
🌲Where the Wild Things Are🌲

@heathen-of-the-north / heathen-of-the-north.tumblr.com

Rowan | 24 | He/Him | Leo Sun | Libra Moon | Sagittarius Rising | Heathen | Lokean | Green Witch | Male Witch | Trans + Gay af
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Why Your Spells Don’t Work

You set your intention. You had all the correct correspondences. You even timed your spell with the appropriate moon phase. And yet – no results. What gives? 

Failed spells happen to the best of us, and for a variety of reasons. But a spell gone wrong doesn’t necessarily mean that magic isn’t real or that you’re bad at witchcraft. Magic is complicated, and there are a lot of reasons it might not behave the way you want it to. Here are some of the most common causes of ineffective spells: 

1. Lack of real-world follow through

Magic is meant to be used as a tool to supplement your mundane efforts – not as a substitute for them. How can you expect your job hunting spell to bring in results if you aren’t applying for jobs? 

Magic does not exist in a vacuum, and it can’t make something out of nothing. If a spell doesn’t bring you the desired result, make sure that your non-magical actions are aligned with what you are trying to manifest. 

2. What you’re trying to manifest isn’t a realistic possibility

Wait, what? Isn’t magic supposed to be, well… magic? Shouldn’t you be able to ask for whatever you want and get it? Yes and no.

Magic is simply a way of directing energy. Magic can’t defy the natural laws of the universe. It can’t make something happen unless it was already a potential possibility.

If your intention is unrealistic for where you are right now, try splitting it up into a multi-step process. No spell is going to make you a billionaire overnight, but magic could help you get hired at a better paying job… and then get promoted… and then get offered a profitable side gig… etc. Starting small and working your way up is always going to produce stronger results, because you laid the foundation first.

3. Your intention was either too vague or too specific 

Whether you use written petitions or spoken incantations, clearly stating your intention is an important part (maybe THE most important part) of any spell or ritual. A good intention is specific enough to get you the results you want, but open enough to let those results manifest naturally.

Let’s say you do a money spell, and your intention for the spell is simply, “I have more money.” If you find a penny on the ground the next day and pick it up, technically that is more money than you had before. A better alternative would be to use an intention like, “I have enough money to buy ___,” or “I have enough money for everything I need and want.”

Using an intention that is too specific creates the opposite problem. Let’s say you want to manifest a scholarship to a specific school. You do a candle spell with the intention, “I have been chosen for the John Smith Scholarship at Jane Doe University.” But maybe the John Smith scholarship had already been awarded by the time you did your spell. Maybe there’s another scholarship at the same school that would be a better fit for you, or maybe you’re eligible for a grant that would make tuition more affordable. A better intention for your spell would be “I have enough financial aid to easily and affordably attend Jane Doe University.”

Magic always follows the path of least resistance, so you want to make sure that your intention is specific enough to give your magic a clear direction, but open enough to allow it some flexibility. 

4. Lack of focus/concentration

We all know the struggle. You’ve been planning this ritual forever, and it’s finally the full moon, but you’ve got a really full schedule today. If you hurry, you can probably squeeze it into the thirty minute window between school and work, right? 

If you say a few quick words and burn some incense before you head out the door in the morning, that totally counts as a spell, right? 

Not so much. Rushed, lazy, and/or half-assed spells rarely, if ever, work. Spells revolve around the raising and direction of energy, and that requires two things: a clear intention (see above) and intense focus on that intention. If you don’t have the time/energy/mental capacity to focus, it’s best to take a break, have a self care day, and come back to your spell some other time. 

5. You’re subconsciously blocking your own results OR you did a spell for someone else who isn’t open to it

I decided to lump these two together, because they’re different variations of the same issue. 

Whenever you are doing magic on yourself, it’s important that your mindset is aligned with your intentions. You can do love spells all day long, but if deep down you don’t believe that you’re worthy of love, that belief is going to block your spells from working. This is why mindfulness, psychology, and self care are all such important parts of a successful witchcraft practice. It’s also why I recommend doing the mental work before you sit down to ritual. 

If you did a spell on yourself, or are trying to manifest something for yourself, and it just isn’t working, I highly recommend setting some time aside for journaling and meditation and asking yourself 1.) if this is really what you want, and 2.) if you truly believe that you can have it.

The whole mindset thing gets even more tricky when you’re doing magic on behalf of another person, because their energy is also at work in the situation and could be at odds with yours. For example, if you do a spell to help a friend land a job, but that friend believes that they’re totally underqualified and could never get it, they probably won’t get the job even if you did everything “right” in your spell. 

This should go without saying, but it is extremely unethical to use magic to mess around in someone else’s head. Even if you think you know what’s best for them, they need to be open to it. If someone is blocking the spells you do on their behalf, all you can do is try to be supportive and find other ways to help them out.

