
Cas’s Loverboy


Pigeon, 23. he/they

literally Dean IS the type to go picking fights with Cas because he has this unnameable desire to be thrown around a little and touch the skin of other men and can’t put words to how he feels and refuses to analyze it on any deeper level beyond a base “I subconsciously want that so I’m gonna act out to get it.” and with Cas he’s he feels safe the way he just doesn’t with other men, the way he can’t, (in this case an Angel that is man shaped) so maybe he WILL fuck around and find out and get shoved against a wall and not examine what exactly that thrill is, easily dismissed as adrenaline


What Is Real

Dean & Cas - handprinted linocut.

If I decide to carve freckles again sb pls smack me on the head! Just kidding - Dean must have his freckles (but it was hell to carve them, honestly).

I made a black and white version of this design and couldn’t tell which I liked better so I’ll leave it up to you.

Both versions on my etsy.


cas would sit beside dean’s sleeping body for three hours without saying anything and leave before he wakes up and consider that a successful hang out

castiel: this is great. dean is my best friend and i love spending time with him. we always have so much fun together

dean: 😴😴😴

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