
curieous Dreams

@curieousdreamer / curieousdreamer.tumblr.com

25% Shipping Trash, 25% Shitposting, 25% Vampires, 24% Aya in a Dumpster, 1% actual good content - 100% awesome. Old enough to be your Mom probably. Or at least your wacky Aunt. Antis, TERFs, and fundies (but I repeat myself) fuck off. Art blog - rosedore Fic blog - marshmallowbirb

Cross-platform contact info!

Hey guys! If you’re following me for fics, please head on over to the following places:

AO3: MarshmallowBirb Twitter: MarshmallowBirb Pillowfort: MarshmallowBirb Pixiv: MarshmallowBirb Fanfiction dot Net: CrystalDawn Plurk: holyfight

I will no longer be updating here after today! This goes for my art blog - rosedore - and my main blog - curieousdreamer - will be severely limited posting from here on out.


What Nestle also did was file a lawsuit against activists and researchers who saw what it was doing, and said it can’t be held responsible for the deaths of millions because this was caused only by contaminated water. Recently enough, Nestle milk powder had larvae found in it and it’s instant noodles had lead in it


if you don’t currently have any weed, you’re so fucking brave, hang in there, i’ve been where you are and i promise it gets better, you’ll have weed again soon, i’m blessing you all with that energy


Small List of Famous Communists /Socialists you might’ve heard of before:

  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • Frida Kahlo
  • Helen Keller
  • George Orwell
  • Albert Einstein
  • Pablo Picasso
  • Oscar Wilde
  • W.E.B. Du Bois
  • bell hooks
  • Charlie Chaplin
  • Kurt Vonnegut

~🚩Another World is Possible 🚩~


i love cutthroat kitchen but bingewatching makes it really stand out how often alton brown refers to himself as ‘daddy’ and makes contestants wear spreader bars

I’m sorry what

you heard me


kinda, yeah

@datas-vibrating-robot-dong this seems like your speed

That logo looks familiar.




We met Alton Brown at a show he did here - we paid the extra cash to meet him and get a blurry cellphone pic with him and have him sign a picture. He noticed my (male) companion’s pocket watch, and proceeded to order him to take it out of his pocket. It wasn’t obnoxious, it was in a Dom tone that brooked no argument. So he complied. When he found out it wasn’t wound, and so not working, he was deeply disappointed, and told him to do better next time. 

If this guy isn’t a Dom, I’ll eat that spreader bar.


For everyone’s information:

The plan for the 17th, when the adult content ban comes in, is to protest.

To do that, we are making as much noise either side of the 17th as possible, and using the site as normal.

On the 17th, dead silence.

People are saying log off but what they really mean is don’t open the site or the app.

But, on the 17th make as much noise as possible on every other platform. Tweet about it and post on facebook and instagram and everywhere else.

What this does is causes a massive dip in ad revenue for one single day. That does not make staff think ‘oh everyone’s gone let’s shut down.’ What it actually makes them think is ‘oh shit people aren’t happy and if people don’t keep using our site we’re out of money and out of jobs.’

A boycott reminds a company that the users (consumers) have the power to make their site (business) worthless with one single coordinated decision.

If you want to join in, here’s what to do:

  • Close all open instances of the app and site on all your devices before the 17th
  • Make posts before and after the 17th on tumblr and other platforms, talking about why this ban is bad
  • Make posts on other sites during the 17th. Flood the official tumblr staff twitter and facebook with your anger and your opinion
  • Come back on the 18th and check in
  • Delete the app from your phone (this doesn’t affect their revenue and since it’s off the store at the moment it’ll be hard to get back)
  • Delete your account. I mean you can if you want to, but if you keep your account and don’t use it you’re saying to staff that there’s still time to save it. If you delete it’s hard work to come back.
  • Open the app or website (including specific blogs)
  • Make any posts (turn down/off your queue and make sure nothing is scheduled)
  • Go quiet elsewhere. Make it clear that this is just about tumblr, not a mass move away from all social media.

Remember: the execs don’t care about anything but money. Shutting down the site means there’s $0 further income from it. That’s their last possible course of action. If we make it clear we’re not happy, they’ll have to do something or we can do more and more until it becomes too expensive.

Protests take commitment. They’re a defiant action against a business that is doing something wrong. They will try to scare you into not participating, because they’re scared. We hold all the power here, sometimes the execs just need to be reminded of that.


