Who's laughing now?

@dumbnerr / dumbnerr.tumblr.com

Danny | They/Them | 25 | Please read my about! | Icon by @letmebegaytodd | Sidebar by @thatsaspicyfallout

How people treat you after you come out as trans is as if there was a murder and you are both the victim and the culprit.

Cis people will never understand the true pain of watching your family grieve your death while simultaneously treating you as if you, personally, cut the throat of whomst their grief lies with, even though its you, and you're still living.


The chemical name for vitamin C is “ascorbic acid”. I always used to wonder about this one. Is being ascorbic like being acerbic? Is it like being ascetic? Absorbent? Some combination of all of them?

Today I learned that scorbi is just a Latinish way of writing scurvy. So a-scorbi-c acid is “no-scurvy acid”.


Eat this orange. It’s full of FuckScurvium.


hey so just to clear this up, he/him lesbians and trans men are completely different lol. lesbians are women. he/him lesbians are generally women who feel very detached from womanhood because of their lesbianism, but they are still women. they just use unconventional pronouns, and their reasons for doing so are really none of your business. trans men are men. men cannot be lesbians. the end.

Dean Domino: oh no,, my ego, my poor ego! oh woman, could you spare a stroke? stroke my ego just once? oh, you refuse? that’s fine, i don’t mind. i diagnose you with whore

Well  my gamers, bottoms & ghouls, it is that time again. That;s right it is time to drink WATER


Bilbo's sign, except tattooed right above my ass as a tramp stamp

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