
Soul's Twisted Art Mine

@thoselethalarts / thoselethalarts.tumblr.com

| Nonbinary | They/Them | Leo | Welcome to the Lethal Labs Arting Archive! My name is Soul, your resident fandom trash and artist at hand. I'm a writer, graphic artist, and designer by trade, and I'm here to transcribe my visions into comprehensible, aesthetically appealing forms. What comes from my efforts I hope you enjoy! (Icon by @mintmoth)

To all my new followers I’ve been gaining over the last couple days: welcome aboard! My name is Soul and I like drawing queer anime dudes and making assets for the community 😊💕 Code is good for JP server players only!

Twisted Wonderland Card Assets

|| Dorm Card Blanks: Pt 1 | Pt 2 ||

|| SR Event Cards: Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3 (Tsum) || Pt 4 (Anni)

Now offering limited commissions slots every month! Base prices are available as well as specialty TWST character cards and assets!


It's funny, after coming so far with writing personal stories for my other OCs I feel myself wanting to do rewrites for some of what I did previously for Nyx. He's my first and most precious to me, so I'm really considering it. It'd be a good treat to give him for his birthday this year 😭


𝒮𝓉𝒶𝒽𝓁𝒾 ℋ𝑒𝒾𝓂𝑒𝓇 - 𝒫𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎

(R) School Uniform: “I Wanted to Give My Compliments to You!”

(NRC: Cafeteria)

Stahli: Where to sit, where to sit... Ah-! An open spot has been found~ Stahli: Guten Tag! Good afternoon, herr Epel! Would you mind if I sat with you?

Epel: Ah, hey Stahli. Go right ahead, I'm not saving that spot for anybody.

Stahli: Danke! It's unusually crowded in here today, I almost couldn't find a place to sit~ Stahli: Well, I've had to sit outside before and it's quite nice, so I wouldn't have minded if that was all that was left, anyway~

Epel: Eheh... I'd rather sit in here, honestly. When I sit out on the ground outside, Vil usually chastises me for getting dirt on my uniform... Epel: Anyway, what did you get? ...Is that beef stroganoff? It smells really good.

Stahli: Ja, indeed! I've never had it before, so I'm looking forward to trying some today!



40 hours of work- just around 200 peoples ocs in the twst community (as such there may be some small mistakes on my end and sometimes i couldnt find refs with all the colors so i did my best!! Honestly im sorry if i missed you too even if its impossible for me to get every single person HFNDJXDHV)

Nothing can quite describe how welcomed ive felt in this community. I find myself always wanting to give back to my moots, followers, or even just other members in the community in general.

SOOO ive been slowly chipping away at this for the past few months. Consider this a gift! And uh, have fun finding your ocs/yuus-

Group photo tags pt1

Group photo tags pt2

Group photo tags pt3 (send help)

Group photos tags pt4


But also oh my goodness there's so many lovelies here 🥺 This is an absolutely massive insane piece you made all just out of love for the community and that's so sweet and awesome of you. Thank you so much for including my boy amidst the crowd, I'm really so honored! 🐈‍⬛ 💕


𝓚𝓪𝔃𝓾𝓸 𝓖𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓻𝓸 - 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼

An (almost) complete compendium of all of Kazuo Guerrero’s character cards and personal stories! SR Groovies and SSR Dorm Card + story to come!

~ Personal Stories (ENG) ~

(SR) Lab Uniform: “I Can't Really Turn Back Now.” ( 1 || 2 )

(SR) Ceremony Robes: “I Won’t Let You Down!” ( 1 || 2 )

(SSR) Dorm Uniform: “(AS OF YET UNNAMED)” ( 1 || 2 || 3 )

(SSR) Birthday Suit-Up: “Happy Birthday!” ( 1 || 2 || 3 )


The funny thing is I didn't even think about how Stahli, the queerest OC I have by a long shot, was born during pride month until far long after I gave him his birthday for other reasons. I can't wait to celebrate with a whole month of his gay ass, this is great


𝓚𝓪𝔃𝓾𝓸 𝓖𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓻𝓸 - 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂

(SR) Ceremony Robes (Part 2): I Won’t Let You Down!”

