
Beebeep, I'm Evan

@evan-lee-james-blog / evan-lee-james-blog.tumblr.com

17 | Endoboy | Pan

Moss Graffiti: A How To Guide

are you fucking for real

Imagine being the criminal who returns weekly to make sure his fucking plant art is doing alright


I found it! I fucking found it! In my fucking dash! Nothing can stop me now! *EVIL GIGGLES*



Anyone who does this is a chaotic-good


Everyone: we want more LGBT+ characters in our stories !

Rick Riordan: okay here have a gay Italian sad boy

Everyone: I mean, it’s all right but-…

Rick Riordan: I understand. Want a bisexual main character, who happens to be a god?

Everyone: oh that’s actually nice…but! How about girls-

Rick Riordan: you’re totally right. Here have a pair of lesbian hunters

Everyone: …um this is actually pretty nice…how about-

Rick Riordan: a pansexual main character?

Everyone: yea-

Rick Riordan: with a gender fluid love interest? Say no more! Anything else?


I don’t know… why not an aro/ace character maybe ?

The Hunters of Artemis

This is why Rick Riordan is so important

He is like little baby

I can not explain how much I love rick roairdane.

Rick Riordan is also using his money and fame to lift marginalized authors. He started a whole imprint called Rick Riordan Presents. The books published there have mythology and folklore from all over the world, and they’re written by authors who actually belong to those cultures. The first three books announced have stories based in Korean, Mayan, and Indian cultures, written by Yoon Ha Lee, Jennifer Cervantes, and Roshani Chokshi respectively.

Rick Riordan is pretty fucking cool. Ive never seen a YA put as much care and effort into growing as a writer, specifically with a focus on increasing diversity, as him.

The fact that he’s a UT alum from San Antonio who taught middle school English just warms my heart.

it’s been confirmed by basically everyone: rick riordan is fucking amazing and we love him

He’s my most favorite author ever



I need some help. Please.

Okay, so this is my baby, Alex

On the morning of August 25, I lost him. This is a hard post to write.

I drove home late Saturday august 24th because he wasn’t doing well (my mom took care of him while I’m at school but I FaceTimed him every single day)

Alex wasn’t eating or pooping, this has happened before but we can usually get him out of it by using pear juice, baby gas drops, tummy massages, critical care and other things. I knew this time was different. We got him to the emergency vet (over an hour away) at around 8:30 PM. He was different this time.

They took an x-Ray and did some bloodwork and found he had a big gas bubble in his tummy. And the bloodwork showed his potassium and proteins were off. His temperature was Also a little low, running 99ish and rabbits should run over 100

They wanted to hospitalize him for 24 hours but I didn’t want to leave my baby. We stayed for a while and they gave him pain meds, he became very sleepy after this, this is the last picture I have of him alive, he was sleeping in my arms

They started an IV drip to hydrate him and hopefully get things moving, there was also pain medication in the drip.

We left him there but got a hotel 5 minutes away. ($120) I slept absolutely none, and called to check on him ever 1-2 hours.

I called at 4am and they tell me his temperature had dropped (96ish) and were planning on starting syringe feeding at 6am if there were no improvements

He didn’t make it to 6

I woke my mother and we went there straight away. We get there about 4:10 and he was in a small room they have for rabbits and it was really warm trying to raise his temp. At this point we’re doing almost everything, there’s one other thing they can do.

A procedure where they sedate him and go in his stomach with a tube and release the gas (which he still had not passed)

I agree to this because it was a last resort, my baby wasn’t eating or using the bathroom. I sat on the floor and held him for a couple minutes before they took him to do the procedure. I remember holding him and putting my head on his and thinking “I hope this isn’t the last time I get to hold him, I have to remember this moment.” And it was the last time I held him alive.

They did the procedure and the vet comes out and says they got a good amount of gas out and he pooped one pellet, I was hopeful. I went back to see him and he was laying on the table, groggy from the sedation. I rubbed him and told him I loved him. I told them about how sweet of a bun he was, how he loved to get under the recliner and thought it was a game, how he just got a scooby doo chair that made him feel like a king.

They took him back to let him rest and I thought he could use it so I went to the waiting room. I’ve questioned and went over 1000 times or more in my head if I did the right thing. Because about 10-20 minutes later the vet comes and tells me Alex has arrested.

My baby. Writing this is beyond hard. I scream, I cry, she leaves and said something about CPR. I run to the back and open a door, I see him on the table and her trying to revive him. The vet tech comes out and tells me she’s doing what she can, I scream, I beg them to save him. He wanted to come home. I screamed I didn’t care about the money, just to help him.

They brought me my limp baby boy in a blanket, brown stuff all over his mouth and I cried and begged him to wake up. He didn’t. My baby was gone and gone too soon.

To you he may be just a rabbit but he was my baby, he helped me through things in ways I never thought he could. I found a love for rabbits, much more then them just being cute, they have personality and he was the best boy, he just wanted to be loved and he was, but I wanted to love him more and more and more and more.

