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actually so funny how Kabru is visibly sweating and nervous/confused by Winged Lion!Laios.

Kabru voice: he's smiling at me too much... he seems too neurotypical... who is this man


This is so funny to me like excuse me Laios why are you doing this???

I'm so glad this was drawn but also like. Why was it drawn lmfao

Look at him, he's so happy to be feeling his bestie up


I love how the dungeon Meshi fandom acts like a hivemind

Someone: Laios is weird

Everyone else: Laios IS weird *nodding heads accordingly*

Someone: Laios is so clearly autistic

Everyone else: Yeah, autistic king *nodding heads accordingly*

Someone: ✨The lesbians✨ *image of Falin and Marcille*

Everyone else: Absolutely, sapphic queens *nodding heads accordingly*

Someone: Senshi panty shots.

Everyone else: Indeed. *nodding heads accordingly*

Someone: Kabru wants Laios to die but he also wants to kiss him soooo bad

Everyone else: Yeah, give us handsome swordsmen yaoi *nodding heads accordingly*

It's rare to see an opinion that isn't unanimous

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