
How Do I Adult?

@garpie64 / garpie64.tumblr.com

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Dickjay Week Day 4

💕 March 20 💕 Dark Knights Of Steel/Medieval Fantasy | "Brothers kiss each other all the time!"


“Burn my soul.”

(just try somethin different🔥all-blade with ancient Asian style


Still made it for Mermay *wheeew*

Mer!Jay design based on my Jason Todd Omega Week story

He cleaned up well into a pretty rosetail;]

You get two versions, cause I couldn’t decide which one is better>>


I think this is super important to remember.


No kill shelters result in animals dumped on the highway and tossed in the river because the rescues wont take them. That’s the part they never tell you.

Meanwhile the spca will take every animal, and if they have to euthanize them at least it will be done kindly and not via neglect or cruelty.

Because people in the notes are not getting this, let me explain:

No-kill shelters TURN AWAY animals. When they’re full - and they often are because most of these no-kill shelters are small - they stop taking them in. While they are “taking their time to find the right homes for every single animal”, many other animals never get in the door. Somehow they don’t count those animals, or track what happens to them. A success for them doesn’t include the ones they turned away. They’re taking their time because they can. 

The No-Kills who brag about 100% adoption rates are the worst, because they tend to reject the most. The animals who will be difficult to adopt out? They just don’t take those. Special needs? Too old? If they’re going to be hard to adopt out, they can claim to be full, even if they’re not. 

They are telling owners they absolutely cannot take their fifteen year old cat because they are full of litters of kittens. Adorable kittens that will turn over quickly, and boost their adoption numbers. So what happens to the fifteen year old cat? After days of being rejected at the shelters they get dumped on the side of the road somewhere, or worse. 

You cannot imagine the VOLUME of animals that a city shelter deals with. The kill shelters are not allowed to turn anyone away. The difficult cases, the special needs, the elderly, the feral. The dog that bites, the cat that pees everywhere. Every animal is going to be taken in and treated with kindness. They are going to be assessed and treated for their fleas and conditions and behavioral problems. They will get their time on the adoption floor. They will get the best chance possible to find a new home. And if it’s not possible, they will be humanely euthanized, and that cage space will go to the next animal who is already waiting for it. It never stops. While you were working on the paperwork to adopt out 1 cat, three people brought in 4 more. It’s a numbers game that you cannot win if you aren’t turning people away.

A lot of times kill shelters get the animals that the no-kill shelters refused to take. Maybe their owners bring them. Or maybe they got literally thrown in the garbage, abandoned, or put in a bag and tossed in the river, when the no-kill shelter said they were full. The police and rescuers will bring these poor injured animals to the city shelter where they will be cared for. The volunteers will spend days and weeks trying to wash the tar out of their fur, or treat their broken bones, or whatever other horrible thing has happened to them. They will feed and house them. They will put most of them in new homes. They will save many many more animals, by orders of magnitude, than a no-kill shelter ever will. A no-kill shelter will brag about dozens or maybe hundreds of  adoptions. Kill shelters are dealing in thousands of successful adoptions, and they still have to euthanize because it just isn’t enough. There are just so many animals to take in.

And then, after all this, the No-Kill Shelters get to claim the moral high ground somehow, and self-righteous types will refuse to adopt from the only shelter that takes absolutely everyone. It’s infuriating. 


there's something deeply gutting about being a writer right now. watching studio execs brag about starving people like you out of your very house just to not pay you anything above the pennies you currently make. watching some people cheer over AO3 being targeted for a DDOS attack. the complete lack of profitability of writing commissions or writing in general in transformative spaces, especially in contrast to fanart. the pivot of so many social media platforms to be video and image based near-exclusively.

I don't know. it just makes me sad to know that the hobby that kept me alive while growing up homeschooled with dial-up internet and local antenna TV... is only ever gonna be a side job with minimal engagement. I know this site is good about supporting libraries and the concept of books but, do me a favor? Reach out to a writer friend you know. Leave a comment on your last five read stories on your favorite website.

Tell us you care.

and like. this isn't a guilt trip on an individual level, I don't want anyone to read this and feel like they're not doing their part. it's not you. it's just the slow crush of watching capitalism crush one of the oldest art forms we've got as a species, deliberately and gleefully, when no one else really cared about it in the first place.

writing is by nature a slow, solitary work. I can't livestream my writing process, I can't make a time lapse video of me writing my novel. our faces aren't on the covers of our books hardly any amount of time. I see one read-more to a fanfic or AO3 link for every hundred pieces of fanart and twice as many memes. and parasocial relationships are so, so, so incredibly important in our society (not inherently evil, either) and it just.

Hurts. To already be small, and get stepped on anyway.


Wolfie familyy


Jason is no little red riding hood, and Dick is certainly no big bad wolf. But when Dick gets like this, facing Jason down, it's hard not to feel a little weak at the knees out of sheer instincts when Dick towers over him in his full wolf form so easily.

Ears and snout and teeth and all.

Even as the wolf stands a little hunched over, Jason has to tilt his head all the way back just to see the twitching tips of Dick's flickering ears. So to have the warmth in those baby blues turn on him, pupils a slit and made ablaze, Jason can't help but feel a little intimidated by all of Dick's focus as it is placed on him.

It spurs him into motion.

Jason yanks Dick down that last feet, drawing their distance until there's none. He feels that low growl coming from the depth of Dick's chest before he can even hear it.

Perhaps the only similarity between Jason and Dick and the little red riding hood and her big bad wolf is that no matter how lost Jason gets, Dick will always find him too.

Jason nuzzles into the thick furs on the underside of Dick's jaw, waits for that growl to turn into a rumble into a pleased low keen that leaves Jason's mouth all dry. Has him swallowing hard as Dick ducks down to get in even closer.

Like this, Dick doesn't always know his full strength.

Like this, Dick is instinctual, and all of his instincts are fueled by the scene of having Jason this close.

A guiding nudge of Jason's hand and Dick pushes his muzzle right up against Jason's neck. Dick's teeth is sharpened to the finest edge, but when it is pressed to the soft tender column of Jason's throat like this?

It can't be mistaken as anything but a kiss.


His slutty waist needs to be grabbed! 😤😤😤😤

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