trans rights! duh!

@madamquacksalot /

nb they/them - im valid forever babey !!! - icon: dungeon meshi (iconstore)
header: lesbianweed

Parents really like to do this thing where if their kid is currently "in trouble" they will tell you about it, out loud, in front of the same kid, even if you're a total stranger. "This is my son and he's grounded right now for not doing his homework" they say, while said son just looks at the ground embarrassed. They want you to play along and reinforce their authority like "gaaasp! Homework is so important!! Listen to your mother!!!!" so obviously we all understand in this situation that we should really say "hell yeah kid fuck the system" right


unsolicited parenting advice of the day tell your kids what to expect! If your two year old is anxious about when dad is going to get home from work, teach him to recognize what patterns indicate that dad is coming home soon! After lunch we will do an activity and then clean and THEN dad will get home. Listen when the calendar day starts with an S dad does not have to go to work!!

and if something goes wrong and today does NOT go according to the plan your little guy expects, tell him!! Hey, dad has to go to work after all today, but he will be home after lunch! Today dad has to get groceries after work, so he’ll be home later than normal. But he will return with more bananas! Focus on the positives too, give them things they can understand. Don’t just say “not today,” they understand the concept of grocery stores and unexpected trips. Just tell them the problem. You’d hate being in the dark about everything that happens to you also. Let them control their situation, even if it’s just their own emotions and expectations.

or even! Teach them to read an analogue clock! Let me tell you, church nursery in the 1.5-3.5 age group got so much less stressful and anxious for EVERYONE when I taught my kids how to read the clock. They don’t have to ask me anymore how much time is left and fish for answers I can’t give them. They know that their guardians will come for them when the long stripe on the clock touches the 2, and that if they aren’t there then then they’re LATE and they get to hold this over their parents head. Because they know their parents can be late. And they LOVE knowing when this has occurred. There is so much less anxiety.

anyway explain stuff to your kids, they want to know. This has been an unsolicited parenting advice PSA


Whoa this is actually great advice. Totally forgot kids can’t read clocks until we teach them. No wonder they’re stressed out all the time I would be too if I didn’t have my phone to check the time. That’s useful OP thank you.


obsessed with this sign i saw taped up outside the bat room at the zoo yesterday. the enthusiasm, the hand-written note, the bat drawing.


This is a picture of a cis woman, y’all are literally just racist

TERFS DID THIS TO ME ON TUMBLR. I got an anon telling me I passed terribly. like. I'm literally cis and by telling me I do not pass, you are showing that you view womanhood in ways that are not only regressive for trans folk but also regressive and harmful for the very cis women you claim to support and prioritize. They uphold the very beauty and gender performative standards they seek to diminish. Fuck terfs.

Daily reminder that TERFism has roots in both fascism (eugenics, patriarchal gender performance) and white supremacy (euronormative standards of beauty and biology) and is by no means a viable form of feminism.


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Leonard Pollard

My mom was having trouble using they/them prnouns with some friends for a while. One day she said “I think the problem is that I haven’t changed the way I view their gender outside of their pronouncs which adds several extra steps in converting binary pronouns to they/them then conjugating it. So I need to shift how I see them as a gendered person entirely to make using their pronouns easier.” And since then she hardly ever messes up.

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A lot of the cis people in my life need this

This is literally why people mess up pronouns and why it’s a problem.

Like the reason you’re not calling me “they” is because you still think of me as gendered the way you initially assumed. It’s not just the pronouns I want you to change, they only serve as an acknowledgement of the gender I want you to adjust your perspective to. If you did that, you wouldn’t struggle with it.

reminds me of the tweet that’s like “dad just think of me as a swarm of bees” and the dad was like “oh I get it now”


I think "they don't even have X" is one of those memes that's actually funnier in its original context than in anything that's been done with it subsequently. Like, in its original context, this is a joke about a man who has lived his entire adult life alone in a swamp cold-reading the atmosphere of a corporate workplace and deciding that appealing to the receptionist's sense of working-class solidarity is going to get him in the door, and it fucking works.


agatha agate has a little spot on the top of her head where her fur is white and it’s very thin and the pink of her skin is a little bit visible all the time. turns out she can get sunburnt there

so now she has this stupid hat.


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