Other (Rare) Reasons for Failed Spells

If a spell goes wrong, it will almost always be for one of the above reasons. But maybe you did everything “right” – you did the mental work first, had a strong, realistic intention, put lots of focus into your spell, and followed through in real life – and you still aren’t seeing results. There are a couple of other things that could be blocking your spells, but they’re very uncommon so I’m not going to talk about them in as much detail. These may be things you want to look into if you really, genuinely can’t think of any other cause. 

  • It’s possible that another witch has done magic that cancels out or blocks yours. This is not common, and it does NOT mean that someone has cursed you. It could be as simple as two witches unknowingly casting spells with opposite intentions, which end up cancelling each other out. (For example, maybe two different people both cast a spell to get the same job. Obviously, they can’t both get that job.) This is why it’s never a bad idea to incorporate a protective element into your spells to block outside interference.
  • There is a very, very remote possibility that someone has placed a curse on you specifically to block your magic. However – and I cannot stress this enough – this is VERY uncommon. If you were cursed you would know it, or at least know that something was very wrong in your life. If you feel like you have been cursed or hexed, I recommend looking into uncrossing spells, which are specifically designed to undo negative magic.
  • It’s also possible that a higher power is intervening. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a deity, although it certainly could be. Most witches believe in some form of fate or destiny, and it’s possible that your spell didn’t work because what you asked for is not in alignment with your destiny. In these situations, really the only thing you can do is surrender to the bigger picture. 

Witchcraft is demanding, inconvenient and shows up sometimes without being invited. It forces movement when you’re not always 100% ready, and sometimes it can scare the shit out of you. Not just because it shows up when no one else does, but sometimes it’s eerily accurate and even a bit creepy. 

If you feel overwhelmed, pushed too hard, or scared and need a moment to decompress there is something called ‘active stillness’ or ‘active waiting.’ It’s a term used to describe a point in time when you are still moving forward with where you want to be, but you are taking a break, and processing in the calm. 

How do you know if it’s time to pull your energy back and take some time away from Witchcraft? 

If your energy is zapped for no reason. 

Have you been exhausted? Or requiring so much sleep but for no reason? Passing out at all hours of the day? This is a sign that your batteries are low, and you need a recharge. Take a break, read, write, do some art. Anything that makes you feel whole again. 

Having restless dreams or dreams with too many meanings.

Your dreams represent how your subconscious feels and if you are all over the place then your peace can’t catch a break. Listen to your dreams and if you’re struggling with the meanings and pacing of your sleep it could be a sign that you need a break from magic. Wait a few days or a week and see how you feel. Most likely your energy is just misfiring, and you need a reboot. 

Feeling out of sorts. 

Your feelings are the number one indicators that something is wrong. If you are feeling off then something is off. If this is happening to you, pull your energy back and take time to reassess. Ask yourself are you following your true path? There are many avenues of Witchcraft so make sure you are staying true to yourself.

Reading too much tarot or doing too many spells. 

Have you been bombarding yourself with too many spells or reading too much tarot? The energy needed to do these things is A LOT and if you’re have not  been taking care of yourself or taking time to recoup then you could be feeling magical hangover. Take a break in between rituals and give yourself time to recharge. 

Scaring the shit out of yourself from a ritual or spell. 

Sometimes you summon spirits during a séance AND THEY FUCKING SHOW UP. Now most of the time Witchcraft is working with yourself and your manifestations, but sometimes it’s about other elements too. And those things can be overwhelming and scary. If you feel like you’ve gone too far and need to take a step back DO IT. Don’t let your magic or anyone push you into feel like you aren’t doing enough. Everyone has their own path and if you need to take a break to process or decompress, do it. You are the only rule in your magical journey.

Life is demanding. 

This is the one that I see everyone struggle with the most. Magic is demanding and that means time-consuming. If you’re juggling school, work, life, kids, baby, marriage, family, hobbies, friends, passion projects and more it can get out of hand. If you are experiencing a big uptick in what you are doing or going through a stressful time, sometimes Witchcraft gets pushed to the end of the line. And that’s totally OK, it happens. Just remember it’s not forever, just for now. 

You’ve been sick or ill. 

If you haven’t been feeling well (mental or physical) it may not be the best time for you to practice magic. Not saying this is the rule for everyone, but if you have been experiencing an illness really asses and see if you need to conserve your energy for when you are feeling better and focus on the healing for the time being. 


hii, can you explain how i cleanse my cristalls?would be nice :)


Hi there, thank you for asking this! I haven't talked very much about cleansing crystals in depth.

There are multiple ways to cleanse your crystals, and I encourage trying different methods until you find something that works best for you (This applies to everything in witchcraft basically).

Why Cleanse Your Crystals?

(This is my opinion and experience)

Cleansing your crystals is so important. Crystals are like sponges and will absorb the energy of anything that touches it.

