


AO3: ImpressedImpression

Sorry to say, but they do the exact same thing for humans too.

It’s amazing how people in the notes and comments are absolutely FURIOUS at me for the included Frozen comparison. Special shout out to everyone trying to prove that real people look like this.

Not to mention that when people edit these characters to have better facial proportions, the originals look like bizarre fish people.

How humans draw themselves is always fascinating to me

op why are you speaking like you aren’t human i’m scared

Eh…perhaps read my blog description.


this post has EVERYTHING


I think I know the reason for why people prefer “unrealistic” animation.

For some reason, humans really don’t like things that look like humans but aren’t quite human. Hence why a lot of people are uncomfortable with movies with animation like Monster House and The Polar Express. It looks too realistic to us and sets us off.

Scientists call this the “Uncanny Valley” effect and its thought to be an evolutionary tactic for survival.

The funny part is. No other animals that we know of experience the uncanny valley effect. Only humans. Which leaves the question: what was out there that mimicked humans so well and was so dangerous to us that we evolved to have this as a tactic for survival?

Oh hell yeah this is what I’m here for


Which leaves the question: what was out there that mimicked humans so well and was so dangerous to us that we evolved to have this as a tactic for survival? 


Okay, I’ve seen this thread a dozen times before, but not with this addendum.

i made the original post in the throes of unmedicated depression because that’s where my sense of humor was at the time. i don’t check my activity page. seeing it barge onto my dash months later with +250k notes and this exchange attached to it like a bunch of rattling tin cans attached to the tail of a rabid dog running loose is fucking WILD

So sometime after whenever humans developed the uncanny valley effect, did we just hunt this mysterious predator to extinction? Or did it die out on it’s own? Or did it evolve as well into something… else? Could it still be living on Earth today?

Idk why dont we ask the “people eating cryptid” who claims to be from a species that’s easy to hide and apparently passes as human who’s like, 3 reblogs above this?

Hey fun fact;

Back when Homo sapiens weren’t the end-all of hominids, we also had some other two legged “humanish” cousins like the Neanderthals, Denisovians, and more!

There were nine different species of “humans”

By 10,000 years ago, they were all gone. The disappearance of these other species resembles a mass extinction. But there’s no obvious environmental catastrophe – volcanic eruptions, climate change, asteroid impact – driving it.

Instead, the extinctions’ timing suggests they were caused by the spread of a new species, evolving 260,000-350,000 years ago in Southern Africa: Homo sapiens.

Neanderthal skeletons show patterns of trauma consistent with warfare.

Like language or tool use, a capacity for and tendency to engage in genocide is arguably an intrinsic, instinctive part of human nature.

Optimists have painted early hunter-gatherers as peaceful, noble savages, and have argued that our culture, not our nature, creates violence. But field studies, historical accounts, and archaeology all show that war in primitive cultures was intense, pervasive and lethal.

Basically: the reason we as Homo Sapians find other human-ish figures unsettling and have an instinctual fear/aggression response called “The Uncanny Valley” is because we literally TOOK OVER THE WORLD by hunting down and killing every other hominid on the planet.

Dunno if the “9 species of hominid genocide” was a result of uncanny valley or the cause of it, but it’s a pretty sure bet to guess they’re linked.

This is a wonderful post.

Except, there are genetic indicators that there was some ‘mixing’ also going on (says the person with some Neanderthal genetics). So apparently we didn’t kill them all. 

Source I linked to is wikipedia, but I have read some academic articles I was too lazy to look up.

The genocide theory is now considered thoroughly obsolete. While there was definitely physical conflict between modern humans and Neanderthals (we have found one Neanderthal skeleton that we think, but can’t prove, was murdered by a modern humans, there was also a lot of mating.

The lead theory now is that rather than killing all the Neanderthals, we actually out-competed them.

The Neanderthals had adapted to a very specific environment, in very specific ways. They were almost entirely reliant on hunting big game. Because they were cold-adapted, they probably had greater caloric needs.

For a while it all worked out. They got the cold plains just south of the glaciers, and we got the tropics. Then the climate changed, the glaciers melted, and some schmuck went and invented clothes.

The more adaptable species spread, and the less adaptable one faded…but again, there was mating.

By mating with Neanderthals, we picked up useful genes…and gave their species a legacy. But it’s even possible that they would have gone extinct without our input at all.

It’s not impossible we committed species-level genocide, but it’s unlikely.

(We still don’t know enough about the Denisovans to know what happened there, but there was definitely mating).


His whole life has been punctuated by funerals. 

From his grandmother’s when he was five, until now, there has never been a moment in his life that there wasn’t a black suit in his size hanging ready in the closet. 

