


ꔹ Hufflepuffꔹ ꔹ She/her ꔹ
ꔹ Fandom loverꔹ ꔹ Teenager ꔹ
ꔹAnimal loverꔹ ꔹRole-player ꔹ
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Can’t Wait

Hogsmeade visits. Six years apart. PoA/Post-War Missing Moment.


Ron and Hermione trudged down the hill towards Hogsmeade, animatedly discussing the sheer injustice of Harry not being allowed to join them for their very first visit to the picturesque village.

“They’re Muggles for Merlin’s sake. Shit ones at that– how does McGonagall not get it?!” Ron was fuming as he turned round to look at Hermione, but he had apparently left her about three feet behind. He saw her half jogging to catch up with him and he couldn’t help but chuckle. He forgot how small she was sometimes.

“You know the rules Ron, besides its unsafe with Black on the loose-” Hermione spoke slightly out of breath. “And can you not sprint ahead, not all of us are blessed with such long limbs. Honestly, it feels like you’re a stiltwalker sometimes”

“Sorry, and what the hell is a stiltwalker? Is this some kind of a quaint Muggle insult?”

They spent the last stretches of the walk arguing about the merits of Muggle entertainers who voluntary chose to attach poles to their feet and walk around. “That is mental” Ron exclaimed at one point. “And how dare you compare me to that!” pulling his best, most outraged expression which caused Hermione to go into peals of laughter. “You’re so ridiculous-oh look we’re here!” Hermione exclaimed dragging Ron by his jumper towards the nearest store.

This is nice. Ron thought to himself. Like really nice. When they weren’t bickering over her bloody cat. And were just being- friends. Yes, friends. She was still holding onto his arm and before he could work out why that was causing tiny flutters in his stomach, she released him and halted in front of the door.” Ah, Zonko’s” she muttered apprehensively. Ron cracked a wicked smile- “Excellent. Ladies first” he said opening the door to let her in.


Hermione could barely register the weirdness of the joke shop, which was brimming with tricks and had about a dozen flying objects zooming around when one of them (which looked rather like Lockhart’s imp) flew right into her hair and immediately got tangled in her curls. “Of course this was going to happen” she rolled her eyes at Ron who was clearly trying not to laugh as she tried to prise the thing out of her hair. The model imp was now making pitiful sounds which only annoyed Hermione further. “Here let me help” Ron offered, pulling the toy away from her hair with unexpected gentleness. He put the toy in her hand and smiling down at her-” This is absolutely not nonsensical. Let’s get twenty”

Ron turned around to browse the store leaving Hermione slightly unsettled. Lately, Ron had been making her feel-things. She felt mad when they fought about their pets, annoyed when he kept asking to see her homework. But, happy when they spent time, talking and laughing. Like today. Happy, yes, if happy came with a side of butterflies every time Ron grinned or a slight jerk in her knees if he looked at her for too long. This is madness. Hermione thought firmly, dismissing that particular train of thought. Ron surfaced again, complete with a bag of jokes.

“Where to next?” Hermione asked.

“Honeydukes. I can’t wait!” Ron and Hermione strode out to continue their Hogsmeade adventure leaving the door at Zonko’s swinging.


About six years since his first Hogsmeade visit, Ron found himself back at the village. He had taken the day off from his Auror training to help George set up Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes. It was unnaturally cold and Ron shivered slightly as he cast his wand to remove the old Zonko’s hoardings. Between the grueling Auror schedule and taking care of George, it was a lot of work. But Ron didn’t mind seeing that the upside involved him surprising Hermione later today. He was so lost in thought he almost didn’t notice a woman marching towards him.

No fucking way. It was Hermione. She looked furious.

“Why on earth would you come down here and not tell me?!” Hermione stood in front of Ron, her eyes flashing dangerously.

“It was meant a surprise- who told you?” Ron mentally prepared himself to send Howlers to Ginny, Harry, and Neville.

“I haven’t seen you for weeks and weeks–” Hermione continued but Ron wasn’t really listening. Seeing her, unexpectedly at seven in the bloody morning flooded him with so much warmth, he couldn’t help grinning. Her cheeks were flushed with emotion and the cold. Her curls, already unruly, were fighting against the wind, locks of hair pulling away from her braid and whipping across her face. She was so fucking beautiful.

“And I told him that I couldn’t wait to see Ron, to let him know in person exactly what I think of his antics–”

Ron interrupted her tirade by kissing her on the mouth. Hermione’s gasp of surprise turned into a soft moan as she pulled the front of his robes closer to deepen the kiss. They fell back against the old Zonko’s storefront, embracing tightly. Ron found himself smiling as they kissed, feeling the singular bliss that comes from snogging the shit out of the woman you love on the village high street.

