@taylrswift /

i'm just gonna keep cruising, as they say

“One of my favorite quotes is how Nora Ephron used to say, ‘Everything is copy.’ Everything that happened to her, she used as inspiration, and I think that one of my favorite things about female writers, about writers in general, about people who take what happens to them and they process it and they put it out into the world is if you write, you can turn your lessons into your legacy. And so I’m just really happy to get to do this.”


it's me and the three other masc-adjacent swifties against the world

this was a joke post obviously but it is genuinely really alienating sometimes to be an even somewhat gnc fan. had a really interesting conversation with a new friend today about how she always felt taylor's music and fandom was not FOR her, so she never tried it, because she was too marginalized and too different—not just from taylor herself but from what she saw of her fanbase. and it's soooo interesting to look at the normativity that taylor represents (generally through no fault of her own) in terms of whiteness, cisheterosexuality, etc, and what that means for her fanbase and why she has been able to grow to such massive levels of popularity. but also at who ends up being left out, not even necessarily on purpose or because of outright hostility, but just because all of this doesn't feel like it's for them.

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