His mother’s funeral was the worst. Barry cried until his eyes were swollen, until his head throbbed with every thump of his pulse in his temples. He’d been alone then, an island of misery not connected to anyone, even as Joe sat next to him and Iris held his hand. 

But they all carried their own kind of misery. Eddie’s, with the police escort and the twenty one gun salute. Ronnie’s, with just the few of them standing around and empty grave. 

Eobard Thawne’s funeral existed solely in Barry’s mind, bleak and silent and monumental. A year and change, and he still feels like he’s standing under grey skies, watching a casket being lowered.

Laurel’s funeral was an old bruise pressed hard enough to be fresh again, his grief pale in comparison to Oliver’s loss. 

His father’s feels….hollow. Brittle. Like a strong breeze might shatter him into a thousand little pieces. He’s buried right next to Barry’s mother, and at least in death, Henry and Nora can be together again. 

He’s an afterthought, when it comes to Snart’s funeral. Mick is the one who delivers the news, who snarls this is your fault, you did this but Sara is the one who comes to him and murmurs something about a ceremony, and closure. 

The black suit is laid out on his bed, pressed and neat and clean. It’s been less than a week since they put his dad in the ground. This isn’t fair. 

Barry sits on the floor beside his bed, head in his hands. He cries until his eyes hurt, until his chest hurts, his neck. His back. None of it is enough to eclipse to pain in his heart. 

He grieves for the man he knew, and for the hero he became. He grieves for the second chance cut short, for the first chance they never had. Barry has lost his parents, his friends. But he’d never known Caitlin’s misery until now, until he lost someone he loved.

He grieves for the words he never said, for the chance he never took. 

In the end, the suit stays on the bed, and Barry stays on the floor. Because in the end, for all the love turning sour in his chest, for all the loss that he feels…

He just can’t bring himself to believe Snart would have wanted him there.


Lightning (Part 1)

Mark was following West from his house to work, watching the older man’s every move trying to think of what was the best way to kill the man, when he felt it. The rush of electricity in the air, the feeling of the storm that rushed through his own veins seeking his own lightning out. He moved faster than he thought he could and ignored West, leaving the older man alone (for now). He turned around the corner, the feeling of electricity gaining more power and was it coming closer? Almost there! Almost, oh come on! Mark almost growled as he found himself standing near a large crowd of people in front of a coffee shop called Jitters. His eyes dashed around though, still seeking even if he refused to move, and get closer. Then he saw it, like a pull of gravity.

Mark’s brown eyes met green eyes that seemed surprised to see him to as he froze a coffee in hand. Mark watched as lightning flashed through his eyes, before he turned and apologized to someone he bumped in and looked back at where Mark had been standing. Mark had slipped away though, using the busy crowd to his advent and soon found himself leaning against the wall of an alley, his eyes closed trying to ignore the lightning, the power inside him humming for him to go back and see the man again. “Guess there is more people like me.” Mark mumbled before turning to leave the alley when he felt something or rather someone bump into his chest.

The person stumbled back a step, but not before a small arch of lightning went from Mark’s chest into the other man’s. Both froze as if slapped, before Mark heard a soft groan left the other man’s lips, and watched as his face quickly heated up. Mark couldn’t help, how his lips turned up into a smirk and he found himself saying “Well hello to you to Red.”

“I-I um, you, I, what just happened? I mean I know what just happened, you apparently just stuck me with lightning, although I really don’t know how, and it may have felt really nice. Also have I seen you somewhere, because I swear I have, and am I rumbling again? Please, stop me, and you know what I will stop in three, two, one.” The man goes silent after that allowing Mark to get a full look at him. With his green eyes that Mark can see lightning starting to flash in them again when their eyes meet once more, brown hair, about his height, with a lean build and legs that seem to go on forever. Mark lets out a small huff of laughter, before bringing a hand up and saying “Mark, and you are?”

“Barry. Barry Allen.” Barry says and places his hand against Mark only for them both to freeze up, the pleasure of electricity going through the two. Mark could see blue sparks going from his hand and mixing into the golden sparks that jumped out of Barry’s hand. Before Mark could stop himself he was dragging Barry backwards farther into the alley, not wanting anyone else to see this, whatever this was. A few minutes passed before Mark finally managed to blink past the (literal) sparks of pleasure that was passing between the two. He found his hand had somehow moved so that now both his and Barry’s hands were interned fingers curled against each other.

“I-uh wow.” Barry manages to say after they let go.

“That’s usually what people say after sex, but I guess I can go with the before.” Mark couldn’t help but answer.


