
Just Some Words


Words for you, if you want them

Hey so I know there is so much bad stuff going on rn with the Amazon and people trying to use the Spiderman stuff to take attention away from it, but over the past week The Florida Aquarium in Tampa has been able to successfully help coral reproduce in a lab. Which is amazing news because this ciuld literally help our oceans with the rising temperatures and bleaching of the corals. This could help bring back native corals and help our oceans thrive again.

A link for anyone interested in reading about it!


If y’all wanna know the true power of hate, just remember that Alan Turing, the breaker of the enigma code in WWII, was driven to suicide by being forced to undergo chemical castration as a punishment for his homosexuality.

Historians say he saved 14 to 21 million lives.

I’d also like to say in the time we studied WWII in school, the history textbooks never mentioned him. I had never heard of the guy until I watched “The Imitation Game” which I 110% recommend you watch if you haven’t.Alan Turing was a blessing to humanity who saved (once again) 14 to 21 million lives, and he is left out of history because he was gay.

And this is just one example?? So many brilliant and heroic people are left out of history because of their race, their gender, their sexuality, their religion, and it’s just because some bigots in positions of influence get to decide what parts of history are remembered.

This man has had a profound effect on the world, it’s estimated he shortened the war by 2 years, saved countless lives and was the father of modern computing. Without him the world would be a very different, and very dark place.

He wasn’t just chemically castrated. The injections they have him were intended to decrease his libido as part his sentence for “gross indecency”. About 2 years after his trial he was found dead in his apartment next to a half eaten apple that was filled with cyanide (which became the inspiration for the Apple logo).

Turing is one of the most amazing people in all of history. He developed our modern method of computing (see: the Turing Machine) and advanced computer science by immeasurable amounts. And he dies when he was 41. Just imagine if he lived in a world where he was accepted. Imagine the technology we would have today and how many more lives would have been saved. No person deserves what Turing got, especially not someone as brilliant as him.



We are the last generation who can hear from these survivors directly. Do not take that lightly. Do not waste that opportunity. Do not forget your freedom isn’t infinitely guarenteed. And do not, do not, let it happen again.

Really truly, watch the video, reblog it. Teaching about the holocaust is so necessary for our generation before it slips under the rug and people forget about it.

The only time I’ll reblog a mic.com post

i met one. a survivor.

i went to oswiecim (auschwitz), poland a few weeks ago. i participated in a small school project thingy which was 100% voluntary and for those who wanted to learn more about the history of the holocaust. part of that trip was a 1 hour long talk with a polish holocaust survivor who was a child inmate in birkenau. she lived the horror for a few months, until it got liberated in january ‘45. i forgot her name, sadly, but she was very sweet and patient. she told us her story and we were allowed to ask some questions.

i’ll never forget that hour. at some point while telling us her story she showed us her tattooed number and a chill went down my spine. we already visited auschwitz I and birkenau and learned/saw a lot there, but i couldn’t believe the atrocities the nazis commited until i saw her tattoo. it made it a real thing; a real thing that happened and boy it hit me like a truck. i had to fight back the tears.

thats is why we need to listen to them. and if you can’t meet one in person, listen to what they say in interviews or documentaries. soon it won’t be possible anymore.

Source: mic.com


I can back this up. It isn’t only their shelters.

I have a family friend who worked at our local Salvation Army headquarters as a a secretary. This particular office took all the Christmas donations for children in need, put them in a warehouse, and on a designated day the staff and their friends picked through them all, taking whatever they wanted. She saw people hauling away bikes donated for specific families. Some local children had hundreds of dollars of gifts donated in their name, and on Christmas they received three cheap things, items likely not even from the person who sponsored them.

My friend quit, and I’ve not given them a dime of my money since then.

Do not give to the Salvation Army.