This means anyone who touches your crystals will have some of their energy absorbed by the crystal. If you have a really bad day with a crystal in your pocket, that energy gets absorbed by your crystal.

They project energy back out into the world as well. You don't want any negative energy projected back onto you.

When Do They Need Cleansing?

Cleanse them after:

  • A bad day if they were in your pocket or being worn.
  • You hang out with someone new
  • A ritual
  • A spell
  • If their energy feels old, stagnant, or stale
  • If you haven't paid attention to them in a while

You can cleanse them as often or as little as you would personally like.

How Do You Cleanse Them?

There are multiple ways to cleanse crystals. These are all of the ways that I know of:

NOTE: RESEARCH YOUR CRYSTALS not all of them are safe for water, salt, or sun cleansing

  • Smoke Cleansing - Lighting an incense, herbal bundle, or whatever you burn and using the smoke to cleanse your crystal.
  • Sun/Moon Light Cleansing - Leaving the crystals somewhere they can get sun/moonlight (window, outside, etc.) and cleansing them with the light for a few hours
  • Salt Cleansing - Sticking your crystals in a pile of salt for a couple of hours, cleansing them with earthy energies.
  • Earth Cleansing - Burying your crystals overnight for the earth to cleanse naturally (Mark where it is so you don't lose them)
  • Water Cleansing - Running water over your crystals or letting them sit in water for a little while.
  • Fire Cleansing - Lighting a candle and running your crystal over the candle flame
  • Sound Cleansing - Using the sound of a Tibetan singing bowl, bells, music, clapping, etc. you can cleanse your crystals by breaking up energy through the vibrations of sound.

That is all that I know about crystal cleansing! I hope this was helpful for you! Let me know if you need more explanation.



Abundance: Arnica

Balance: Heather

Banishing negative energy: Lilac, Snapdragon

Beauty: Amaryllis, Pentas, Wolf’s Bane

Clairvoyance: Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace

Communication: Datura (with Deities), Foxglove (with Fae), Pansy

Courage: Geranium, King Protea

Creativity: King Protea

Divination: Chicory, Damiana, Datura, Hibiscus, Pansy, Poppy, Rose

Dreams: Calendula (psychic dreams), Dandelion, Datura, Poppy

Energy: Carnation, Sunflower (sun energy)

Exorcism: Angelica, Dandelion, Datura, Henbane, Lilac

Fertility: Daffodil, Damiana, Foxglove, Geranium, Heather, Myrtile, Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace, Sunflower

Friendship: Hydrangea, Passion Flower

Happiness: Calendula, Hyacinth, Lily of the Valley, Pansy, Scarlet Pimpernel, Sunflower, Tulip

Harmony: Gardenia, Iris, Jasmine, Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Violet

Healing: Arnica, Angelica, Calendula, Carnation, Chicory, Gardenia, Geranium, Heather, Lavender, Rose, Scarlet Pimpernel, Vervain

Hope: Daisy, Violet

Innocence: Daisy, Freesia

Invisibility: Poppy, Wolf’s Bane

Joyfulness: Birds of Paradise

Love: Buttercup, Daffodil, Daisy, Damiana, Datura, Foxglove, Gardenia, Geranium, Heather, Hibiscus, Hyachint, Iris, Jasmine, Lavender, Lilac, Orchid, Pansy, Pentas, Poppy, Queen Anne’s Lace, Tulip, Vervain, Violet, Yarrow Flower

Luck: Carnation, Chicory, Daffodil, Dandalion, Honeysuckle, Poppy, Violet

Lust: Damiana, Heather, Hibiscus, Queen Anne’s Lace

Marriage: Buttercup, Yarrow Flower

Money: Bergamot, Chamomile, Honeysuckle

Passion: Chamomile, Passion Flower, Rose

Patience: Aster

Peace: Gardenia, Iris, Lavender, Passion Flower, Poppy, Violet

Pleasure: Sweet Pea

Prosperity: Jasmine, Poppy

Protection:  Angelica, Arnica, Carnation, Datura, Dogwood, Foxglove, Geranium, Heather, Holly, Hyacinth, Lilac, Lily, Marigold, Rose, Scarlet Pimpernel, Snapdragon, Tulip, Vervain, Violet, Wolf’s Bane

Psychic Ability: Arnica, Calendula, Damiana, Orchid, Rose, Moonflower

Purification: Chicory, Dandelion, Lavender

Relaxation: Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender, Poppy, Vervain

Removal of Curses/Breaking Hexes: Chicory, Datura, Hydrangea, Lily

Second sight: Henbane, Queen Anne’s Lace, Scarlet Pimpernel

Sensuality: Heather

Sexuality: Damiana, Foxglove

Sleep: Chamomile, Elderflower, Linden, Poppy, Violet

Spirit: Arnica (keeps unwanted spirits at bay), Bergamot (lifts spirit), Dandelion (summoning spirits), Heather (conjuring spirits), Honeysuckle