They broke apart, drawing ragged breaths. Ron tucked a lock of curly hair behind her ear before caressing her cheek, his eyes never leaving hers “Yeah, I couldn’t wait either”

This is perfection!!👌❤️❤️

I’m squealing

Ron: *putting up “have you seen Hermione” posters around Hogwarts*
Someone: Oh no! Is Hermione missing?
Ron, wiping away a single tear: No, I just think everyone should see her because she’s gorgeous.

Awwww Ron would do that 🤗😘


Harry Potter/Avengers AU

The Avengers are a team of Witches and Wizards fighting against the Dark Lord Thanos. 

Tony is the mad Wizarding inventor who is a genius with a wand. Bruce is a part-time healer, full-time shape-shifting werewolf. Clint and Natasha are Unspeakables. Thor is a Quidditch beater. And Auror Steve has one hell of a shield charm. 

(Oh, and Loki is a Death Eater, which no one is surprised about)

Just needed to add an imperio’d Bucky as the Winter Sorcerer and Peggy in Steve’s compass…

Oh! And Peter going to Hogwarts having Harry Potter like adventures. And Mad Eye Fury is Head of the Department of Mysteries…

And T’Challa, who is from the completely magical kingdom of Wakanda (and has an Animagus that is a black panther). And Scott, who has been incarcerated in Azkaban.

Oh, and I missed Quidditch Warrior Thor the first time (who usually prefers being a beater) so here he is with Wanda, who is a defected ex-Death Eater


I don’t know that maybe I would read this…



Someone better write this, and if it’s not written, at least tell a story through the amazing pictures. I’m on board.

yeeeeesss! I want it!

This isn’t a want, its a need

bnha but they’re all crackheads

hi! this isn’t my usual stuff but i’m taking a break from writing all the disney requests. i’m not doing well mentally so these are just random crack headcanons i made when i was bored or if they popped into my head

  • Midoriya refuses to let anyone bring kettles into the kitchen, or at least when Todoroki was around. Kaminari suggested it was because Todoroki had a kettle kink. Todoroki never denied it, so everyone basically accepts it as the truth.
  • No one is allowed to kill bugs. Ever. Bakugou learned this the hard way when he killed a spider in front of Koda. It was the first time Koda was ever terrifying.
  • Kaminari had to sit out of training one time because everyone used him as a portable charger. He didn’t have any juice left.
  • Mina convinced Todoroki to cook breakfast on his leg and arm. When everyone woke up for breakfast, the kitchen was on fire and Mina was screaming.
  • There’s a challenge that Class 1-A has where they see how many memes they can reference that go over Todoroki’s head. Little do they know, since Todoroki was a sheltered child, he spent most of his free time on his phone. Not only does he understand every reference, but he is a Vine God. Has a secret twitter to clown his classmates.
  • Sero once lit his blunt with Bakugou’s explosions in the middle of Bakugou’s angry yelling (probably about how there was trash on the floor or something). Sero ended up in Recovery Girl’s room.
  • Everyone knows by now that Todoroki steals Endeavor’s card and has no impulse control, but Momo does not have one as well. They were all out for dinner and they were taking to long to figure out what to order, so she bought the entire fucking menu.
  • Kaminari joked once that Iida would be faster if he Naruto ran. He was. Now he did it all the time, much to Kaminari and Kirishima’s joy.
  • Hagakure’s quirk isn’t actually a mutation, she can become invisible by will. She just chooses to be invisible all the time. Ojiro offhandedly mentions how he thought this one girl was really pretty, not realizing that it was Hagakure herself.
  • The only other person that hates Mineta more than the girls themselves? All Might. What he would give to just punt that little purple piece of shit into space. He’s still confused how Aizawa hasn’t expelled him yet. However, because of his cheery persona, he pretends to tolerate him.
  • The League of Villains are planning on storming Area 51. It was a unanimous decision.
  • It’s canon that Tokoyami and Hawks fly around so they can truly become “one bird” They fly around to fuck around with people at an unholy time just to scare poor passerby’s with the weirdest bird they have ever seen. One child thought they were from Sesame Street.
  • You know how when you were a kid you would get a staple and shape it into a circle so it looks like a nose ring? Yeah, that’s where Dabi got the idea from. Except he actually thought you were supposed to staple your face, because he’s a dumbass.
  • Todoroki, at some point in his career, will do an icyhot commercial. It’s the peak of his existence.
  • On April Fool’s, Midoriya called everyone their first names and -chan, then looks Bakugou straight in the eyes and calls him “Bakugou”. Bakugou has never felt more scared in his life.
  • Sometimes, Midoriya breaks his bones on purpose just so he can hang out with Recovery Girl. She’s actually really humorous and knows a lot about heroes, and he enjoys his time there. They also talk about gossip. She knows this, and doesn’t call him out.
  • Kaminari didn’t know how to spell “pennies” in English so he spelled “penis”. He didn’t understand why Present Mic was laughing so hard.
  • Tokoyami wakes up early every morning because he’s a bird and everyone’s alarm clock. You want to sleep in for the day? Too bad, Tokoyami’s incessant squawking will wake you up at 6AM sharp.

tldr; they’re dumbasses, brent


when i was younger, i used to draw the sun in the corner of the paper every time. 