Early in the night we realized the bill was going to be much more than the money we had in our pocket or our bank accounts. So we applied for care credit and were allowed $1,500. The total ended up being a little over 1,600 and we used $200 something from my grandmas credit card that we will have to pay back to her. The whole time I said “it’s okay, Alex has insurance, they’ll cover most of it right?”

WRONG. I got NATIONWIDE exotic pet insurance for emergencies like this and I submitted a claim. They are willing to give us a whopping $279??? So we called to find out the reason, and here’s the gag. They’ll only cover up to a certain amount of $ for a certain issue, so for GI Stasis (which is in simple terms what Alex had but there was other stuff going on) they only cover $140. They have a limit they will pay for each health issue so essentially Alex would have to have been even worse for them to cover more (I don’t remember what the other $139 went to) the exam itself cost $130. So honestly boycott nationwide because not only did they do this but we called the day it happened and told them to cancel the policy because he was deceased and when we called to question the amount, the policy was STILL ACTIVE!

So I’ve got this thing to pay off and if it’s not paid off in 6 months it gains 14% interest, not on what you have left to pay, but on the entire loan amount. Which is almost $200 more. I’m a student and will be doing work study but I can only work 80 hours per semester and will make less than $700 if I did all that. My dad doesn’t work because he has multiple sclerosis (and so do I, yippi! 😕) my mom is picking up every shift she can but we have extra medical bills because I just started a new medication after having a relapse on my old one.

I’ve been in a super depressed state since losing him, not being able to eat, drink, shower, or just generally take care of myself. This bill is a big stressor because I know it’s stressful to my mother as well and I worry about losing her too. I hope this post gets seen by people that would be willing to help me or at least pass this post on so that others could. I would never ask for this if I wasn’t desperate.

I’d do anything to hold my baby again, to tell him how much I love him, get nose kisses and give him treats, I’d pay even more. I’m going to post a couple more pictures of him and then my links to PayPal/cash app/ and Venmo at the bottom if anyone wants to donate to help me. If this gets a lot of attention somehow and I get enough to pay the bill off I will not let people continue to give me money, I will post updates of the care credit balance once i make payments. Here’s my baby:

Cashapp: $mikalaalex

Venmo: mikalaalex

Thank you for the donations I’ve received so far, I appreciate them more than you could ever know. Every little bit, every like and reblog helps, hug and kiss you babies extra for me today, don’t take them for granted. Here’s some more Alex for you all:

Thanks to all who have donated thus far, just made the first payment of $70 (which is about what I’ve gotten in donations so far) and the insurance check just came in so we’re gonna deposit it and pay that this week. We also resubmitted the claim to hopefully get more from Alex’s insurance and get this paid off because we keep having unexpected expenses (our washing machine just broke 🙄) so again if you can please donate or reblog this that would be amazing. And give your babies extra love, they deserve it 100% here’s the payment and some more of Alex for you all.



Ive no idea if something bit me or smtn idk but ive been so itchy for like 20 mins at first it was jus my scalp (more than usual) then under my chin then it was my scalp and under my chin and my whole neck now its that and my stomach and my arms and on my shoulders a lil. Hhhhhhhhh


People need to realize that there’s a difference between straight people and Straight People™

Straight person: Hey, you got a new haircut. Looks really good.

Straight Person™: No homo, but your haircut looks good on you.

In case you were confused 👌


Just like how there are white people who are gay and then there are the White Gays

White people who are gay: “I’m gay.”

White Gays: “I can’t believe I got accused of racism after calling that person a racial slur! I mean, I know what racism looks like because I’ve been discriminated for my sexuality. How is me being racist even possible? I’M GAY!”


Lmao all the angry White and Straight people in the comments, keep reblogging

neurotypical: i don’t have any mental illnesses or disorders Neurotypical™: Happiness is a choice!! ✨✨Have you tried yoga? Drink more water and eat kale ✨✨

cis person: i identify completely as my assigned gender Cis Person™: It doesn’t matter what you identify as, cause you still have Female Genitals! I’m not being offensive!! Read a book on Human Biology! 🚹🚺

men: I identify as male.

Men: feminazis ruin everything, get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich bitch

read this fuckin post


I know there's a whole sequence and all in which you've gotta say those 10 words that turn Bucky's winter soldier switch on. but like. imagine how fucking FUNNY it would be if saying just one (1) of those words made him go Absolutely Feral


Peter, completely unaware, singing while making cookies: YOU'RE THE DANCING QUEEN



[glass shatters 2 rooms away]




Peter: if I may offer you some advice-

Sam: shut up you're like nine


Steve: ...oh god

Steve: oh no

Steve: oh Jesus


Steve, crying: oh fuck-


Sam: Steve, what-

Bucky, kicking the door down, eyes glowing in the dark: R̷̫̓ẻ̴̺a̵̛͎d̴̬͋y̴͇͒ ̴̰̉t̸̡̍ö̵̜ ̴̳̽c̷͇͛ơ̷͜m̸̱̚p̷̲͛l̵̮̇ẙ̵̖

