
Your friendly neighbourhood lesbian


You are on that side of the internet again.

The most relatable character in Jurassic World:Fallen Kingdom is Maisie. Cause let’s be real, I too would run up to Owen Grady two minutes after meeting him and hug him like my life depended on it.


Pregnancy and New Mom Witchcraft

I did a simple post with some tips for this awhile ago but I got another ask (two weeks ago…I’m very sorry @healing-sun-witch) and I wanted to share some more tips now that I’ve been in the game almost a whole year now!


👛🎁✨-Make a wish bag/box! I know I mentioned this in my last post but it’s been such a great thing to look back through with her approaching birthday that I want to recommend it even more. Put in wishes on scraps of paper, little tokens of luck and health, herbs, toys, etc. while you’re pregnant. Continue to add to it after the baby is born (I added her hospital bracelet as well as a solid taglock!) Mine started as a bag when I was pregnant so I could tuck it under my pillow but I transferred to a box in her nursery one she was born.

💧-Bless and enchant some grapeseed oil (with sigils and intention or herbs placed around it- NOT in the oil). Use in place of baby oil or lotion- it’s the best for newborn skin, seriously. Especially for any cradle cap or dry scalp!

🤱-Pick a special baby blanket that speaks to you the most before you’re close to your due date and spend time sleeping with it and building all the good intentions you wish for your baby. You can also stitch simple and discrete sigils onto the edges. Use this when you bundle your baby up (but still practice safe sleep!).

🍓🍌🥕🥝-Make yourself simple smoothies with fruits (and a touch of veggies for the vitamins!). Include herbs with specific intentions you might need or basic ones such as ginger or cinnamon to help with tummy grumps. Good while pregnant or breastfeeding to help keep your body nourished!

💦-Charm the soap you’ll be using to clean bottles or pacifiers or other baby items to cleanse more than dirt and germs!

📓🖊-Start a specific witchy journal/spellbook/book of shadows that you would like to share with your child in the future. Include things you did specifically for yourself as a mom or them as a child as well as stuff you did for yourself in general. Explain correspondences and steps like you would to a new witch so it can be used as a heirloom or reference book (or just an interesting thing to learn about Mom if they go a different path- nothing wrong with that!)

🌳🌷🌿-If you have your own yard, introduce the baby to your plant and tree spirits as well as your house spirits! If not, introduce your baby to a local park’s spirits! It’s such a welcoming feeling to go on walks with your baby and have the spirits greet them directly. You may notice your baby even responds in some way 😉

☔️🌬-Take an extra moment in those crazy quick showers after birth (just a moment- I know you don’t often have long!) to center yourself and focus on the water cleansing you of stress and exhaustion in addition to dirt and spit-up. Every little moment of self care can boost you a lot in those crazy first couple weeks/months.

👶🏼💋🙌-Give thanks for your baby. Do a specific offering ritual to your deities (if you have them). They don’t have to be deities related to motherhood or pregnancy. Your patrons are there for you regardless of their specialities and they’ll enjoy “roasting” the new member of the household!


death stranding fans are at it again, this time trying to decipher the presumed secret message in lindsay wagner’s necklace which also might’ve been inspired by the quipu method of recording information cause kojima’s an actual madman

Russian Twitter Decoded it

Kojima, what the fuck

Holy shit so I looked the song up and the music video for it was uploaded almost a year ago…

And apparently according to the director, the music video is directly related to the plot and setting of Death Stranding? So there’s been this Death Stranding quazi-trailer just sitting here for a whole damn YEAR before Kojima thought to mention it. And he only mentioned it in a particularly obtuse code.

what the fuck!?


death stranding fans are at it again, this time trying to decipher the presumed secret message in lindsay wagner’s necklace which also might’ve been inspired by the quipu method of recording information cause kojima’s an actual madman

Russian Twitter Decoded it

Kojima, what the fuck

Holy shit so I looked the song up and the music video for it was uploaded almost a year ago…

And apparently according to the director, the music video is directly related to the plot and setting of Death Stranding? So there’s been this Death Stranding quazi-trailer just sitting here for a whole damn YEAR before Kojima thought to mention it. And he only mentioned it in a particularly obtuse code.

what the fuck!?


I used to wear a chainmail shirt to elementary school. The teachers never knew what to do about it because there was no section in our dress code forbidding medieval armor.

… Where does an elementary school child get access to an actual shirt of chainmail sized properly for them?

Growing up as a historical reenactor meant that my parents are friends with lots of people who make chainmail. My godsister received a real rapier in fourth or fifth grade, so our unsupervised outdoor playtime was… formative.


in my head theres a little mouse wearing a little apron and she makes all my emotions

she needs to read a fuckin recipe this bitch is just making a MESS

shes doing her best… maybe shed do better if you were nicer to her

making serotonin is the cooking equivalent to scrambling an egg and she can’t even do that right smh


Hi I’m Catifex and I want you to make your mouse’s work easier!

- This is a step by step on getting a therapist

- Need to find a therapist by location? Psychologytoday lets you search by city or zip code in the USA, Canada, or UK. 

- Can’t afford therapy? No insurance? Need low cost options? Here is a great list of ways to get help when money or insurance is an issue..

Reblogging this in the hopes that the image of a sweet little mouse doing her best to make my emotions will help me remember to be kinder to myself.


Simple Spirit Work

🌻💀Ideas for Summer 🌻💀

(Summer is, in my opinion, the season that makes spirit work the trickiest. Those hot bright days and lush foliage can make the right “atmosphere” and frame of mind more delicate. Here are some simple ideas to help keep you feeling like your doing spirit work regularly without taxing yourself too much.)

-Leave offerings of food that goes well with the warmth of sunlight- berries, honey, breads, etc.

-Use grass clippings or other natural debris to create sigil and artistic design offerings! The wind will blow it where it needs to go!

-Lie under the sun and close your eyes and use the light filtering through your eyelids for simple divination (almost like scrying)

-Invite spirits to go on a hike or swimming with you! (Safely of course)

-Do your spirit communication in bare feet while standing on soil or grass/groundcover warmed by the sun

-This is a season to focus on using senses besides your eyes for spirit communication. I find spirit work using smell or touch/pressure particularly successful this time of year.

- Warm summer nights are perfect for stargazing!

-This is the perfect season to work with plant spirits (especially if you’re new or in a rut and need to brush up)!

-Use the splashes and drops of hose or sprinkler on a blacktop or concrete surface for divination style communication

-Take your spirits on a long car ride with the windows down and music to sing along to!

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