
Colors, ask me what color you are, it has to be blue because the sky reaches for you, it has to be red because of the sinfully seductive smirk, it has to be green because a garden surrounds you and the hippie calls to you, it has to be yellow because you outshine the sunflowers in July, it has to be orange because your creativity sticks to it, it has to be purple because you are the only one that makes lavander a worthwhile smell, you are all the colors a lifetime can find, you are the best reasons the rainbow exists

“I liked the idea of living in a city — any city, especially a strange one — liked the thought of traffic and crowds, of working in a bookstore, waiting tables in a coffee shop, who knew what kind of solitary life I might slip into? Meals alone, walking the dogs in the evenings; and nobody knowing who I was.”

— Donna Tartt, The Secret History


Very hot and cold on the subject but I’m not exactly feelin where my life is right now and this is very dangerous because I will make a decision for some big changes


Honestly the best piece of advice I can give to younger girls trying to figure life out is to completely ignore men. I’m not being quirky or cute when I say that, I mean it seriously. Ignore men’s judgments of you, ignore their insincere compliments, ignore their half-assed romance. Focus on developing yourself. Practice your art, play sports, do theater, volunteer, spend time with your friends, but do not put substantial effort into pleasing men. They’ll be there for you to pursue when the time comes and if you want to. But nothing will waste your youth more than fighting for male acceptance.


I think I try to remind myself every now and then to have touch bases with how I felt a few years ago. I had been going through hell with my moms death and I left a guy who I loved fully. And I put myself in a whole new environment and had more new thoughts than I ever thought possible and it was truly amazing. I found myself inspiring myself each and everyday and wanting to share that positivity with everyone around me. And honestly, it’s hard to stay true to those feelings. It’s hard work but its worth it. A few years ago I wrote about how loving fully is never a mistake even if it doesn’t work out. And as I find myself in another long term relationship I had to use that for a long time to break myself out of the fear and grow more and more in confidence with my relationship. And I want with all of me for it to fully work out, but making peace with what life offers is something I always want to be ready for and to take on whatever new challenge. I think it applies to any kind of Love. Romantic or about family or about friends, it’s all about the effort. My mom was a tough thing for me. I didn’t think I did love her. And I did realize when she died that I did, which should seem like a huge regret but realistically I tried really hard. I put in so much effort and it hurts but I did what I could and what I knew to do. And that’s not worth regretting. And now I’m trying to think about that every single day, if I try and I love fully and it doesn’t work out that is OK. It happens, it’s life, but I will always heal and move on. And always always try to look back with fond memories.


This year I started doing self portraits on photography and 1. It’s been nice to actually do photography again without pressure or expectations. Like I literally just get to do what I want and take the time to figure out set ups and lighting and settings and try out things that are very trial and error. Literally it feels like it helps me figure out positioning people for jobs. I got asked to do a photography job this week which was random and I’m always blown away when people ask me. But I feel comfortable for he first time in a while doing something like that. 2. I’ve kinda been out of my comfort zone. Everytime I put one on social media, I am so nervous which usually isn’t me, I typically just don’t care but sitting there taking photos of myself is something I don’t think people see as using a skill set. 3. I am so stoked everytime I get to do something different, like if a photo comes out blurry, why would I be worried about fixing it? Like why am I not just using it? The photo still has the feelings and the mood I’m conveying but I’m terrified of being critiqued for the actual *technical* clarity of the photo. I’ve realized I LOVE blurry photos. And I can’t believe I’m posting my thoughts on tumblr like I’m back in highschool but I don’t really want to actually tell anyone anything soooooooooo


Therapists are just…. Common sense filters

Me: yeah so I just don’t have the energy to get up and make myself a sandwich or wait for something to cook so I just. Don’t

Her: why don’t you just eat the sandwich components without putting them together


Her: you can just eat a handful of cheese and some sandwich meat. You don’t have to make a sandwich.


Me: what

Therapists finding loopholes for mental illness things is one of my favorite things about dealing with mental illness because it really helps me understand that just because a reaction is Common doesn’t mean it’s Right. Does doing dishes stress you out a lot? Buy paper plates. Do your obsessive thoughts make you worry about leaving your curling iron on so you drive home from work to check? Just put the curling iron in your purse and bring it to work with you while we work on tackling where this worry comes from. Symptom management doesn’t have to look like drudgery.

i used to go days without showering because seeing my body was so upsetting that i would end up spiraling and then i realized i could simply turn the lights out. it took some getting used to but i’ve been showering with the lights off for years and it’s now one of my favorite parts of my day.

do whatever you want nothing is real and there’s no need to inflict unnecessary suffering on yourself just to try to seem “normal”


I love this post



These kinds of loopholes make life so. Much. Better.

One of my favorite stories is this lady had extremely bad OCD. Every day she’d be late to work because she was convinced that her hair dryer was going to burn down the house so would always have to turn around and check it. Multiple times a day even. A bunch of doctors tied to “fix” her of that fear, until one day she got a doctor that suggested she bring the hair dryer with her. Other doctors were annoyed, saying that wasn’t a the correct way to help, but she gave it a go. When she had that fear, she’d look over and see the hair dryer unplugged in the seat next to her and was able to carry on. I think it’s such a perfect example of actually helping someone instead of forcing them into a neurotypical standard.

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