R̷̫̓ẻ̴̺a̵̛͎d̴̬͋y̴͇͒ ̴̰̉t̸̡̍ö̵̜ ̴̳̽c̷͇͛ơ̷͜m̸̱̚p̷̲͛l̵̮̇ẙ̵̖

Oh my GOD 😂😂😂


ok this is “earring magic ken” who was introduced in 1992 (and discontinued shortly thereafter)

basically mattel had done a survey and discovered that girls didn’t think ken was “cool” enough

SO someone had the bright idea to research coolness by sending people to raves which, at the time, were mostly hosted & attended by gay men. so they went to these raves and took notes on what the fashions were and finally landed on this outfit, mesh shirt & all 

this doll became the best selling ken doll in history, mostly because gay men bought it in droves. (many of them said his necklace was supposed to be a cockring) but mattel and a number of parents weren’t very amused and discontinued the doll 



MAGIC EARRING KEN. This bitch gay as HELL. supposedly the aforementioned rings on him are for “magic earrings” and clip on charms. These charms are advertised as totally COMPLETELY heterosexual, not gay at ALL, see there’s a Barbie that also has Magic Earring Action with clip on charms! Ken wears them to match, because he’s STRAIGHT

Here’s the issue: THERE IS NO MATCHING BARBIE. Magic Earring Ken is out here straight up wearing cock rings on his jacket with a thinly devised advertising ploy to make it SEEM not-gay. But it’s DEFINITELY GAY. (And if you’re thinking, why cock rings? Well way back in 1992 gay culture was HUGE on wearing cock rings, it was the in-style. Everyone who was gay wore one, even women; you sewed them to your leather jacket, and the placement indicated some of your sexual preference. In case you were wondering, Ken is a Bottom.)

AND IT GETS BETTER. Magic Earring Ken was on the shelves for six weeks before they pulled him. In that short amount of time? Magic Earring Ken became the BEST SELLING Barbie Doll Mattel has EVER SOLD. LET THAT SINK IN. SIX WEEKS. And now every time these wheezy old hetero windbag execs go to look at their sales board, they’re forever haunted by Magic Earring Ken at the top of their charts.

Gay as hell, Cock Ring Bottom Ken, the Best Selling Mattel Doll. Pride.

please take the time out of your day to read about Magic Earring Ken™

gay history

has this post reached “always reblog” status yet?

I sure hope so.

It’s an “always reblog” for me. :D


if i ever misgender you or use slang (bro, man, gurl, dude) that makes you feel even slightly uncomfortable please tell me because your gender identity and comfort is more important than any word i may use to refer to you


So I changed my name... again... hah... feel free to ask about it :,)


hey if u can’t drive/are a slow learner due to a disability or mental illness, just picture historical figures like pirates or the founding fathers trying to operate a car.

it’s only “easy” bc we’ve normalized it.

it would be great for neurotypicals to reblog this

this is a serious point and makes me feel a lot better about my refusal to get a driver’s license and yes neurotypicals please reblog this but i’m also thinking about that one gif of george washington barrelling towards you in a truck



Don’t take them off when you immediately see it. Wait until you get to a different destination bc they’re trying to distract you by getting it off then abducting you. Same thing goes if you find something on your windshield, it’s a distraction so they have time to get you.    

WTF? Is this real?


Holy crap signal boost now!



Idc I’m reblogging his on all of my blogs

Be careful out there !!!

Please please please PLEASE be careful!

Signal boosting this because omfg O.O

If you find it on your mail box, go on the phone with somebody and move to the nearest public place with a lot of witnesses. Stay there for a while and make sure you aren’t being followed. Arrange that you either can sleep somewhere else or that somebody you trust comes to your place. They are searching for easy targets, make yourself a hard target.


Stay aware, keep things you can use to defend yourself on your person (Keys between your fingers, peper spray, taser, etc)

Keep in mind what areas to aim for in a struggel

Always use your palm, elbow or tug your tumb in while striking to prevent injuring yourself.


Be carefull and try to go places in larger groups, preferably with several male friends.

Keep in contact with people and let them know about your where abouts so that not hearing from you in a while raises suspicion.

They like to aim for college students both because of the age group and because it’s more likely that you missing will be noticed late.

If you go out a lot or are searching for a new partner, stay aware. Don’t give your number out to strangers, go clubbing with bigger groups of friends and arrange that some of you stay sober that night, do not leave if you aren’t all together, watch your drinks, you can not trust a cute person you met at a club who brought you a drink, yes that also goes for other women. Do not leave with strangers, potential one night stands are not worth the risk. Do research on the clubs security beforehand, maybe go to the more expensive one with the better reputation, sure you might not be able to go as often but you will be going more save.

Same goes for bars.

All things considered you really want a new relationship try dating within your actual social circle. People your friends have known for a while or maybe long time friends themself. People who are registered at your university and you know have been leaving a social foot print are also more likely to trust. Always aim to go out with people you know others recognize and tell people when you plan to go on a date.

You do not play around when there is human traficing going on in your town guys. Stay save guys.

Reblogging this again for all this additional self defence/safety advice here for if you live somewhere where stuff like this is going on…

[[ SIGNAL BOOST!! Stay safe my morries!! ]]

signal boost

stay safe

Rebooting for the new visuals 🖤🖤 Be safe out there.

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