Spirituality: Jasmine, Queen Anne’s Lace, Rose

Strength: Carnation, Chicory

Success: Bergamot, Chicory, Sunflower

Tranquility: Lavender, Poppy, Rose, Violet

Transformation: Datura, King Protea, Moonflower, Scarlet Pimpernel

Vision: Angelica, Damiana, Datura

Vitality: Carnation

Wealth: Elderflower, Honeysuckle, Jasmine

Wisdom: Henbane

🌈Flower Colours and Magical Correspondences🌈

  • BLACK AND DARK BURGUNDY: The Crone,  banishing, breaking hexes, and removing negativity
  • BLUE: Element of water,  healing, sleep, and peace
  • BROWN AND  BEIGE:  Home,  stability,  and pets
  • GREEN: The God, element of earth,   faeries, healing, money, luck and fertility
  • PINK:  Friendship, children, affection and love
  • PURPLE: Power, psychic abilities and passion
  • RED: The Mother, element of fire, lust, love, sex, healing and protection
  • WHITE: The Maiden,  all  purpose, purification, protection,  and moon magick
  • YELLOW: Element of air, wisdom, mental powers,and divination 
  • ORANGE: Energy, vitality, and success

🌻🍂Flowers of the Month🍃❄️

  • January: carnation (bestows energy, healing), snowdrop (symbolizes new beginnings)
  • February: violet (love, protection), primrose (protection, love)
  • March: daffodil (fertility, love)
  • April: sweet pea (friendship, strength), daisy (love), lily (keeps negative influences away  [White: symbol for the archangel Gabriel])
  • May: lily of the valley (perks you up, lifts your spirits [all part of the flower are mildly toxic, should not be ingested]), hawthorn (fertility, happiness, good luck in fishing)
  • June: rose (love), honeysuckle (prosperity)
  • July: larkspur (health, protection), water lily (healing, emotions, psychic powers [use it in water spells, rituals])
  • August: gladiola (ending relationships, ending situations,), poppy (luck, prosperity)
  • September: morning glory (can be used in binding spells, peace, happiness), aster (can be used in love spells)
  • October: calendula (strength, healing, justice)
  • November: chrysanthemum (protection, protects you from negativity)
  • December: holly (protection, male plant), ivy (fidelity, love, female plant)

🔱Goddesses and Associated Plants🔱

  • APHRODITE: Violet, Morning glory, Rose, Linden, Heather, Queen Anne’s Lace, Daisy and all true blue flowers      
  • APOLLO: Arnica, Henbane
  • ARADIA: Rue, Vervain, Verbena
  • ARIANRHOD: Linden
  • ARTEMIS: Artemesia, Daisy, Damiana    
  • ASTRAEA: Aster, Michaelmas daisy
  • BAST: Catnip
  • BIL: Henbane
  • BRIGHID OR BRIDE: Dandelion,  Crocus, Helebores          
  • CERNUNNOS: Chamomile
  • CERRIDWEN: Vervain/verbena
  • CHRONOS: Henbane
  • CYBELE: Chrysanthemum
  • DIANA: Rue, Henbane, Rose
  • DRYADS: Daisy
  • FAE: Daisy
  • FREYA:  Maidenhair fern, Daisy, Rose, Primrose and Arnica
  • GANESHA: Damiana
  • HADES: Datura
  • HATHOR: Rose
  • HECATE: Cyclamen, Lavender, Willow, Hensbane, Datura, Wolf’s Bane and Monkshood (aconite)
  • HEL: Chrysanthemum
  • HERA:   Iris, Willow
  • HESTIA: Passion Flower
  • HOLDA: Rose in full bloom
  • HYPNOS: Passion Flower
  • IRIS: Iris, Rose
  • ISIS: Rose, Heather and purple  Iris
  • JUNO: Iris
  • JUPITER: Carnation
  • KALO: Hibiscus
  • LADY OF GUADALUPE:  Red and pink roses, Poinsettias
  • LILITH:  Lily; Deep-Red, Thorny, Garden-Style Roses
  • LUNA: Queen Anne’s Lace
  • MAE LABRAID: Heather
  • MAIA: Scarlet Pimpernel
  • MARS: Daffodil
  • MEDEA: Lavender
  • MERCURY: Chamomile
  • MINERVA: Thistle, Olive, and Mulberries              
  • NATURAJA: Datura
  • NECHTAN: Heather
  • NEPHTHYS: Lily
  • OESTRE: Daisy
  • OSHUN: Chamomile, Yarrow Flower
  • PERSEPHONE:   Parsley, Pomegranate, Henbane
  • RA: Arnica, Chamomile
  • SATURN: Datura, Lavender
  • SELENE: Rose, Bluebell, Nicotiana, Queen Anne’s Lace   and all white and night-blooming flowers
  • SHANGO: Hibiscus
  • SHAVA: Linden
  • SHIVA: Datura
  • ST. ANNE: Chamomile
  • VENUS: Violet, Morning glory,  Rose, Hibiscus, Queen Anne’s Lace, Heather and all true blue flowers    
  • YEMAYA: Passion Flower, Yarrow Flower
  • ZEUS: Damiana

