
Chip Woods Photography



đŸ“¸: @chipwoodsphotography Location: Chihanga Shule Ya Msingi (Chihanga Primary School), Chihanga, Dodoma, Tanzania Date: June 5, 2018

So grateful to work with these 230-240 students at Chihanga Shule Ya Msingi (Swahili for Chihanga Primary School).  There are approximately 500-600 students at the school, and these kids are so sweet. Their joy and love is infectious.


The small things are often the "big things" that matter most when the day is through. #answer #beauty #breathe #dailyquote #dailyquotes #familiar #familiarity #inspiration #inspire #life #live #open #openness #peace #peaceful #quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #stop #stoptosmelltheroses #norushing #liveinthemoment #moment #moments #enjoy #beautiful #littlethings #smallthings #smallthingsmatter #smallthingsarethebigthings


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