
We're in high school and you're late for class. You bump into me as you turn a corner, your sprint broken when our bodies collide, sending the books I was clutching sheepishly to my chest falling to the ground. "Sorry!" you exclaim, as you see me bend down, onto my knees, to pick them up. You feel guilty, coming down to the floor to help me. Except you realize I wasn't carrying books with me. You look around and it's those chunky boxes video games used to come in, except they're all Zoo Tycoon 2 expansion packs. To your left, Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals; to your right, there's Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventures and Zoo Tycoon 2: Dino Danger. You say what the fuck as I slowly raise my head to meet your gaze. "I'm Tom," I say. "I want to become a zookeeper one day." You ask me why the fuck I bring these to school. I look into your eyes, confused. "You mean my books?" You tell me they're not books, they're fucking expansion packs for Zoo Tycoon 2. Now the confusion in my eyes turns to melancholy. "Yeah, that's what everyone tells me. But they're like books to me. I've learned so much." You watch as I extend one long finger and slide the biggest of the boxes across the floor, right between us. Zoo Tycoon 2: Ultimate Collection, it reads.

Who do you want to be in this world? Do you want to be good like we raised you to be or do you want to be this cosmic, head-in-the-clouds person?

MS. MARVEL (2022–) Created by Bisha K. Ali


mirabel still dancing despite being utterly confused and slightly terrified is such a mood


We joke about the neovictorianism that wearing masks brings about, but yesterday one of my students pulled his mask down to drink some water, and the girl sitting beside him exclaimed: "I have never seen your mouth before!" and he blushed and covered his mouth with his hand.

It was just... iconic.

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