Seems like a good idea, worth a try.


Seriously tho, don’t use “but the racists are getting a pass!” while complaining that shipping communities are losing a safe and empowering place to share porn.

The most dominant shipping communities uphold racist aesthetic ideals, methodically erase people of color from their narratives and uphold white men as superior to all – and they continue to congratulate themselves for their own enlightenment while doing it.

Instead of glorifying shipping communities as empowering spaces for women, this is an opportunity to talk about what’s really lurking under that so-called subversive feminism.

After all the ugliness they’ve injected into Tumblr fan spaces, we can do better than letting them go down as martyrs. (Again.)

I mean the reason nipple is happening is partly their fault. A lot of adult, female shippers had zero problem with shipping adult characters with minors. Hell, when Big Hero 6 came out, the tags we full of racist, pedophilic art featuring Hiro and his brother. These women aren’t heroes, they’re part of the problem.

Yes, how tumblr is handling this entire this is low but part of the reason this is happening is because of adult shippers, mainly female ones.

These women aren’t heroes, they’re part of the problem.


“Why don’t they take care of the Nazis instead of us”? – Sad fact: The  amount of racist crap I’ve gotten from female shippers on Tumblr absolutely obscures the amount I’ve gotten from actual alt-righties. I’ll get some rightwing dudes mocking me now and then, but the harassment, the campaigns to take me down for blogging about racism in fandom, the false accusations, have all come from women shippers. Not all white, but all women, and 100% from so-called “subversive” shipping communities.

These are the women we create holocaust or Native American AUs without batting an eye. I’ve had female shippers send me death threats and I had one tell me I should get hit by a bus. Yeah, that’s totally feminist.

Also, these women are dangerous too. They have influence over fandom and there are tons of minors they can potentially harm. Why doesn’t anyone care? Isn’t their safety more important than this faux feminism?

Again, the reason for nipplegate is the fault of adult women who have been making fandom unsafe from the get go

I love how you both blame adult women specifically for this debacle (as if there aren’t plenty of men and teens who ship the “bad nasty things”) and not, I dunno, incompetent website moderation combined with corporate greed

And, of course, @rootbeergoddess says this shit right after reblogging this post from @thebibliosphere:

This post is literally about how targeting the “wrong kind of” fiction is, historically, only part one in crackdowns against general LGBT content in fandom spaces.

And yet, somehow, women are to blame for this, and not incompetent, greedy, homophobic corporations.

But nah, think of the children, etc, and ends justify the means, I guess. Because hey, fuck LGBT people if we can punish those gross old (mostly queer) women for drawing cartoon characters, right?

Congrats on derailing a post about racism.

I blame the adult women who fly into attack mode when racism is brought up for their actions. Transformative fandom doesn’t deserve to be lionized with zero acknowledgement of its rampant racism.

Since it is being lionized across the internet in response to the Tumblr Purge, I’m absolutely going to point out its long-standing racism. If you want to make that into something homophobic, that’s on you.

So anyone who objects to your cold dead take on how “adult shippers are to blame for nipplegate” is also to blame for nipplegate, somehow?

Also, the discussion of fandom racism has been around for years, including among shippers. Talking about concerns over censorship doesn’t mean that somehow everyone forgot that racism within fandom spaces is a thing.

Nobody’s lionizing anything. People are, quite understandably, angry at corporate censorship and corporate incompetence, which almost always hits marginalised people (such as queer people, many of whom are in shipping communities) harder than those in power (which includes white supremacist blogs). That’s why people are talking about this, and that’s why people are angry.

You’re intentionally trying to twist the situation to focus once again onto fans’ faults, because you can’t bear for a moment for people to direct their anger towards the groups who actually have power and actually cause harm, or see people sympathise with folks you have a grudge against.

Blaming censorship on the victims of censorship is disgusting, and you should be ashamed of yourself.


OP you suck, and you’re exactly the reason why no one can have good discussions on how not to be racist, because y'all start defending actual censorship and homophobic pedophilia libel and blatant misogyny and make outrage for the sake of outrage, misapplying serious issues to generate excuses, because it’s more fun for you than tackling actually issues, which would require you to admit nuance exists and your “enemies” are real people who can change instead of fun punching bag toys.