Source: Garden Witchery - Magic from the ground up by Ellen Dugan 


Let’s talk about •••

••• Spirit Work

• Spirit Work 101

Spirit Work is a term that was coined very recently, mostly having an upsurge with the new age witchcraft in social medias - that is not to say that the practice of communicating with spirits is new, rather, that such a term can be used in an overgeneralized manner. That in turn leads to misinformation about the topic.

•• So, what is Spirit Work?

Broadly, it is seen as a witchcraft practice where a person uses their abilities to communicate with spirits - people who have passed, guides, ancestors and such. What the term doesn’t clarify is that there are a multitude of ways in doing that, from religious practices to self developed methods as well as the target audience of that spirit work.

Taking a look at the word spirit we find the first divergence of intent: those stated before all fall in the category of deceased human spirits; then we have those who through their animistic or similar beliefs include the spirits of animals and all beings (and “things”) who once lived. Then, we have another category, those that communicate with the otherworldly and nature centred beings that have passed (though most commonly those are still alive), such as the Fae. Others include communication with deities in this practice, and lastly, we have another modality of those that work with the essence of spirits, be they dead or alive - they are included for they too have soul. • This is the first break, and as such themes and different styles of practitioners can already be found, most commonly used are Mediums, Healers, Channelers, Communicators.

Outside of that, we have believers and followers of certain religions that also have this designated space for that type of communication, though I won’t go into detail for this, Norse Paganism, Spiritism and African Traditional and Descending Religions, are some of them.

••• So, no, it is not a bad thing that this practice has been disseminated and made accessible to all practitioners, witches, pagans and heathens out there - but one must always take a step back and analyze the information they have as well as the intent they will follow in this path.

Spirit Work is no game, it can have serious consequences and that should not discourage you to try - rather, encourage you to be attentive and take it seriously.

• What not to do

This here, at least for me (but feel free to add on or disagree, the beauty of the community are the different methods after all) - are some of the absolute don’ts when practicing Spirit Work, divided in two topics as there is a theoretical and a practical side to it.

• Theoretical

Don’t immediately go following any instructions, no matter if they explicitly are for summoning, inviting or channeling or just imply that it’ll make your communication with spirits easier.

Because: You need to be 100% aware of what exactly you are doing, though there are some good sources, it is always good to double and even triple check ingredients, intents and procedures before starting anything.

Don’t begin anything if you don’t have contingency plans and a way to clear a possible mess up.

Because: When doing this type of work, you are the only thing you have control of - spirits can be volatile, especially if you’re starting communication with ones you never had contact with before. Plan ahead and certify yourself that even if something goes out of what was expected you'll be able to deal with it.

• Practical

Don’t call forth anything that you have no idea what and who exactly it is.

Because: There are opportunistic spirits that excel in impersonating. If your intentions are unclear when channeling or inviting someone or something they can and will take the chance. Be clear about who you are working with.

Don’t be rude or insistent towards spirits.

Because: Spirits deserve respect, and as such, you won’t want to anger an immaterial being just because of impatience. Treat them as you would like to be treated. Being firm doesn’t mean being rude.

Don’t keep your sensitivity channel open, if you can.

Because: The Spirit World is everywhere, and it exists alongside our material World. When working with spirits you’ll see that there are moments you need to distance yourself otherwise the input will be constant. Learn how to control and lock your sensitivity as it is being developed to minimize bothersome encounters or overload of inputs.

Don’t do your Spirit Work in any place - reserve a specific place for it.

Because: Not only is this a sign of respect towards the spirits you’ll be communicating with, but it also makes it easier for you to control, cleanse and protect that environment.

•• How to

Preparation and Protection

After that many Dont´s, we finally go towards the Do´s. Let me get this right, I by nature am extremely paranoid, and due to that I find preparation and protection essential to control variables, be confident and to keep calm - like this, I don’t fear the unknown nor the uncontrollable because one way or another I'm ready for it.

Now, once again, these preparatory and protective steps will depend a lot on what method of Spirit Work you’re practicing, but some of them are pretty universal and these are the one’s I’ll be passing on to you.

• To Prepare

A spirit worker's body and spirit must always be clear, attentive and sensible. To prepare you must do whatever rituals pertain to your practice, that prepare you emotionally, psychologically and spiritually to deal and work with spirits.

This might include meditation, trance work, cleansing rituals and so on - this takes off the layer of mundane impressions that could marr your interpretation and leave you like a clean slate through which the Spirit’s voice can be clearly understood.

