
Personal Art & Writing

@skylarkalchemist / skylarkalchemist.tumblr.com

Hi there. This blog features personal art projects and stories, as well as general things I like. She/Her, 27.

probably i just said it but i want to say it again:

- don’t apologise if you don’t know english.

- yes, english is the most common language on the internet but you are not forced to know it perfectly.

- your own language is beautiful.

- non-english people make a huge effort to write in English everyday on this website.

- support non-english people and don’t make them feel bad if they do not know English. 

- actually support all the languages.

- spread more language diversity on Tumblr.

thank you. 


Probabilmente l’ho già detto, ma voglio ribadirlo:

- non scusarti se non conosci l’inglese

- è vero, l’inglese è la lingua più comune su internet, ma non sei obbligato/a a conoscerlo perfettamente

- la tua lingua è bella

- i non anglofoni si sforzano molto ogni giorno a scrivere in inglese su questo sito

- sostieni i non anglofoni e non scoraggiarli se non conoscono l’inglese

- sostieni tutte le lingue

- sostieni la diversità linguistica su Tumblr


Wahrscheinlich habe ich es schon gesagt, aber ich sage es nochmal: 

- Entschuldige dich nicht, wenn du kein Englisch kannst. 

- Ja, Englisch ist vielleicht die am meisten gesprochene Sprache im Internet, aber du bist nicht dazu gezwungen, es perfekt zu sprechen. 

- Deine Muttersprache ist wertvoll 

- Leute, deren Muttersprache nicht Englisch ist, geben sich jeden Tag die größte Mühe, auf dieser Webseite Englisch zu benutzen

- Unterstützt Leute, deren Muttersprache nicht Englisch ist, und macht euch nicht über sie lustig, wenn sie kein Englisch sprechen. 

- Unterstützt alle Sprachen

- Setzt euch für mehr Sprachenvielfalt auf Tumblr ein

Danke. :) 

- ne vous excusez pas si vous ne connaissez pas l'anglais. - oui, l'anglais est la langue la plus utilisée sur Internet mais vous n'êtes pas obligé de la connaître parfaitement.

- vos langue maternelle est belle.

- les non-anglophones font un effort énorme pour écrire en anglais tous les jours sur ce site.

- soutenez les non-anglophones et ne leur faites pas sentir mal s’ils ne connaissent pas l’anglais.

- supporte toutes les langues.

- Parlez de plus de diversité linguistique sur Tumblr.

merci :)


Ik heb het waarschijnlijk al eerder gezegd maar ik wil het nogmaals zeggen:

- Zeg geen sorry als je geen Engels spreekt.

- Ja, Engels is de meest gebruikte taal op het internet maar je hoeft het niet perfect te kennen.

- Jou eigen taal is prachtig.

- Niet-Engelstalige mensen doen enorm hun best om elke dag Engels te schrijven op deze site.

- Moedig niet-Engelstalige mensen aan en geef hen geen slecht gevoel over het feit dat ze geen Engels spreken.

- Eigenlijk, moedig alle talen aan.

- Verspreid meer diversiteit in talen op Tumblr!

Dank je wel.

Probablemente ya lo haya dicho, pero quiero volver a decirlo.

- No te disculpes si no sabes inglés.

- Es verdad que el inglés es el idioma más hablado en internet, pero no estás obligado a hablarlo perfectamente.

- Tu idioma nativo es hermoso.

- La gente que no habla inglés como idioma nativo hace un gran esfuerzo para hablarlo todos los días en esta página web.

- Apoya a la gente que no sepa hablar inglés y no les hagas sentir mal si no saben hablarlo a la perfección.

- Apoya todos los idiomas.

- Apoya la diversidad lingüistica en Tumblr.

Muchas gracias.


- 你不需要为不懂英语道歉

- 是的,英语是互联网上最普遍使用的语言,但是你不必毫无差错地了解它

- 你自己的语言是美丽的

- 非英语人士每天都在这个网站上很努力地写作

- 支持非英语人士,如果他们不懂英语,不要让他们为难

- 实际上,支持所有语言

- 在汤不热上传播语言多样性



я это по-моему уже сказал ну я хочу сказать опять:

- не извиняйтесь если вы не понимаете английский язык.

- да, английский самый популярный язык на интернете, но вам не надо её знать отлично.

- ваш собственный язык прекрасный.

- люди которые не разговаривают по английскому языку сильно пробуют писать по ему здесь каждый день.