Not to mention that, in actuality, where else do marginalized writers and artists even get heard of? Meanwhile, in fandom spaces, by design, literally anyone can be seen and heard if they tag well. Particularly on AO3, but before Tumblr fucked up how tags and search worked—which is entirely the fault of Yahoo’s execs and brogrammers—here as well. There are no official gatekeepers, no interviews with those already in power, not even real names and people guessing your demographics from them. Just tags and date posted. So long as you tag well and post regularly, which are skills, not inherent attributes, you got heard. I dare you to act like that’s somehow more racist than mainstream publishing.

Not that I’m a fan of idpol, but since it tends to go over well in these kinds of conversations, let me lay it out.

I’m a sex worker. I did sex work through tumblr. I’m also brown. I’m also disabled, queer, and genderqueer. If you want to place weight on these kinds of identities for the sake of firsthand accounts and primary sources, go for it. If not, you won’t need to, since the things I’m about to say are basic facts.

Fandom is racist, yes. Everything that operates in a racist context such as that of the literal world we live in is racist. But on a racism scale of “hypothetical perfect world of total equality,” and “the fucking KKK,” fandom falls a lot closer to the perfect world than traditional media does, or even can.

See, traditional media operates with limitations. The most relevant of those, for this discussion, is capitalism and profit-seeking. To turn a profit, traditional media needs to appeal to the widest possible audience. In a culture of racism, that means playing into the racism.

Fandom does not operate with a profit seeking motive. That means fanworks have the freedom to be passion projects unbeholden to cultural racism. Now, the creators behind fanworks are, themselves, racist, because we’re all fucking racist, because racism permeates our world like nitrogen. But they have no reason to pander to the worst and most dense pockets of racism.

In fact, fandom has motives to not be racist. Because, here’s the thing: fandom includes people of every race and combination.

And people like me? The people of color you dismally claim to be defending with your censorship seeking? We are motivated to express ourselves through art in a way that is denied to us through traditional media, which gatekeeps us out.

But, you sit here, and you pretend in your little ivory tower, that fandom is worse. You explicitly say, in your post, that fandom is more racist, more violent than nazis.

You say, to me, a brown jew, that I am worse than nazis.

Your claims that you are defending people of color, and any marginalized group, fall pretty fucking short, when you’re pulling shit like that.

But, set that aside. I hate that I have to say, “set aside the shocking, jaw dropping racism you just pulled,” but it’s not actually your thesis.

See, the point of your post isn’t, “fandom is racist.” The point is that fandom should be punished for that racism, even when other people aren’t.

And punishment, in this case, equals denial. It equals the exact same censure and gatekeeping that prevents people like me from publishing in traditional media.

Remember when I pointed out that traditional media is, by necessity, more racist than fandom?

By calling for fandom to imitate traditional media, you are calling for fandom to become more racist, not less.

Setting aside the misogyny, the homophobia, the queerphobia, the transphobia of your post.

This kind of thinking is extremely. Fucking. Racist.

And as someone who purports to be all about increasing the diversity of expression in traditional media, what with the url “diverse high fantasy”?

You need to do better.

Also, like, the actual KKK? The far end of my little racism scale?

They really ARE getting a pass in all this. That’s actually a true statement, and people should be fucking shouting it from the rooftops. This purge seeks to punish women for having bodies, queers for having sex, and sex workers for doing work. And yes, it seeks to punish fandoms for daring to talk about fiction.

But it leaves lynch mod organizers untouched. People who do real harm, to real victims. Victims like me, because just for reference, I’ve lived in KKK country. I’ve watched them set homes on fire and circle the yard with guns to shoot anyone who tries to leave. I’ve gone to bed each night hoping to god the next place they burn down wouldn’t be mine. I’ve watched people die in some of the worst imaginable ways.

And you sit here, and you claim that people should not speak out against that. You claim that saying that is unacceptable is somehow “derailing” a “real conversation” on racism.

As if taking the side of the worst kind of racists is somehow not racist.

So, like, until you can learn to be less disingenuous, I hope that everything you put in your putrid mouth tastes like the rot of which you are thoroughly made.

In other words?

Eat shit.

“By calling for fandom to imitate traditional media, you are calling for fandom to become more racist, not less.”

I can’t add nearly the same level of substance to this conversation, but I did just want to point out: fandom writing controversial/racist/gross subjects does not promote censorship. Policing what people choose to write is literally asking for censorship, and subsequently obviously is promoting it.