“Sex. You, me, naked in a bed or against wall.” Mark said grinning almost predator like now, he couldn’t help he liked watching the man’s face go red. “I mean, I for one, want to see how much this… Attractions works don’t you?” Mark asked while reaching forward and trailing a finger slowly down Barry’s neck and watched as he shivered with golden lightning flashing out against the blue. “Oh, god yes.” Barry said before he could stop himself and had the brief thought of how he felt like a bird trapped by a cat or rather a lion at the moment.

“My place is a couple blocks away. Shall we?”

“Well, um yeah, yeah let’s go.” Barry answered before going to grab Mark’s hand then paused as he realized they might not actually get anywhere if they touch. Settling on grabbing onto Mark’s jacket, his arm wrapping around his, leather pressing against Barry’s Starlabs sweatshirt sleeve.

(Also on archiveofourown under the name Dragonfire13)




I was waiting for the night bus at 1am the other night, eating fries, when a dude, high as fuck, tried to harass me. It took several “I don’t want to talk to you, please go away” for him to finally move, but I think it helped that another man was giving him the death stare and clicking his tongue at him. He then checked I was okay and whether I knew the guy or not. Good dude.

Shout out also the man who silently switched places with me on another night bus to be a buffer between me and a guy who had threatened me. Thank you

Men: this here? This here is what you need to be doing as allies. The men who harass and insult women are not likely to take our complaints about it seriously. But you, another man, they will listen to. 

I was pumping gas at like 10 PM one night, and these bunch of drunk guys came walking up to the gas station, and one of them yelled over to me if I wanted to see his dick.  His friend says to him, “You don’t have anything she wants to see.” and apologized.  It was pretty awesome.

this is all we want from men. to recognize the wrongs done by other men, and acknowledge it. not give us shitass defense like, “not all men do that”


Flashwave Week Soulmate AU

Late at night in the West house hold, an adult and two teens slept peacefully. One teen who was just approaching his 17th birthday was sleeping half on his bed, half off it, one foot almost touching the floor as he faced pressed against his pillow. The time on his alarm clock read 3:45am, before changing by a minute, and his right wrist starting to warm. Barry didn’t notice the warmth anymore then to twitch and move around, he felt the sharp pain that came as a name was written onto his skin. “Arg!” Barry cried as he jolted awake, his body tipping and falling onto the floor, blanket wrapped around him as he grabbed at his wrist.


Disclaimer: I own nor have made any of the images used in this board.

“I like feeling desirable, I like looking sexy. But at the end of the day, whether it’s suits, dresses, flannel, or next to nothing: I wear what I want for me and no one else.”


50, Flashwave?


50: “People are staring” 

“People are staring,” Agent Sara Lance hisses, shoving her hands in the pockets of her Bureau-issued jacket and warily eyeing the room. The house is still crawling with officers and the forensics team from the local PD, along with the still-sobbing parents of the kidnapped girl. Everyone seems to be going about their business but she can see the way some cut their eyes at them— specifically at Barry Allen. The so-called psychic— Sara is very dubious— is leaning over the victim’s bed, pale hands hovering dramatically over her pillows and teddy bears as he makes a mystical ass of both himself and them. She steps so she’s between the staring eyes and her partner, her shoulder at Mick’s back.

The gesture is useless, as her smaller frame does little to shield Mick’s bulky shoulders, but it makes her feel better anyway.

Mick doesn’t do her the courtesy of looking at her when he shrugs and says, “Let the kid work, Cap.”

“Just because you think he’s pretty,” she whispers even lower.

That jibe seems to stir Mick from his stupor-like regard of Allen. “‘This when I remind you of your crush on Sharpe?”

“I— she,” Sara sputters, caught off guard. “Just because I respect her on a professional level— at least she’s not a con artist!“

“Not so professional when she’s the lead detective on the case we’re working, ‘s all I’m sayin’,” Mick says innocently. “‘Sides, I think there’s something with Allen. He was right about the bank accounts. And the photographs. And the—”

“Alright,” Sara interrupts through gritted teeth, not wanting to be reminded about all of the things Allen had been “right” about on a case of serial kidnappings that was leaving the Federal Bureau of Investigation looking more like the Keystone Cops. “Have you considered that he’s right because he’s behind the kidnappings?”

Mick raises both eyebrows at that. “Barry? No. He makes good banana bread.”

Sara shrugs in easy concession. She had had four slices of it and had not objected in the least when Mick convinced Barry to make more.

“You can’t judge a person’s moral alignment based on their talent with baked goods.”

Now Mick just looks offended. “Of course you can.”  

Sara opens her mouth to express her many opinions about this when a heavy thud interrupts. Allen is curled up on the floor next to the victim’s bed, looking extremely pale and a little bit like he might be dying.