Your working space should also be clean on any influencing energies, organized and quiet enough (or loud enough depending on your vertent) for you to focus solely on the presence you’ll be working with.

I particularly find that asking for permission and guidance from my guides always makes this preparation process easier, as that is their realm and their ponctuations, advice and warnings are always welcome.

• Being Protected

There are three points of protection: Your Body (which is the conductor of your energy), Your Mind (which contains your Spirit - though not all beliefs follow this) and Your House (or de place you do your Spirit work).

These three should be duly protected and warded as you see fit before you start your spirit work. Methods for those vary as they can be easily found around the internet, in books and such. I wouldn’t be able to tell you which method of protection and warding you’ll prefer, which you’ll absolutely trust to work and which will be ideal to your specific target audience with spirit work but, one advice: Never share all ingredients nor steps of your protection and warding spells.

You may realize that I rarely, if ever, post spells. The answer is simple: any spell can be counteracted, especially if people know everything you used.

And trust me when I say that these protection and warding spells of your for Spirit Working are ones you wouldn’t like to be tampered with.

•••• 👁 ••••

For now that’s it, this post was very broad as I talked about general warnings and things of importance that precede the practice of Spirit Working. It’ll be a short series of posts, with only two.

The second one will be more action centered, most likely bigger with explanations of what to do in each case of spirit working. Till then, yeah?


Ritual for Emotional Independence

I made this ritual when getting over a really bad break-up and it helped me alot. I beleive it can be used to let go of any feeling towards a person. Like love or even anger and hatred. It’s so you can grow to be independent and not have that emotional dependance.


What you’ll need:

Green candle

Pictures of or representing the person

Water in a bowl ( I used fresh snow water)

A space to meditate


Proceed to the next step only when you feel ready!


Sit, stand or lay down in a meditation pose and regulate your breathing

When you feel ready light the green candle and watch the flame

Take a deep breath in and hold the pictures

Say “ Once for letting go of guilt”

Rip the paper once

Say “Twice for letting go”

Rip the paper again

Say “ Three times for independence”

Rip the paper once more

Submurge the ripped up papers in the bowl of water

Hold the bowl and meditate, repeating the phrase “it is time to let go. It’s ok to let go”

Stop when you feel ready to then dump the water that is colored with the ink from the pictures. Feel your emotions toward this person and emotional dependence leave you as the water flows.


I hope this helps!

I know there are plenty more out there with similar steps but I used what I have learned independantly to make this for myself.


“King/Queen of the Castle” Spell Jar

“I’m the queen of the castle, get down you dirty rascal!”

A spell jar to banish lingering romantic feelings after a relationship and/or unrequited love while also boosting self confidence & self love.

Inspired by Anna of Cleves’ solo “Get Down” from Six the Musical.

Do not repost any of my spells, curses, etc. Reblogs are OK. You can put them in your grimoires/books if you credit me, "whoa-its-dani or whoa-its-my-grimoire on tumblr”.


🖤Banishing Spell for Break Ups (Platonic or Romantic)🖤

(inspired by that Geralt & Jaskier break up scene, you know the one.)


🖤 bowl (fire resistant━ glass, metal, etc.) 

🖤 black candle 

🖤 lighter/match

🖤 name sigil/photo of the target


🖤 After gathering everything you need, take a moment to ground yourself, and then cast your circle

🖤 Light the black candle and focus on the flames. Visualize your target and all the reasons why you want them out of your life.

🖤 Take the target’s photo/name sigil, hold it over the flame before placing it into the bowl. 

🖤 As the photo/sigil burns repeat this three times:

Life give me this blessing 
Take them off my hands 
And out of my sight

🖤 As you chant imagine them disappearing from your life for good, imagine how your life will be without their presence.

🖤 When it’s done burning take the ashes and throw them away in the garbage bin outside your house. 

🖤 Make sure to cleanse your work area afterwards!!!

(Alternatively: If you can’t burn anything, you can just focus your intent into the photo/sigil and repeat the incantation as you tear it up before throwing it away.)


“Just Desserts” Curse

A curse to give someone their “just desserts”.

A pun on the phrase “just deserts”, ‘desert’ meaning a ‘person’s worthiness or entitlement to reward or punishment’, this curse uses something sweet to do something sour to your target.

Note: I am not a Wiccan and do not believe in the “Rule of 3″, or any such concept. Please keep all anti-curse comments to yourself. Thank you.

Do not repost any of my spells, curses, etc. Reblogs are OK. You can put them in your grimoires/books if you credit me, “whoa-its-dani or whoa-its-my-grimoire on tumblr”.


