@criptocromo /


"The meeting", 2022. One day you wake up from a dream and walk through the corridor just to find two lettucians having a good time in your living room. One of them welcomes you and says: “Hello my dear… please come and take a seat…”, you look at the entrance door and find it has been opened. You are about to run, but then… you just don't…


Xiuhtecuhtli, 2021.

"[...] Xiuhtecuhtli also has two other names, one is Ixcozauhqui, which means "yellow-faced"; and the other is Cuezaltzin, which means "flame of fire." He was also called Huehuetéotl, which means "The ancient god"; and they all had him for a father considering the effects that he did because he burns the flame, lights and embraces and these are effects that cause fear. Other effects have that cause love and reverence, as it is that he warms those who are cold and cooks the meats to eat, roasting and cooking and roasting and frying (Sahagún, 1956).[...]"


preacher- "We are here to wip out our world you cannot stop progress!..."


Upper left side close up from the “Exohack” collaboration with Ninsei Corp.

“Ninsei Corp can warranty you a whole new body every month. Your flesh is becoming obsolete,  your time is running out. 

With our advanced knowledge of biomimicry your body will have  superb motion and protection. Step away from your mortal  life, make a visit to Exohack™.”


After years of enduring fear, prayers and mockery of the people, child Jesus of Zacatecas left the parish, grew a beard, and a colorful nimbus appeared when he discovered his tears possessed a sacred gift.


Artwork done in collaboration with n⨀sce (the mastermind behind #PM2012 #TYLER). The artwork's composition is done considering the aureal proportions, portraying a bunch of seeds full of courage and energy which begin to sprout.


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