs and other works we’ve made years ago, which is normal considering that it f*cking takes a lot of time and care to make them 🙄🙄
anyway your IP address has been blocked, go bother someone else if it makes you feel better about yourself
I just want to tell you that you have been doing an amazing job in making gifs and I really love your work. ❤️❤️❤️ To those who say that it is okay to repost creators' work without any credit should just shut up and sit at a corner. You are stealing other people's work and thinking that it's not a big deal, have you ever thought that is those creators don't exist, you wont get all those memes and your favourite part of a video. So just shut up and give them credit because they did a good job.
anonymous said: @anon you clearly didn’t create anything in your life so obv you don’t know how it would feel like to have something you worked on be stolen by ungrateful idiots with no creativity whatsoever. come again when you know how to make a decent gif lmao
anonymous said: Some people really have no respect for your work, I tried to do a gif once and maybe I’m just bad at it but it was hard. If people think like the previous anon just like you said it doesn’t surprise me to see creator loosing their motivation. It remind me of when a tw account repost a fanart that Jongin later post on his insta story. All the credit and congratulations went to this tw and not the original artist 😒 Creators work hard respect their efforts, at least credit them or ask bf repost
anonymous said: none of these arguments even make sense? People are like omg gifs don’t even take time or effort, then make your own?? people steal the. cause they like the artist not the gif, so it’s ok to steal albums from the local record store? damn people accept you shouldn’t use fancams without asking for permission what changes with gifs??? these kids just convinced themselves they can do wte “on the internet, btw” and cry every time anyone tells them what they’re doing is wrong
anonymous said: Other Anon, how about instead of stealing other peoples work, make gifs yourself. That way you don’t have to feel so upset and insecure for being called out for stealing other peoples work. Gif makers work hard. It is more than just “taking a clip”. If you actually made gifs you would know that. Gif makers deserve acknowledgement for their work. Make gifs yourself, spend all that time making them good, then see how you feel when someone else takes credit for it. Don’t repost!!
all of the above ❗❗❗❗❗
also: thank you so much for the support 🥺🥺
don’t get mad over a clip you took out of a video you don’t own, people repost it cause it’s about the artist, not really about the gif sorry! hopefully you can think about that! we’re on the internet btw
it’s not just a ‘clip I took out of a video’ it can literally take hours to make nice looking gifs with the coloring, avisynth and topaz + getting the frame rate right lmao. it’s obvious that you’ve never made gifs (and if you did, they weren’t even remotely good looking)
i dont care if its about the artist and not the gifs, I’m still the one who took the time of the day to make them
its because of entitled ppl like you that creators are feeling upset and loosing any motivation to make something 🙄🙄 hopefully you can think about that!
how do you feel about your gifs being posted on twitter? do you want them to be credited or not posted at all? just asking because i love your work and i don't want to be disrespectful in any way.
it’s making me super upset and I don’t want them reposted at all 😭
Re: Gif reposters on twt
So the ones of you who have a twitter account probably saw that you can post more than 1 gif in a tweet now (when you convert the gif to apng). Naturally, this lead to a LOT of big and small accounts to repost gifsets and enjoy the new feature, with no regard to the original gif maker not even with a simple credit. I’m asking you PLEASE, please, respect content creators who spend hours on end making their creations for you to enjoy. Respect them by following their rules. If they don’t allow reposting, don’t. If they allow it with certain conditions, fulfill them. It costs you NOTHING to be respectful and give the credit where its due. Respect them by REBLOGGING their content, by enjoying what they have to offer. As you may have noticed, the activity on tumblr has been on a steady decline for a while now, and this DOES affect content creators’ motivation, massively (I know you’ve noticed how many content creators have abandoned tumblr by now). Of course we enjoy creating stuff regardless of notes, but I can assure you one like or reblog makes all the difference. When the likes to reblogs ratio is SO strikingly imbalanced, yes we notice and yes sometimes we feel very discouraged. Your reblog and support makes us feel appreciated but you’re not obligated to it. But at the very least, don’t support reposters. Don’t help spreading stolen content. Respect content creators by making sure to interact or spread the ORIGINAL content only, by not encouraging reposters in any way, by asking them for the credit every time you see something reposted.
Lastly, I always notice that gifs as a creation form are always being reposted with way less regard for credit than, say, videos or fanart. And I fail to realize why. Gifs take so much time and effort just as any other type of fan creation and they shouldn’t be treated as “less” deserving of credit. Gifs are imported, trimmed, smoothed, sharpened, recolored and resized before they are uploaded. They go through so much processing before they are created. And if you honestly think it’s not that big of a deal & it’s “just a gif” then I encourage you to make your own gifs and post them wherever you want. Just don’t go on people’s blogs saving hundreds of gifs for your threads and likes/rts. Thank you.
im about to say fuck it and leave this realm
191214 - zkdlin instalive // the cutest bear 🐻
[191208] Obsession; SEHUN
191204 mbcradio12: 대박 #엑소 나와따… 사진 찍어주셔서 감사합니다… 😍 #엑소 가 사랑하는 #정오의희망곡 지금 바로 보이는 라디오 고고!
Baekhyun ⨯ Obsession ⵗⵗ MBC Music Core (191207)