They rush to him, Sara’s fingers going to cold and clammy skin to check for vitals. A thin rivulet of blood trickles from his nose and down his cheek. She feels a thready pulse but, “He’s not breathing!”

She just puts her hands on Barry’s chest for resuscitation when he gasps, ragged and terrified. He continues to choke and Mick is quick to prop him up on his knees, hands gripping shaking shoulders as he fiercely says, “Breathe, Red. Breathe. I’m— we’re right here, you’re OK, just breathe.”

Tears stream down Barry’s face, mixing with the blood that’s still bubbling from his nose. He turns, burying his head into Mick’s jacket. His legs and arms writhe like his body is still trying to curl in on itself. 

His eyes, though. His eyes are dead things. Wide and vacant, like his soul is on a walkabout and forgot to bring his body along.

“The woods,” he wheezes out. Mick puts a hand over his chest like he can help keep the air in. “She’s— she’s really afraid— I’m afraid,” he continues with a horror that could not be faked.

Without really thinking about it she reaches down and takes one of Barry’s shaking hands in hers.

If people weren’t staring before, they were staring now. She can’t bring herself to care. She grips Barry’s hand.

“What do you need, Red?” Mick asks.

Barry takes a shuddering breath and she swears she can see his soul return to him piece by fractured piece. He blinks and he’s back with them, still frightened, still gasping, but there. When he turns his face to her the lights are back on and someone— hopefully Barry— is home behind those eyes.

For the first time since meeting the psychic, a chill creeps up her spine.

“The girl. Red, what do you need?” Mick repeats, no more urgent and no less gentle than before.

Barry reaches up with his other hand and lays it over Mick’s. Their hands rise and fall with every weak breath Barry takes.

Sara sees it when Barry packs up his fear behind a clenched jaw. He looks determinedly up at her. 

“I need a map.”


75 and 38 and flashwave for the prompt thing? (I can’t remember if I already asked for one) and with hurt!!!!barry please!!! :)

75: Bed Sharing  & 38: Grief Fic  

Mick comes home, having felt like he’d fulfilled Len’s wish to see the Legends safe and saving the day. Felt like it was okay for him to come home, to go back to the sunshine they’d left behind.

The one who inspired Len to be more, the one Mick couldn’t face in his grief.

But now, now he felt like he could go back to their Barry and be with him. Cherish him fully (and doubly since Len wouldn’t be there to do so.)

But Mick…Mick should have had Gideon tell him what was going on in Central, because when he came home it was to Barry just laying there in their bed.

Not moving, barely even acknowledging Mick as he stripped down and curled around the hero, holding him tightly within his embrace.

If he had, he’d have learned that just before defeating Zoom, Barry lost his father to the monster.

Anonymous asked:

“is there a reason why you’re sitting on my lap Doll?” flashwave

Gotta be honest, I don’t write Flashwave or ship it that much, but since I’m having a hard time convincing myself to write lately? For you, Nonnie? Here ya go.

(Also this was submitted before the prompt list it’s just taken me a while to get to it. It got slightly cracky, sorry.)

Barry was never taking public transportation again. Never. Never again.

(If Iris were there, she’d likely snort and tell him he was acting dramatic, which - well, that was fair. He supposed. But still!)

Barry had never thought losing his speed would be this tiring. He’d somehow forgotten how exhausting and slow the world around him was, and while he knew Caitlin and Cisco were working as hard as they could to fix his powers, trying to navigate his job and the world around him when he couldn’t zip from place to place in seconds was…

Well, for lack of a better term, exhausting.

Maybe it was a side effect from the meta that had drained him. He’d have to ask Caitlin about that later.

But back to public transportation.


i love love love love love it thank you thank you thank you!!

Anonymous asked:

“is there a reason why you’re sitting on my lap Doll?” flashwave

Gotta be honest, I don’t write Flashwave or ship it that much, but since I’m having a hard time convincing myself to write lately? For you, Nonnie? Here ya go.

(Also this was submitted before the prompt list it’s just taken me a while to get to it. It got slightly cracky, sorry.)

Barry was never taking public transportation again. Never. Never again.

(If Iris were there, she’d likely snort and tell him he was acting dramatic, which - well, that was fair. He supposed. But still!)

Barry had never thought losing his speed would be this tiring. He’d somehow forgotten how exhausting and slow the world around him was, and while he knew Caitlin and Cisco were working as hard as they could to fix his powers, trying to navigate his job and the world around him when he couldn’t zip from place to place in seconds was…

Well, for lack of a better term, exhausting.

Maybe it was a side effect from the meta that had drained him. He’d have to ask Caitlin about that later.

But back to public transportation.

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