(Savanaclaw Dorm: Leona’s Room)

Ruggie: Almost time for the Entrance Ceremony~ Leona, are you ready yet?

Leona: Yeah, yeah, I’m dressed. You don’t have to keep nagging me.

Ruggie: Sometimes I wonder if I have to nag you more, really. Feels like getting you up on time today was pulling teeth.

Leona: Speaking of pulling teeth, how’s preparations going for the banquet after the ceremony? Leona: After how much money you asked for, I’m expecting something real good to compensate.

Ruggie: Ah, it should be going fine… I think. Ruggie: I left most of the dirty work to Kaz, since he seemed so enthusiastic to help. All I did was wrestle in a couple of third years to be his extra hands.

Leona: Hoh? Well this should be interesting. I wouldn’t put my faith in any of their hands without someone guiding them every step of the way. Leona: Well, if dinner ends up sucking, at least I’ll get a show out of it.

Ruggie: That’s cold, Leona~ you don’t care at all about your poor underclassman at all, do you?

Leona: I’m not his caretaker. If he bit off more than he could chew and was so enthusiastic to do it, I’m not about to stop him. Leona: It’s getting close to the time to leave. Let’s head down.


𝓚𝓪𝔃𝓾𝓸 𝓖𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓻𝓸 - 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂

(SR) Ceremony Robes (Part 1): “I Won’t Let You Down!”

(Savanaclaw Dorm: Lounge)

Ruggie: Ngaaahhh, I can’t BELIEVE he left me with all this to figure out on my own. Ruggie: First I have to decide on what we’re even going to serve, and then I have to wrangle all the students needed to even make it happen. This is way too much for me to handle my myself~

Kazuo: Huh? What’s wrong, Ruggie? Did something happen?

Ruggie: Oh Kaz! Perfect timing~ Maybe you can help me with my little dilemma~ Ruggie: Leona strapped me with figuring out all the dining arrangements for the night of the entrance ceremony, and I don’t know what I’m gonna do for it at all. Ruggie: If you’d be willing to lend me a hand, it’d take a hell of a weight off my shoulders~

Kazuo: Oh! Well, sure, I can help with that! I don’t really have anything I need to do for the ceremony, and it sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun! Kazuo: So, where are you at with everything? Do we have any kind of menu limitations or a budget to stick to?

Ruggie: Not really to both. Leona just said, “Make a list of whatever you need, and I’ll get it for you. Just as long as it’s not something stupid or gross.” Ruggie: His pockets run pretty deep, so I doubt he’ll care what we get as long as we have enough food for everyone. Ruggie: Usually for special occasions we pull out the barbeques so we have plenty of cooking space to make things real fast, if that gives you any ideas for things we could be cooking.


*Not so secretly stalks your ocs*

I just wanna say I ADORE your ocs:> I've been rereading their card stories and info for the past week lol. I expected my fav to be Phobos since I typically like characs like him but Kazuo is so sweet:] Alongside Marcus on being my favs!

tldr; Your ocs are incredible!<3


I couldn't tell at all that you've been stalking them, bestie /lh

No but actually though, thank you for the love and support 🥺💕✨ It really makes me so happy knowing ya'll love them as much as I do and have been enjoying all the love and care I've been putting into giving them the attention they deserve.

I used to run an ask blog for at least a couple of them in the past (mostly Vantablack), and I'd love to do drawn in-character answers for them again in the future once I'm done with all these monthly challenges I've been doing, but until then I'm still happy to have someone pick my brain and put them in Situations if you'd ever be interested in doing so

Anonymous asked:

Hi! absolutely love your ocs<3

How do they see the prefect? Before or after the overblots of their dorms

Just for being so darn sweet to me you can have a bit of both, bestie 😘

How Do They See The Prefect?

(WARNING! The following post features spoilers for the endings of all seven major storyline chapters of TWST. Read on at your own risk!)

Matt is vaguely interested in the prefect, due to them being from another world and all, but he won't go out of his way to really interact with them of his own accord. If they come to him first he'll be friendly enough, but he doesn't care about them enough to seek them out otherwise. He thinks getting close to the prefect is a waste of time since in the end they'll likely never see each other again.

