
Elven's SWTOR Blog | She/her | 18+ only, ty

@chaoticspacefam / chaoticspacefam.tumblr.com

Canon Divergent Anarchist | Spiky Tomato Enthusiast (I just think they're neat :3) | general TW for dark/mature topics often discussed. Check about page for more specific tags. Everything is tagged (if I miss something PLEASE lmk) | LGBTQIA+ inclusive safe space, Exclus begone | If ur blog is blank/posts r sus. untagged its insta-block I'm tired of bots nothing personal

(Plain) OCs Masterpost

By nature, this’ll be a long post, so I’m gonna put it under a cut, read on for the bios! :D

Disclaimer, for those new to the blog/who haven’t read the “About” Page: my ficverse, and thus the backstories of the characters in it, is canon-divergent (in many places heavily so! i.e. the Ahaszaai were the ruling Sith bloodline before Valkoriate decided to finish what the Jedi started and killed nearly all of them save for a handful. Roan and his mother replace Acharon in Biotic Science ). The main essence of the events is the same, but I’ve shuffled around some of the events, dates/ages and characters a bit to fit with the narrative I wanted, because a play-by-play retelling of the EXACT game cutscenes would be pretty boring to read huh? :P All of the main protagonists are classified as “grey morality” in some way, though some lean closer to Light or Dark than others, and Aria in particular is very much an “anti-hero” as opposed to a Standard Protagonist (tm) If that’s not your thing, this blog and my characters are probably not for you, and this is your warning!

This post also functions as a trigger-free alternative “About page”, as their Toyhou.se pages with their full backstories may contain mention of triggering materials. If you’d like to find out more about them without exposing yourself to triggers, this page is for you! :D There are some vague mentions of violence, character death, canon-typical (as in Inquisitor storyline) slavery, and people being murdered, but that should be fairly standard for overall SWTOR canon soooo!

Some characters (in particular, Aria, Vano and Qanarr, differ WILDLY from their Subterfugeverse counterparts in their AU versions - ex. Vano is older and actually mentored Zephyr + reverse!Zephyr Aria, this was way before I actually started fleshing out their (Subterfuge/canon) character and connections properly and we were too far into the RP verse lore/canons for me to swap characters around to avoid ppl being stupid about it. For all intents and purposes the characters should be considered completely separate/different from each other. Don’t be fucking weird/stupid about it, I will block you.

In an effort to keep this as short as possible (though it’s still gonna be long, I have a great many OCs, and many more besides these that I haven’t included here, but these are the bulk of my SWTOR children that I always refer to in fanfics, posts, memes etc.!) I’ve tried to keep to just the basics, the full page when it comes out will have more comprehensive info including their proper backstories! The first four, of course, are the mains! If an m-spec sexuality character has a slight lean towards a specific gender preference, it’ll be listed. If no “lean” is listed then they aren’t more attracted to any one gender over others ;3

The in-game alignment point system is wildly inaccurate when it comes to my characters (I oft have to cheat with crew skills to where they should be by their personalities and morals), so instead I class them via TV Trops/D&D style Lawful-Neutral-Chaotic/Good-Neutral-Evil alignment, though there is a visual provided to give you a general idea of where on the Light/Dark scale that should be :’D (note: some characters may fall a little to a fair bit either side of the marker shown, I cba making unique bars for each individual so I made one per “alignment” and just added an addendum where needed) The alignment bars were made by me, Elven, using the in game bar & symbols as reference. If enough people ask about it I will make a specific post with them on as a resource and link it here in the future :D


OKAY SO, my game finally updated-- it took more than an hour which is frankly, forever, with the internet speeds I've been accustomed to in the most recent years but that's beside the point. but new update, usually I don't pay much attention beyond checking if my bugs got fixed and reading through the patch notes-- I read that they are planning to update Hutta to match the new areas but-- I didn't expect THIS

this is just base game locations. LOOK AT THEM. it's not chock-full of yellow clouds anymore, polluted true but GODDAMN. also look at that comparison shot from the starting BH cutscene--

do i need to say more? if this is what Broadsword is going to do with locations we know and love? i am so on board.


I mean it’s kinda the real life tragedy of love exaggerated, innit? Irl people die young or one person dies old and another person dies even older. At the end of it all someone gets left behind and has to learn how to move on after that. And for the one who dies you know you’re leaving them behind. You know you’re dooming them to moving on and if you believe in an afterlife god only knows how long you’ll be waiting for them on the other side. The tragedy of the immortal loving the mortal takes those feelings we all know about and rips your heart out about it.

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