
animes and mongos

@holyuke / holyuke.tumblr.com

just gabe

I am so happy I finally finished my Downloads Page, now is going to be easier to find all my CC.

💖 full cc packs 🌲 2 mini kit ⭐ 5 special items 🌺 7 lines/series/collections


people have never wanted their posts to pop off on here that is... not a new development

if anything it used to be worse because your activity/notifications used to be directly on your dash. so you REALLY did not want a popular post. if you got one you didn't see your actual dash for days

tumblr is a pvp enabled zone, kids

Used to be like this kids and it was fucking awful

A popular post meant seeing all notifications between each post on your dash as they happened. It's also why we hated spam rebloggers.

this post is giving war flashbacks to everyone who was on tumblr before 2016 and i will not apologise

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