He respects their ability to survive the onslaught that was Riddle's overblot in Chapter 1, especially considering how powerful of a mage he is even by NRC standards. As he's usually hanging around by Marcus's side, you'll see the two of them in pairs more often than not. If Marcus chooses to gravitate towards you, Matt will follow shortly after.

Kaz thinks the prefect is interesting! To him, part of his time spent at Night Raven College is about making memories that he wouldn't get the chance to make anyways. Meet people he otherwise would never meet, try things he'd never get to try, and learn things he'd never get to learn. With the prefect however he sees things differently. He wonders if they will find a chance to leave, or if they'll stay in Twisted Wonderland forever, and what will happen to their relationship when the end finally comes.

He does worry a bit for their safety, especially after the events of Leona's overblot in Chapter 2. He starts to feel a bigger drive to look after them especially after these events, much like Marcus does. He hopes one day the two of them can see each other part ways amicably, but they'll have to live that long first before they do!

Marcus feels a fierce obligation to protect the prefect, purely because they're from another world. He would feel miserable if they would end up dying before getting the opportunity to return back to where they came, so he's very much interested in helping them find out how they got to Twisted Wonderland and how to make it back home. If they ever need a helping hand, he'll be glad to be that for them. Being the de-facto leader of his friend group, that also means they get the assistance of Matt and Kazuo as well.

His desire to protect the prefect and align with them only becomes stronger with each overblot. He's impressed by their ability to escape potential death and overcome the deadly challenges frequently being presented to them, but he knows that being magicless in a world full of magical assholes hellbent on destruction is a dangerous existence to live.

Nyx doesn't particularly care about the prefect in the slightest. He has more pressing things to be concerned about, like his schoolwork and his personal relationships. He's interested in the fact that they came from another world, but doesn't care enough to investigate it with them. In fact, he'd rather not get involved with them at all. He's usually too reserved to go out of his way to hold a proper conversation with them, and would rather just be left alone to his own friends and devices.

During the overblot of Chapter 4, he was the only person in his dorm that was able to escape Jamil's wrath by leaving NRC before he began to exact his plan. He heard about what happened in his dorm only after he got back, and was rather surprised to hear about them being able to stand up to Jamil despite everything. He seems more weary around them after this, and has made a mental note of their capabilities, especially with regards to plans he's making of his own before VDC is able to come into full swing across the school...

Stahli's rather neutral on his opinion of the prefect, but he's friendly to everybody so he's going to be friendly to them too! Rest assured, if they're ever in Pomefiore this skunkboy will be glad to see them. He will probably try and enlist them as a taste tester for whatever obscure recipe he's making this week, so hopefully they like the free food even if there's a 50/50 chance of it being something weird.

Chapter 5's overblot was something that took everyone by surprise, but significantly less so for Stahli. Perhaps it's his interest in fortune telling spoiling the future for him, but he seemed to know some kind of doom lingered in the future. Rather than fussing about it or being panicked, however, he would occasionally nudge the prefect in warning during the lead up to VDC to help guide them toward a path of greater safety.

Phobos doesn't give a shit about the prefect at all, but to be fair he doesn't give a shit about most people around him. He's not really interested in becoming closer to them, but he's not going to push them away if they stay low on his annoyance meter. He only offers to help them with anything if they pay him up front. He doesn't do any work for free unless he really likes you.

Phobos's interest in getting involved with S.T.Y.X. during the events of Chapter 6 are very minimal, but he can have a big role depending on how the prefect interacts with him. He can easily track down Idia's location even without Rook's help, and he's very much interested in learning more about the Isle of Woe as a whole. He doesn't actually care about helping bring anybody back from S.T.Y.X. though. You'd have to make it worth his while to keep helping you delve into the depths of Tartarus and fight against the freshly overblotted Idia and Ortho.

Vantablack is very interested in the prefect and wants to know everything about them. Who are they, exactly? Where did they come from? How did they get to Twisted Wonderland? Does the crushing fear of possibly losing everything connected to their old life haunt them? What was their homeworld like? Vantablack is going to bother them frequently, and as part of the first year squad they want it to be known that the prefect can rely on them for anything and everything. Whether or not you can actually trust them, however, is to your discretion.