- поддерживаете других, и не оскорбляйте их если они не умеют разговаривать по английскиму.

- на самом деле, поддерживаете все языка

- позвольте большему количеству языков существовать на этом сайте.

благодарю. 💖

(извините за грамматические ошибки; русский не мой основной язык)


Jag har antagligen sagt det men jag vill säga det igen:

- be inte om ursäkt om du inte kan engelska.

- ja, engelska är det vanligaste språket på internet men du är inte tvungen att kunna det perfekt.

- ditt eget språk är vackert.

- icke-engelspråkiga personer gör en stor ansträngning varje dag för att skriva på engelska på den här sajten.

- stöd icke-engelspråkiga personer och behandla dem inte nedlåtande om de inte kan engelska.

- faktum är att du bör stödja all språk

- försök sprida mer språk-variation på Tumblr


Вероятно го казах, но искам да го кажа отново:

- Не се извинявайте, ако не знаете английски.

- Да, английският е най-често срещаният език в интернет, но не сте длъжни да го знаете перфектно.

- Вашият собствен език е красив.

- Хората, които не говорят английски като роден език, влагат огромни усилия да пишат на английски всеки ден на този уебсайт.

- Подкрепяйте не-англоговорящите хора и не ги карайте да се чувстват зле, ако не знаят английски.

- Всъщност, подкрепяйте всички езици.

- Разпространете разнообразието на повече езици в Tumblr.


prawdopodobnie już to powiedziałem, ale wspomnę raz jeszcze:

- nie przepraszaj, jeśli nie znasz angielskiego

- tak, angielski to najbardziej rozpowszechniony język w internecie, ale nie zmusza cię to do znania go perfekcyjnie

- twój własny język jest piękny

- osoby, których językiem ojczystym nie jest angielski, podejmują ogromny wysiłek, pisząc w języku angielskim na tej stronie

- wspieraj osoby, których językiem ojczystym nie jest angielski i nie sprawiaj, że czują się gorzej jeśli go nie znają

- wlasciwie, wspieraj wszystkie języki

- rozpowszechniaj różnorodność językową na tumblrze!


I’m going to use “official language” for this, anyone who knows Finnish knows that spoken and written are completely different

Varmaan jo sanoin tämän, mutta haluan sanoa uudelleen

- Älä pyydä anteeksi ettet osaa englantia

- totta, englanti on internetin yleisin kieli mutta sinun ei ole pakko osata sitä täydellisesti 

- Oma kielesi on kaunis

- ei-englanninkieliset ihmiset tekevät suuren teon joka päivä kirjoittamalla englanniksi tälle nettisivulle

- tue ei-englanninkielisiä ihmisiä äläkä loukkaa heitä, jos he eivät osaa englantia

- tue kaikkia kieliä

- Levitä kielten moninaisuutta Tumblrissa



ฉันอาจจะพูดไปแล้ว แต่ให้ฉันได้พูดอีกครั้งเถอะ :

- อย่าขอโทษถ้าคุณไม่รู้ภาษาอังกฤษเลย

- ภาษาอังกฤษเป็นภาษาที่พบเห็นได้เยอะที่สุดในอินเตอร์เน็ท แต่คุณไม่จำเป็นต้องรู้ไปทั้งหมด

- ภาษาของคุณสวยงามในตัวของมันอยู่แล้ว

- คนที่ไม่ใช่คนอังกฤษนั้นต้องใช้ความพยายามอย่างมากในการสื่อสารด้วยภาษาอังกฤษในทุกวันนี้

- จงสนับสนุนพวกเขาและอย่าให้พวกเขาต้องรู้สึกแย่ที่ใช้ภาษาอังกฤษได้ไม่ดี

- สนับสนุนภาษาทั้งหมดด้วยใจจริง

- ช่วยเผยแพร่ความหลากหลายของภาษาให้กระจายออกไปในทัมเบลอร์


Segur aski jadanik esan dut, baina berriro esan nahi dut: 

- barkamenik ez eskatu ingelesez ez jakiteagatik

- bai, ingelesa interneteko hizkuntza ohikoena da baina ez duzu perfektoki jakin behar.

- zeure hizkuntza ederra da.

- ingelesez ez dakitenek ahalegin handia egiten dute egunero webgune honetan ingelesez idazten. 

- lagun iezaiezue ingelesez ez dakitenei eta txarto ez sentiarazi ingelesez baldin ez badakite.