So, no. “Gross” fandom didn’t ask for this. YOU asked for this, we warned you it would happen, and now that it has, you’re blaming us? You know that blaming a primarily queer, female audience for the problems of our fucked up society isn’t actually progressive, right? Seriously, how many times did you emphasise that women did this? Maybe blame, you know, the actual fucking Nazis on the site instead of fiction you find distasteful.

Anonymous asked:

im sorry but like? shipping a ship thats clearly unhealthy in canon right now as only a “future thing after redemption uwu” is some real ass rey/lo level talk and it being a wlw ship doesn’t change that it’s canonically unhealthy atm? people are already dogpiling on those uncomfortable with cat/rad/ora and how scenes in which one or both of them is clearly not comfortable are being romanticized. shipping an unhealthy ship bc of “future potential” is some real fucking anti-anti pro shipper talk.

First of all, I have not attacked anyone who is uncomfortable with catr@dora. I have friends that don’t like catr@doda for personal reasons, and I completely respect them for that. And I’ve seen people romanticize scenes that are romantic, and yeah I don’t agree with that. But don’t you dare compare catr@dora to rey/o. Ky/o R@n is a nazi, that deserves no redemption arc whatsoever. Catr@dora consists of two abuse victims who have been through so much. So, I’m not just talking about a redemption arc, I want to see them both heal. And all this is coming from me, a person who’s been abused. Catr@dora is a comfort for some abuse victims because it shows that you can overcome that trauma, heal, and be able to love someone after this healing. And everyone knows that if catr@dora was a mlm ship, everyone would think that it’s cute and it’s the perfect example of the trope enemies to friends to lovers. But unfortunately, a lot of people don’t know what to do with complex female characters, so they demonize them. Which I address in the post I made yesterday about this, which you should go read. Anyways, don’t compare catr@dora to rey/o again!


lmao this is so funny

Ky/o R@n is a nazi 

Yes he’s part of a fictional fascist imperialistic group. Just like…. THE FUCKING HOARDE IN SHE-RA

two abuse victims who have been through so much 


JUST ACCEPT THAT YOU’RE FUCKING HYPOCRITES LOL there is barely any difference between Catradora and Reylo, only that Catradora have a shared childhood which should be ~incest~ according to anti logic.

Catradora IS an Incest ship. They are adopted siblings that were literally raised together pretty much from birth. its the same boat as Thorki which antis think is incest, so sorry OP you’re an abuse and incest shipper. The abuse bit because ya know trying to kill your sister and kidnapping her friends to get tortured probably doesn’t spell for a healthy relationship.

Also Catra is basically Kylo except she’s a furry. Sorry not sorry OP; but you actually ship beastiality, incest, and abuse; which means you are probably gonna go fuck a cat in real life, then your gonna slap the cat and emotionally manipulate it and somehow the cat is gonna be your sister and you must be stopped before these atrocities can happen because what you ship in fiction automatically will be something you support in real life. No one let OP have a Cat.

Man, OP went from anti to literally the grossest shipper in existence.

Funny funny how the creators have never said it is an incest ship and how it was never implied to be one. They even confirmed that relationship between the cadets DO exist so it is normal to date in the horde. And idk about you but the way they interact is no where close to how siblings interact.the relationship they have is akin to sasunaru, it’s a enemies to lovers trope. They are going to have to be ya know,,, enemies.

And if anything they grew up as childhood friends, and it’s usually a popular trope for shipping. Something that people see in catra/Dora

And how dare you have the audacity to accuse someone of actually fucking a cat. There’s a line and you ran thirty miles past it. But I guess it ok bc you don’t condone “incest” but do condone calling someone a cat fucker :///

They grew up together, in the same bedroom, literally sleeping together in the same bed as children under the same mother. 🤔 The staff even said that ShadowsWeaver was their surrogate mother ergo they are sisters. You wanna tell me you’d fuck the person you were raised with?

Oh wow look at that reach, did you break your arm trying to justify your own ship as you shit on other abuse survivors who use the same reasoning you have to explain why they ship their ships. Oh wait the justification is only valid because your an anti and no one else is as “smart” as antis so Reylos must like abuse.

FYI I’m a reylo and a CSA survivor and antis told me I must’ve liked my abuse because I Ship reylo so how dare you police me and try to tell me that I’m a bad person in my own fucking tag over a ship; while you literally break your own arm to justify your ship for elements that are far more disgusting when examined closely.