Despite everything, if there's one thing you can always count on: it's that Vantablack HATES Malleus and would love nothing more than the chance to knock him down a couple pegs. They hate the fact that he's worshiped and revered so highly when they aren't, and wants desperately to beat him and become the next dorm head of Diasomnia. Needless to say, the prefect has their full support in helping stop Malleus's overblot during the events of Chapter 7.


*puts your ocs in my oc jar and starts shaking them*

I love them sm they're so cool and creative





𝓚𝓪𝔃𝓾𝓸 𝓖𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓻𝓸 - 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂

(SSR) Birthday Suit Up (Part 3): “Happy Birthday!”

(Savanaclaw Dorm: Birthday Venue)

Tell us a bit about your family.”

Kazuo: Oh, sure thing! Kazuo: Let’s see… my immediate family is just me, my mom, and my dad. I have grandparents on both side of the family, too, but we don’t live with either of them. Kazuo: My dad really wanted me to have siblings to grow up with when I was born, but my mom wasn’t having any of it. “One and done,” she says, “I don’t have the time to be taking care of any more than that.” Kazuo: I still think my dad wished I could have had a sibling to grow up with, but I had my cousins to grow up with too so I wasn’t ever really alone! Kazuo: My dad’s side of the family is really big, so I’ve got lots of cousins that I got to hang out with. They were basically like siblings to me. Kazuo: Some of my cousins actually lived next door to us when I was growing up, too, so they were more than a good enough replacement for siblings in my opinion.


𝓚𝓪𝔃𝓾𝓸 𝓖𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓻𝓸 - 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂

(SSR) Birthday Suit Up (Part 2): “Happy Birthday!”

(Savanaclaw Dorm: Birthday Venue)

Is there a particular meaning behind your face paint?”

Kazuo: Oh-! Uhh, well… kiiiinda? I mean, there’s multiple reasons I wear it, I guess. Kazuo: It’s called “eye black”. It’s a kind of makeup that a lot of sports players wear. You might see baseball and football players wear it sometimes. Kazuo: Baseball players wear it to reduce glare when they’re playing on the field. It’s like a tiny pair of sunglasses that are right beneath your eyes, rather than actually over your eyes themselves. Kazuo: Some baseball players wear actual sunglasses, but sometimes it lowers your ability to see out of your peripherals, so they don’t usually wear them. Eye black is a substitution for that. Kazuo: As for me, well… I don’t have any prescription sunglasses. All I have are my regular pair that I wear every day. Kazuo: It gets so bright out here in the morning, so I started wearing eye black every day to try and keep the sun out of my eyes. It’s uh, practical! That’s about it, really.


𝓚𝓪𝔃𝓾𝓸 𝓖𝓾𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮𝓻𝓸 - 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂

(SSR) Birthday Suit Up (Part 1): “Happy Birthday!”

(Savanaclaw Dorm: Birthday Venue)

NRC Newspaper Birthday Interviews ~Kazuo Edition~

> Happy Birthday! The suit looks good on you.

Kazuo: Hey, thanks! I look pretty snazzy in it, don’t I~? Kazuo: I don’t usually get to dress up all fancy like this unless I go out to dinner at a nice restaurant with my family. Kazuo: I’m not goin’ out today, but it definitely helps to make it feel like a special occasion~

Do you have any big plans for today?”

Kazuo: Not particularly! Honestly, since I came here, everything has felt like one big adventure. Kazuo: I get to experience and learn new things every day, things I wouldn’t ever get to experience back home. Kazuo: It’s exciting and fun, and I’m gonna really cherish the time I get to spend here for as long as I can. Kazuo: So I guess maybe I’ll just take today to chill and relax with my friends. Maybe we can get some food together later, watch some movies or play some video games. I’ll be happy either way~


✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Happy Birthday Kazuo! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Tomorrow (5/28) is Kazuo’s birthday! In commemoration of said event, he’s getting his own fancy little birthday card and a matching SSR story in a set of three that will be releasing on the day of!

Be sure to save up your gems for this sweethearted nerd coming soon to a gatcha near you~

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