Seiðr Sources Masterpost 2021

Here is an updated list of all of the books and papers I recommend for the study of seiðr

The Viking Way - Neil Price

The Archeology of Seiðr: Circumpolar Traditions in Viking Pre-Christian Religion - Neil Price 

Old Norse Religion in Long Term Perspectives: Spinning Seiðr - Eldar Heide

A Sourcebook of Seið - Stephen Flowers (there are a lot of problems with this guy but its just a collection of every mention of seiðr in the sagas and Eddas)

The Chicanery of Seiðr 

On Shamanic Traditions

SHAMAN An International Journal  for Shamanistic Research

ECSTATIC RELIGION A Study of Shamanism and Spirit Possession 

On Spirits

The heroized dead. People, animals, and materiality in Scandinavian death rituals, AD 200-1000 - Kristina Jennbert

On Shapeshifting and Soul-parts

Road to Hel- H R Ellis Davidson

Initiation Rituals in Old Norse Texts and their Relationship to Finno Karelian Bear Cult Rituals

Related Topics

The Religious Roles in pre-Christian Scandinavia




Witchcraft 101

What is a Sigil? A sigil is a symbol with a mystical or magical meaning. Historically the term sigil referred to a type of pictorial signature of an angel, daemon, or spirit. For example, The Lesser Key of Solomon, contains the sigils for the princes in the hierarchy of hell. These sigils were believed to be a representation of the true name of the spirit and thus granted the magical practitioner some control over the being.

Most contemporary sigil crafting is a bit different so today I’ll be showing you how to make a chaos magic sigil. A chaos magic sigil is different from these historic sigils because we’re not calling upon any particular spirit. Instead we are using a personal intention or goal to formulate and charge a custom symbol. Like many varieties of spellwork the intention setting is crucial and crafting a sigil begins by coming up with a sentence or phrase which best encapsulates what we’d like to achieve.

So why do we go through the trouble of creating a sigil and not just write your intention as a sentence on a piece of paper? Well we can get some guidance from Ray Sherwin, one of the founders of Chaos magic. He stated “The magician acknowledges a desire, he lists the appropriate symbols and arranges them into an easily visualized glyph. Using any of the gnostic techniques he reifies the sigil and then, by force of will, hurls it into his subconscious from where the sigil can begin to work unencumbered by desire.”

So the reason we transform the intention statement into a symbol is so our subconscious reads it as opposed to our conscious mind. Something similar occurs with tarot. You could just have a simple note card that lists the meanings of each card. But then we are using our conscious mind to read the words and not really tapping into our subconscious. By using images and symbolism, it’s easier to move beyond our conscious mind and tap into something deeper and intuitive.

How to Make a Sigil? The sigil making process is composed of two phases: construction and charging. In the first part, the sigil is drawn and created as a physical object. In the second part, the sigil is given energy or “charged” and it becomes more than a simple drawing.

Step 1: Choose your sigil type Sigils can be destructible, temporary, or permanent. How you create and charge the sigil may change based on which type you’d like to create.

Destructible sigils are activated by being destroyed. The act of destroying is what creates the burst of energy giving the sigil its power. This is usually done by writing your sigil on a piece of paper and then setting it on fire though you could also carve the sigil onto food and then consume it.

Temporary sigils are sigils that will eventually disappear with time. These types of sigils could be drawn on your skin with a marker or carved into a candle which will eventually be melted.

Permanent sigils are made to last and are meant to be active for a long period of time. Occasionally permanent sigils are recharged to keep the energy active. Sigils like these could be made into pottery as an art piece or you could write a sigil on a piece of paper to be placed behind a painting or under a piece of furniture.

In the video linked below I show you how to make a really simple destructible sigil. To make the sigil you’ll need paper, something to write with, a matchbook, and a fire safe container.

Step 2: Draw the Sigil Begin by defining your desire in one sentence. It helps to use the present tense “I am” vs “I will be.” Also, If your sigil focuses on one thing, it will have a better chance of succeeding so try not to be too broad in your intention setting.

Next, write your intention down on a piece of paper. For my example I’m going to use the intention “I am relaxed.” With the whole quarantine thing right now, I’ve definitely been experiencing more anxiety than usual so hopefully this sigil will help to bring in a calming energy.

Next delete all the vowels and repeated letters in you intention and start composing the pieces of your remaining letters one at a time creating an abstract symbol. Try not to focus too much on what the drawing looks like, let your subconscious guide you in this part. We’ll be burning this sigil anyway so there’s no need to worry about the attractiveness of the sigil.

Step 3: Charge the Sigil There are many different ways to charge a sigil. Since I’m making a destructible sigil the act of burning will be what charges it. Though before I burn it I like to spend a few moments placing my hands on the sigil and visualizing a warm light flowing through my hands and onto the paper. You can also charge a sigil by dancing, chanting, or clapping so choose the method you feel fits best with the type of sigil you are creating.

When you burn the sigil, make sure you’re in a safe and quiet space without distractions. After the sigil is completely burned it is now charged and you can dispose of the ashes. At this point the work is done you can record the ritual in your grimoire and then just let the magic do it’s work.