- hizkuntza guztiak benetan bermatu.

- indartu hizkuntza aniztasuna Tumblr-en.

Eskerrik asko.


قبلا هم اینو گفتم اما میخوام دوباره بگم:

-اگه انگلیسی بلد نیستید عذر خواهی نکنید.

-درسته، انگلیسی رایج ترین زبان تو اینترنته اما مجبور نیستی که کامل و بی نقص بلد باشیش.

-زبان خودتون زیباست.

-افراد غیر انگلیسی زبان زیادی هر روز سخت تلاش می کنند که رو سایت انگلیسی بنویسن.

-افراد غیر انگلیسی زبان رو حمایت کنید و برای اینکه انگلیسی بلد نیستن تمسخرشون نکنید.

-در واقع از همه زبان ها حمایت کنین.

-تنوع زبان ها رو تو تامبلر ترویج بدین.

Was low-key nervous as hell writing this in my native language lol

Here’s another version but in the Arabic I know:

المحتمل أََني قُلت هذا الكلام من قبل ولكن اوريد أنا أقوله مجدداً :

-لا تتأسف إن كنت لا تعرف اللغة الإنجليزية

-نعم، اللغة الإنجليزية لغة مشتركة علي الإنترنت، ولكن أنت ليس مفروض عليك أن تعرفها تماما.

- لغتك جميلة.

-الذين ليسوا الانجليزيين يقومون بجهد كبير لكتابة الانجليزيه علي هذا الموقع.

- إِدْعَم من ليسوا الانجليزيين ، ولا تجعلهم يشعرون بسوء لأنهم لا يعرفون الانجليزيه.

-في الواقع إدعموا كل اللغات.

- إنشروا تنوع اللغات علي تامبلر.

شكرا 💝

Wow, this was a bit hard for some words.

Poate deja am spus, dar vreau să mai spun încă o dată.

- Nu te scuza dacă nu cunoști engleza

- Da, engleza este cea mai comună limbă de pe internet, dar nu trebuie să o cunoști perfect

- Limba ta este frumoasă

- Vorbitorii non-englezi se străduiesc în fiecare zi să scrie în engleză pe acest site

- Sprijineste vorbitorii care nu sunt englezi și nu-i descuraja dacă nu știu engleza

- Acceptă toate limbile

- Susține diversitatea lingvistică pe Tumblr

Mulțumesc. ☺


bunu büyük ihtimalle daha önce söyledim ama tekrar söylemek istiyorum

-ingilizce bilmediğiniz için özür dilemeyin

-evet ingilizce en internette en sık kullanılan dil olabilir fakat mükemmel bir şekilde ingilizce bilmek zorunda değilsiniz

-kendi diliniz çok güzel

-ana dili ingilizce olmayan insanlar her gün bu sitede ingilizce yazmak için büyük bir efor sarf ediyor

-ingilizce bilmeyen insanlara destek olun ve ingilizce bilmedikleri için onlarla dalga geçmeyin

-bütün dilleri destekleyin

-tumblr'da çeşitliliğini yayın


నేను ఈ మాట చెప్పేఉంటాను కానీ మళ్ళీ చెప్పదలుచుకుంటున్నాను,

- ఆంగ్ల భాష రాకపోడం గురించి ఇబ్బంది పడకండి.

- అవును, ఇంటర్నెట్ లో ఆంగ్ల భాష మిగిలిన భాషల కన్నా ఎక్కువ వాడపడుతుంది, కానీ దానిని క్షుణ్ణంగానే వాడవలసిన అవసరం లేదు.

- మీ భాష అందమైనది.

- రోజువారీగా ఆంగ్ల భాష వాడని వాళ్ళు కూడా రోజూ ఈ వెబ్సైటు లో ఆంగ్లం లోనే రాయడానికి ప్రయత్నం చేస్తూవుంటారు .

- ఆంగ్లం రాని వారికి సహాయం చెయ్యండి, ఆ భాష రాకపోడం గురించి వారిని కించపరిచే పనులు చెయ్యకండి.

- అన్ని భాషలను ప్రోత్సహించండి.

- టంబ్లర్ లో భాషల వైవిధ్యం ప్రోత్సహించండి. ధన్యవాదాలు.

