
this moderna commercial just went "the pandemic may be over, but covid 19 isnt going anywhere. covid is still among the top 5 leading causes of death"... wow... its almost like the pandemic isnt over.

"the pandemic is over but also COVID is among the top 5 leading causes of death" this is really just how it is in this dystopian capitalist hellscape.

People need to understand that Covid is gonna be around like the flu. Yes cases will spike in winter just like every other respiratory virus. Are we gonna call flu a pandemic because it’s around? RSV? Adeno? Jesus Christ people get a fucking grip


Kinda fucked up and nasty how vampires drink blood, imo. Like. Pepsi costs a dollar seventy five


Not me I’m paying a dollar seventy five. At the hospital

I feel like we’re getting off topic


So is pepsi if you steal it?

Because it’s only a dollar seventy five


Why in God's name would a vampire drink pepsi

Why would anyone drink Pepsi?

That’s why I’m not a fan of the sexy vampire trope.

1. It’s overused and supports the current status quote of typical vampire supremacy:worshiping rich folk.

2. Vampires prey upon humans and therefore symbolize capitalists preying on the working class.

3. Werewolves are much sexier imo.


am I having a stroke????

you might want to go to the hospital then

I hear the Pepsi is cheaper there


Vatican City isn't a country. Fuck you.

It doesn't have a population or community. It has employees. It's basically just the Catholic Church's corporate headquarters.

If Vatican City is a country, then Google's Googleplex office is a country.


And Europe isn’t a continent

Absolutely. Europe is a series of peninsulas on the western tip of Asia.


technically, asia isn't a continent either. africa, europe and asia (or afroeurasia) are all one giant continent

Not since 17 November 1869.

manmade canals aren't oceans by any stretch of the imagination

Tell that to the jellyfish.

afroeurasia briefly became a thing again in 2021

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