Magick/Witchcraft Tips

I’ve been practicing magick for a bit now, and here are some tips I’ve learned from experience, others, etc. I hope they’re helpful to someone. Designing Rituals - When you design rituals, they don’t actually have to have any classical correspondences in them. You could choose to invoke The Flash, and then charge a sigil by playing Injustice, for example, and it works. You can use whatever symbolism, pantheons, fictional characters, and so on, that work to get you the beliefs, emotions, and meaning you need to feel for your magick. Many people may find they can invoke Superman and his qualities, easier than they can invoke, say, Sol Invictus.  Write Your Magick - Write down what you intend to do, what you are going to do, what ingredients you (will/would) use. When you write down your intentions, you are already in the process of manifesting them. Lighting a candle, some incense/essential oil diffuser/keeping charged crystals nearby, and/or taking a ritual cleansing bath beforehand all help to get you into a magical mindset. Magical Consciousness - This is a concept I first read about in books by the chaos magician Phil Hine, and also by comic artist and chaos magician Grant Morrison, and just the “everyday magic” vibe that people talk about. This is about looking at everything as magick. Everything as inherently programmable with your intent and meaning, and look at everything that happens in the context of magical symbolism or significance. Let your reality become magical. Substitutions - When you look at spell ingredient lists, feel free to substitute ingredients for other ingredients. some common substitutions include clear quartz being able to replace any other crystal, rosemary being able to substitute any herb, and so on. I’ve used mowed grass and twigs before, and random stones that I told myself were gems through a process like transubstantiation. This brings us to… Visualize Your Magick - Everything you do, visualize casting the spell, and getting results, before you cast, while you cast, and after you cast. If you don’t have certain ingredients, simply visualize that you do. Cut out pieces of paper and write names of gemstones, herbs, oils, or any other components you want but don’t have, to keep in a manifestation box, or satchets. If you can get them someday, you will, if not, you can even skip the physical representation step, and you can even just fully imagine having them, which brings us to… You in Wonderland - This is a concept that has also been referred to as the “astral temple” by some. Wonderland mostly comes as a reference to the classic story by Lewis Carroll, and some terminology in the tulpamancy community. Essentially, this is a place that you build in meditation and visualization over time, and go back to to perform magick, meditate, commune with spirits, and so on. Anything you can physically do, you also do mentally and spiritually in your wonderland/astral temple. Any gesture, any words, any ingredients, any motions, can all be performed, or utilized, completely in your imagination.   Belief is a Tool - As long as you keep your belief system worked out, and fully invest yourself in it, for the duration of your casting, you will get results. Magick doesn’t need to be believed in to work, but you’ll get better results if you can truly have yourself believe what you are doing will work, especially during the experience of the actual ritual/casting. Believing in the magick after casting simply requires waiting confidently for results to manifest from synchronicity, deity/deities, the universe, etc. Clear Quartz, Salt, and Water - All of these things are essentially blank slates energetically, after they’ve been cleansed. Clear quartz crystal can be programmed with any intent, using the will, so clear quartz can substitute for any crystal, and carrying charged quartz just on its own works well. Water has been scientifically proven to have memory, and have molecular structure changed by certain words, or thoughts, being spoken to/thought at it. Look up images of water crystals, after the water has been exposed to loving, or hateful, language. Drink the water that has been blessed, “gift” the water that has been hexed, use positive water on your plants, etc. Salt can also be used as a programmable crystal, helps to channel, and also helps ground any negativity that might be in your casting. This will probably do for now. My last tip is to just keep your mind open in magick, and look around you for anything that can be used, and realize that… anything can be used. Good luck, have fun.  🖖



As an atheist occultist (psychomancy), people often question my interest in magick. I have no spiritual belief. What could I possibly get out of magick and ritual?


Magick is the ability to stretch your mind to think in new ways; to consider a topic from a novel point of view; to view philosophical, physical, and psychological principles in a living way. Magick is using your imagination to go one step beyond, much like the mystics and scholars of times past. Magick brings life to static ideas, animating the mind and exposing a glimpse of something not yet understood.

Magick is art.

Art informs ideas. Ideas inform innovation, invention, new systems of meaning.

Magick is the practice of inspiration.


Obsidian - banish negativity, reflect negative energies, protection. Quartz - can be programmed with intent, and magnify energies, in this case energies of protection. Basil - protection, wealth, repels negativity, prosperity, strength, success. Bay - protection, strength, healing, repel negativity, money, luck, spell-breaking, strength. Cedar - purification, protection, gain, longevity, prosperity, strength, success, wealth. Cinnamon - protection, success, money, healing, luck, increase power of spell, prosperity, protection, tranquility Garlic - protection, healing, confidence, consecration, courage, longevity, luck, money, spell-breaking, stop gossip, strength, success, stop theft. Mint - protection, prosperity, money, luck, healing, purification.

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