The rosetta stone


to succeed in adult friendship you must remember the key tenets of child friendship:

  • Play Toys
  • Play Pretend
  • Snack Time

successful examples from my travels:

  • my SO and i have a projector. our cool neighbors have a vast dvd collection. fundamentally these are toys. we have those neighbors over for movie nights. Play Toys. more broadly shared hobbies fall into this category but it's extra fun if there's Equipment to admire and share.
  • ttrpgs are obvious but invaluable examples of Play Pretend. HOWEVER your options are not limited to this. i started a local writing group and this is also Play Pretend bc we all talk about our stories together. there are many such creative endeavors in this world.
  • having someone over for a meal is Snack Time. if you make a lil thing of it and eat at the table and make it nice with dessert and a fancy beverage to share it feels very grown up. and you will feel impressed with yourself for it. but it scratches the same itch as trading fruit snacks and suchlike.

of course these can be mixed and matched. most activities are enhanced by Snack Time if your friend targets enjoy breaking bread together.

and one begets the other. if you Play Pretend with someone for long enough they may eventually tell you about Toys they have and if you want to play too they'll probably let you. if they're nice.

life can be lonely when we live in separate boxes and worry about money all the time. this is what makes friendships hard, not growing older. but the antidote to isolation is connection, and the oldest wisdom we ever learn: share your toys. share your games. share your snacks.


The nazis that you see in movies are as much a historical fantasy as vikings with horned helmets and samurai cutting people in half.

The nazis were not some vague evil that wanted to hurt people for the sake of hurting them. They had specific goals which furthered a far right agenda, and they wanted to do harm to very specific groups, (largely slavs, jews, Romani, queer people, communists/leftists, and disabled people.)

The nazis didn't use soldiers in creepy gas masks as their main imagery that they sold to the german people, they used blond haired blue eyed families. Nor did they stand up on podiums saying that would wage an endless and brutal war, they gave speeches about protecting white Christian society from degenerates just like how conservatives do today.

Nazis weren't atheists or pagans. They were deeply Christian and Christianity was part of their ideology just like it is for modern conservatives. They spoke at lengths about defending their Christian nation from godless leftism. The ones who hated the catholic church hated it for protestant reasons. Nazi occultism was fringe within the party and never expected to become mainstream, and those occultists were still Christian, none of them ever claimed to be Satanists or Asatru.

Nazis were also not queer or disabled. They killed those groups, before they had a chance to kill almost anyone else actually. Despite the amount of disabled nazis or queer/queer coded nazis you'll see in movies and on TV, in reality they were very cishet and very able bodied. There was one high ranking nazi early on who was gay and the other nazis killed him for that. Saying the nazis were gay or disabled makes about as much sense as saying they were Jewish.

The nazis weren't mentally ill. As previously mentioned they hated disabled people, and this unquestionably included anyone neurodivergent. When the surviving nazi war criminals were given psychological tests after the war, they were shown to be some of the most neurotypical people out there.

The nazis weren't socialists. Full stop. They hated socialists. They got elected on hating socialists. They killed socialists. Hating all forms of lefitsm was a big part of their ideology, and especially a big part of how they sold themselves.

The nazis were not the supervillians you see on screen, not because they didn't do horrible things in real life, they most certainly did, but because they weren't that vague apolitical evil that exists for white American action heros to fight. They did horrible things because they had a right wing authoritarian political ideology, an ideology that is fundamentally the same as what most of the modern right wing believes.


was thinking about infighting and like. they all see us the same. from the wildest queerest fagdyke to a cis gay guy. we are the same to them. the weird queers are not like. ruining your precious community. we're a part of it

@ exclusionists:

We are all Faggots in the eyes of the Fash. Stand United or Die Separately.


truly few things are more sneer-worthy to me than a gay deeply invested in respectability and assimilation


[transcription of a reddit comment]

ew72 • 19 hr. ago

I'm a type 1 diabetic. I require insulin to live, multiple times a day.

When I was in middle school, many years ago, we didn't have insulin pumps and had to use syringes and vials like everyone else.

The school refused to let me carry it with me, meaning I had to go to the nurses office several times a day to inject. It's not just before lunch but could be any number of times depending on the current blood sugar levels.

The district then cut nurse staff to just spending half a day at two schools, and the nurse left before I had lunch.

I asked the office staff to unlock the office so I could take my insulin and eat lunch. They refused.

By middle school, I'd been dealing with t1 for about 5 years, and didn't take shit on the topic. I went to the school lobby, picked up the payphone (I just dated myself) and called 911, telling them, "Hi, I'm at (school), am type 1 diabetic and the office won't unlock a door and let me take insulin."