You seriously took the cat fucking part seriously? I literally tagged the post lol. I was being facetious because I know most people can separate fiction from reality and what you like in a ship isn’t necessarily what you’d like in real life. I can’t believe that’s the bit that made you mad like goddamn you must be concerned that Catradora is beastiality.

Anyways Stay the fuck out of the tags, don’t shit on other shippers for the same reasons you justify your own ship and accept that your a filthy shipper because being a hypocritical cat fucker isn’t a good look.

Antis are just shippers in denial: more at 10


What’s DreamWidth?

DreamWidth is a journal format site based off the original code of LiveJournal, independently run by two fantastic and experienced mods and a slew of amazing volunteers. The team has gone through some gigantic lengths to ensure that the content on the site is what you want to post: NSFW is allowed and there to stay.

In addition, DreamWidth is a very stable site that has previously taken in hundreds of thousands of journals from back in 2012, when LiveJournal’s changing environment led to many rpers needing a new home. They have the means to accomodate a rapidly growing userbase already, which means that it’s there for you, right now!

For a lot of people, DreamWidth’s biggest pull is its ability to host communities, which are used for anything and everything- but this post focuses on fandom and roleplay!

Why DreamWidth RP?

DreamWidth rp is more community-focused, with a large amount of games already up and running. There are a few pulls the website layout has for rpers:

  • The ability to create vast communities were dozens to hundreds of people can interact in both game (established settings with moderators), meme (open prompt posts that allow you to interact with who and what you please), dressingroom (usually more orientated to one fandom, but generally open to whatever prompts or stories you’d like to play out), and musebox (your very own personal place to interact with friends and play out whatever you like more privately) communities and styles. 
  • Threading: staggered responses to other players, which means all your rping for a storyline or prompt can be stashed away on a single page!
  • Subject Headers may seem like a very simple thing, but they act as a tagging system, so we can warn each other for any potential cws in our writing!

These are only a very small amount of the benefits, and I encourage anyone reblogging this to write out what’s important to them!

A buddy system?

Changing from one site to another always means getting lost in the how to’s and etiquette of that particular site and its userbase. To assist and welcome anyone interested, our lovely ChristmasElf (an anonymous user who often promotes gift giving and giveaways to the community) has set up a space for you to ask questions, find communities you might be interested in, work with others familiar with the site to try out rping there, and anything else you might desire!

We’re really excited to meet you all; so many people have already tracked the entry in the hiopes of being the first to welcome newcomers and give them a helping hand or a kind word where wanted or needed!


i am incredibly tired of my editing application crashing so take this as it is lol


oh god what is going on now

guys calm down, you can still draw fictional people naked


Yyyyyeah except they’ve already:

  1. purged the ‘chronic pain’ tag
  2. purged the ‘top surgery’ tag
  3. made ‘trans’ tag inaccessible to non-functional
  4. deleted a bunch of chronic illness blogs
  5. deleted a bunch of chronic pain and chronic illness posts from blogs they’ve left (like mine)

This isn’t just about ‘oh no you can’t look at people fucking anymore’ (even though lots of sex workers are losing their means of supporting themselves). This goes a lot further, with a lot more chilling effects. 

The sexualizing of things like ‘top surgery’ or declaring all ‘trans’ tagged things to be … sexual… is really, REALLY fucked up. Never mind the fact that ‘chronic pain’ had NOTHING to do with sexiness, and we’ve been given no explanation as to why disabled people were considered acceptable collateral damage.

ALSO I had a post flagged earlier today for a cartoon picture of Mario in a bathing suit. Mario, from Super Mario Brothers. 

Someone else reported a picture of a cartoon scorpion with a hard hat on being flagged as pornography. Tagging things as ‘queer’ or ‘gay’ gets them flagged NSFW. (Hey, guess what I’d been tagging my t-shirts, because they’re pride stuff? Oh right. Queer. Gay. Pride.)

This is a fucking problem, let’s not blow it off.

I know some people are too young (or simply weren’t involved in fandom back then) to remember what went down with livejournal and a couple of other sites “back in the day”, but it all started out as “it’s okay, we’re just removing the nasty porn”, and then “okay well, just make sure you put your porn behind a cut, no, wait jk you need to host it externally, a link is fine, maybe” and pretty much devolved swiftly into “actually sweety, LGBT content is inherently NSFW by default because it might make the kiddies gay if we expose them to it, so y’all need to leave now byyyeeee”.