I remember in my high school junior year psych class, my teacher explained to us if you drew the sun like that, then you had an absent father figure. Crazy.

I came out for a good time and honestly I feel so attacked right now


Shut the fuck up I hate this

is this true cause like…mood



Omg y’all better check ya kids art AND FUCKING MEAN IT

Oh GOD this explains literally everything

I have been called out




WatchMojoUK released a video called “Harry Potter Scenes that should have been the films”, and I already know (without watching it) that it’ll be filled with moments that Ron had but that were given to Hermione in the films. 

Also, the thumbnail is of Eyebrows W*tson, so probably not gonna click on it. 

I watched it, simply out of curiosity & they actually made some really good points

Fair enough. Did they mention anything in particular?

They mentioned the inclusion of S.P.E.W., the marauders storylines & the scene of Neville’s parents in the hospital, all of which are pretty important to characters arcs in my opinion. And, of course, the development of Tonks & Lupin’s relationship. I’ve never thought about it much before, but it’s possible that the movies are the reason I dislike their relationship, just like I used to dislike Ron (I know, it’s shameful, I apologize).

I should mention that it is an almost exact copy of a video made by another Mojo channel 6 months ago. I think they changed a handful of words and that’s it.

I agree with a lot of those. Although I personally would have put a lot of Ron’s best moments on the list. Did anyone in the comments talk about that? 

Well, the films screwed with Ron a lot; it’s not your fault you used to dislike him. 

Not a lot of people mentioned Ron, but this person did:

Honourable mentions from the comment sections:

- Luna’s ceiling in the deathly hallows

- Luna commentating

- More of Snape’s backstory, so that people could realize he was a shitty person (let’s be honest though, snape apologists will defend him no matter what)

- Umbridge and McGonagall in Career’s Advice

- “Have a biscuit, Potter”

- Percy Weasley’s redemption

- Regulus Black’s backstory & Kreacher

- Professor Binns

Honestly, someone once pointed out that to have the perfect Harry Potter movies or tv series, it would have to be animated because actors would grow up faster than their character counterparts, and they made it sound kind of horrible, but with the right animation (i.e. not Lego animation), the lovely cringiness of nineties fashion & just the right amount of new stories/character arcs/scenes, I’d be down for watching hours upon hours of an animated Harry Potter tv series.

I commend that one commenter who mentioned that! Good on them! 

Oh, yeah; a lot of these things really should have been in the films. And I absolutely agree that an animated series would be a great idea (or -even better- an anime). 

We need a video called “Ron Weasley book moments that should have been in the films”.


Bakugou: why the fuck is there grape soda in the milk carton?

Kirishima, who accidentally dropped the milk, panicked, and refilled it with the first thing he saw: [sweating] ....it came from a purple cow



Synopsis -

Imagine waking up in a hospital room with no recollection of the last eight years of your life, only to learn that you're married to your worst enemy.

Y/n and Peter find themselves forced into a marriage after an accident erases all their memories of being together, leaving them frustrated and confused. It simply isn't possible that they could have fallen in love with each other - and what was this Baby Project everyone kept telling them about?

What follows is absolute hell in the form of a domestic life as they struggle with the loss of their loved ones after The Blip, and find balance with the new family they've built over years.

An unexpected turn of events tear you apart and some crucial choices need to be made, some which can change your lives forever and not for the better. With a husband who hates your guts and a clueless daughter by your side, will you be able to face the biggest challenge of your life?

How much can amnesia steal from you after all - you will soon find out that it is a little more than everything.

Pairing - Peter Parker x Stark! Reader

Status - Incomplete

A/N - this is a sequel to my fic The Baby Project, and a lot of things probably won't make sense to you if you haven't read it before starting this one, but it isn't completely necessary. You can read TBP for better understanding of this fic and to catch all sneaky references if you want to :)

  • Chapter 1 - The Painful Predicament
  • Chapter 2 - This Roof Over Us
  • Chapter 3 - The Overlapping Lives Of A Shorty And Her Asshole
  • Chapter 4 - Glimpses Into The Past
  • Chapter 5 - Old Ghosts
  • Chapter 6 - Big Changes
  • Chapter 7 - False God
  • Chapter 8 - The Aftermath
  • Chapter 9 - Trip Down Memory Lane
You guys seriously have to read this series as well as the first one!!

It’s one of the most interesting fanfics I’ve ever read and you just have to! If I could turn this into a real book, I Sure as hel* would!

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