They sent a fire truck, and a bunch of firemen met me outside and walked me to the office and asked, while ignoring the staff, which room was the nurses office. I pointed to the door and he was like, "Okay boys, chop it down, this kid need his insulin!"

Suddenly, the office secretary could unlock the door and I didn't need to put it in the nurses office everyday anymore.

End id.]


really recommend getting a partner with a different religion than you and very little knowledge of your religion because the opportunities for explaining things to each other are just exquisite

yesterday she told me some story about the Buddha's wife and child and I was like. Wait. He fucked? And she was like yeah of course he fucked, why wouldn't he, he was the most attractive and loveable and and wise and etc. person who ever lived. why would he not fuck.

this morning she looked perplexed in the kitchen at me and said "did Jesus not fuck?"


Lil Nas X did a cover of Jolene and Dolly Parton responded to it on twitter

Image descriptions under the cut


From Dolly’s insta:

I feel like it gets a bit lost, with how readily we meme his songs online, but Lil Nas X really does have a beautiful country singing voice. He might have the best voice for soulful, impassioned, male country vocals since Johnny Cash, and this cover really shows that off.


HAPPENING NOW: texas state troopers are menacing a pro palestine protest on ut austin's campus. AN ENCAMPMENT HASNT EVEN BEEN ESTABLISHED YET

edit: last i heard at least 15 protesters, and a member of the press, have been arrested. although i wouldn't be surprised if that number is much higher now. you can donate to the bail support at: venmo @psc_atx you can also call 512-854-9889 to demand all arrested comrades are released, ut austin's palestine solidarity committee posted a call script on instagram that you can follow.


I bought a state-specific wildflower seed mix that I sprinkled in my garden this year and the sprouts are everywhere. I am extremely excited to get my milkweed in there too; sprouts have onlt just started emerging for it.

I want to flood my home with bugs and plants and birds and all other critters that people think of as pests. I want my yard to have life.

If other USAmericans are looking to plant native wildflowers this spring and summer (wildflower mixes in stores are almost always European flowers), this is where I bought mine. You can search by region or just look up your specific state. It's also where I purchased my milkweed seeds.


saw this on twitter and wanted to save it here

Image transcript:

Thriving: "I got this"

  • Calm and steady with minor mood fluctuations
  • Able to take things in stride
  • Consistent performance
  • Able to take feedback and to adjust to changes or plans
  • Able to focus
  • Able to communicate effectively
  • Normal sleep patterns and appetite

Surviving: "Something isn't right"

  • Nervousness, sadness, increased mood fluctuations
  • Inconsistent performance
  • More easily overwhelmed or irritated
  • Increased need for control and difficulty adjusting to changes
  • Trouble sleeping or eating
  • Activities and relationships you used to enjoy seem less interesting or even stressful
  • Muscle tension, low energy, headaches

Struggling: "I can't keep this up"

  • Persistent fear, panic, anxiety, anger, pervasive sadness, hopelessness
  • Exhaustion
  • Poor performance and difficulty making decisions or concentrating
  • Avoiding interaction with coworkers, family and friends
  • Fatigue, aches and pains
  • Restless, disturbed sleep
  • Self-medicating with substances, food, or other numbing activities

In Crisis: "I can't survive this"

  • Disabling distress and loss of function
  • Panic attacks
  • Nightmares or flashbacks
  • Unable to fall or stay asleep
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Thoughts of self-harm or suicide
  • Easily enraged or aggressive
  • Careless mistakes and inability to focus
  • Feeling numb, lost, or out of control
  • Withdrawal from relationships
  • Dependence on substances, food, or other numbing activities to cope

End transcript.



"In the instance an employer makes an illegal request for a photograph as part of a job application, you may submit a complaint to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission." Successful violation fee collections are paid partially to the one who suffered the violation, which in many cases exceeds a year of work at these shit jobs. There's only two weak points to a corporation, and those are in the budget and in the supply chain. Hit them where it hurts.

Fucking word.

Learn your rights!




“If you have time to watch Netflix you have time for a side hustle” my side hustle is relaxing so that my body and brain can heal from by this nose-to-the-grindstone bullshit. I refuse to feel guilty for being a human with the need to relax sometimes. my side hustle is no.

whenever i hear about hustle culture i always think about this post on r/antiwork

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