Do Not. Give. To. Salvation. Army


Meet 63-year-old Lyn Slater, who has, until recently, been an ordinary professor at Fordham University. One day she went to meet a friend for lunch outside the Lincoln Center during New York Fashion Week. Foreign journalists suddenly surrounded her, mistaking her for a fashion icon and attracting spectatorsIt was a defining moment that turned Lyn into an ‘Accidental Icon’. Her blog of the same name, inspired by the experience, soon began making international waves. She is now a public voice against ageism in the fashion industry and the world.

“Fashion and my style help me struggle against that invisibility that comes with age.“

She was once asked about the old notion of ‘dressing for one’s age,’ and her response was clear:

“We use language to control people’s behavior. This phrase is a way of putting older women in their place. I’m certain that if you feel comfortable in your own clothes, it’s completely irrelevant how old you are.”

They weren’t confused, she is a fashion icon



Hearts are like bone-

they come back stronger when they break.

But careful not to let it grow

too hard when it returns.


a heart cannot relearn

To Love.


Life in Rain

Gentle raindrops everywhere,

lungs full to bursting of fresh air.

Smell of water on the grass,

dewdrops shine like shards of glass.

Peaceful, in tranquility-

Silence, post rain, is set free.


how to do construction

step 1: put up a wire fence around the area, make sure it tilts to the side in several spots

step 2: haul in about 6 or 7 piles or rock, dirt, and/or gravel

step 3: scatter some beams. start bringing in a guy or two to walk back and forth across the area and look at the beams

step 4: dig a pit or two. put up an awning. haul in a blue or white portapotty

step 5: scatter some mounds of garbage around the area, preferably near the beams or rock piles

step 6: wait like two months

step 7: project completed



People speak of heartache but it’s never the heart that hurts. It’s your lungs when you seem them and the realisation that they will never be yours hits harder than any punch ever could. It’s the pit in your stomach when you remember the things you can never do again. It’s the tears in your eyes when you realise you can never kiss them again. The emptiness in your arms, because you’ll never hold them again. But it does ache. It is pain, more real than any other. Sometimes it’s a dull ache, sometimes it hurts so much you can barely move. But it’s always there, at least at first. Maybe someday it won’t be, but until then you learn to live with it. It becomes a fact, to replace the one you lost. Because that love was a fact, until it wasn’t. Hopefully, one day, the pain won’t be either.



He jerked back into consciousness as the signal was disconnected. He sat for a moment, moving all his muscles, feeling himself. He flexed his arms muscles and they were sore, as were his legs when he stood up. He must have been working on one of the big machines today. A shame it. It would mean he’d have to sleep tonight. Good days, when they kept you to light work but they put you under the Overseer, you didn’t even have to sleep, because your mind rested while you were at work and your body wasn’t worked too hard. It was one upside of the Overseer. One of many actually. Fatalities in his line of work were down 100% in Overseer workers, and injuries were down almost as much, because you couldn’t overwork yourself under its control. There were the drawbacks of course. The lost hours made him uncomfortable. Giving up his body to something else, completely handing over his physical form. The lack of relationship with those he worked with. Except that they all had something in common. Only those who worked under the Overseer could really understand each other. And they had to stick together. Many people insulted the Overseer workers, looked down on them. “Puppets” they would call them, “Drones.” Some were angry workers who lost their jobs when they refused to go under the Overseer. Others were just looking for more people to hate. It didn’t matter, they were all the same. They naysayers who came with any progress. And progress it was. With the Overseer in charge manufacturing came back to America. The precise mind of a machine with the precise senses and control of a human body. Factories became more efficient and less dangerous. Some hailed it as the return of America’s Golden Age. Others spat on it, “another victory of capitalism over the human.” It didn’t matter. Both were right, but the Overseer would have stayed either way. It increased profits. And that’s what they care about, isn’t it?


The Ants

She told me she needed the ants, so I brought them. I didn’t know, I swear I didn’t know. Why? Because I loved her. Isn’t that enough, to love someone? I told her I would do anything for her. And she told me she needed the ants. I swear I didn’t know.

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