Like…that happened. And it took nearly a decade for the fandom spaces to recover and stabilize and to get to the point where LGBT content creators could host their content without being told “you’re not welcome here” and I’m just sitting here, watching as youtube demonetizes LGBT content creators, and Facebook flags up LGBT ads as “inappropriate” and now tumblr is going through the queer and gay tags and just mass blanketing it as inappropriate, while actual pornbots and nazis wind up in my recommended feed.

(As an interesting aside: isn’t it funny how all these sites attribute these things to an algorithm error? Itsn’t that funny.)

Like I am uncomfortable y’all. I am looking around at everything I’ve built and all the friends I’ve made and I know we’re all looking for the next safe space to jump to while hoping we don’t lose each other overnight like “the olden days” where you’d wake up and your fave blogger was just gone.

And usually it was because they’d drawn or written something as simple yet explicit as a kiss. It was just the wrong kind of kiss.

So yea, the sky is not falling, but the ice under our feet sure is making worrying sounds.

Anonymous asked:

st@rker anon: thank you for that explanation. It was clear, not an attack, and helped me a lot. Also thank you for correcting me on the proper use of the word pedophilia. (In anti circles, no one ever bothered to take the time to explain that to me.)

aah thank you for saying thank you. I’m glad what I had to say was helpful! 

also tbph if you’re coming from circles where ‘pedophilia’ is being used in such hyperbolic ways, you’re already doing well to have dissected the terminology as much as you had. 'pedophilia/pedophile’ are often used inaccurately outside of fandom, too, because they are (1) the ultimate smear label and (2) relatively easy to make stick to non-straight/non-cis people.

while I’m at it, though: here’s my actual answer to your question about my feelings on shipping any ship with dynamics that would be genuinely dangerous, harmful, or illegal if it were occuring between two people in real life.

IDGAF what you ship or what you fantasize about. i might find your taste questionable, but who am I to judge? your fictional tastes don’t tell me enough about you to know what kind of person you actually are.

I care about how you treat other human beings.

on that note:

Current social media can make this complicated sometimes. Here & on twitter, Everything is 100% public and nearly 100% searchable. It’s easy to unintentionally hurt a stranger who ‘overhears’ you.

also: I’ve talked about this before at length, but fandom’s newfound visibility + misconceptions about fandom’s role in activism (namely: the misconception that fandom is educational & fan activity is always activist) has led to unintended harm to those holding said misconceptions and to the people being held to such standards against their will.

I’m not sure what the solution to this is, because it’s not realistic to expect everyone in fandom with a ship that’s definitely illegal or unsafe irl to carefully craft every single thing they say to prevent misunderstanding or unintended takeaways by strangers. but in the long run: maybe we can normalize fandom as a largely lgbt+/queer fantasy space that

  • holds a funhouse mirror up to real life & mass media, reflecting real social issues & cultural values in weird, warped ways, &
  • should not inform, or be expected to inform, anybody’s real life relationships.

Let people create twisted stories & ship twisted things. Real life twisted so many of us up: let fanworks be a place to wash off the shtty stuff in our heads, put there by a toxic culture that poisons us against ourselves.

community-made content can be a healthy space for catharsis when we acknowledge it for what it is: unrealistic, imaginative, and entertaining. (not education. not activism.) so instead, let us refocus our internal community regulation on our treatment of others rather than our fiction & fanworks.

to rephrase: if all I know about two fans is:

  • Fan A ships an adult/underage minor ship, but flags their posts/fanworks appropriately & doesn’t harass ppl
  • Fan B ships only adult/adult ships, but regularly talks about wanting ppl w/‘bad’ ships to die and tags the 'bad’ ships in question

I trust fan A more.

I might change my mind on getting more information. I might also not like fan A’s ship and avoid Fan A because of it. But Fan B is actively, deliberately hurting real people, and I don’t trust like that.

tldr: if you ask me: unhealthy fictional shipping isn’t the main behavioral/cultural problem encouraging societal abuse.

It’s the fact that culturally, we think we have the ability - and the right - to decide who deserves to be abused.


if my tumblr gets deleted you can also follow me on my other forms of social media:

- digging a grave and whispering my name to the worms

- finding a bear in the forest and challenging it to a game of chess

- launching yourself into the stratosphere and vividly hallucinating my content

- the helpless feeling in your chest when you think of death

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