

@arrapso / arrapso.tumblr.com

To answer a common question: YES, you can use my art for your pfp/icon as long as you credit me.

The game we created for the Nanoreno game jam, Ballads at Midnight, is out now in itchio! It's an ennemy to lover romance with a victorianish setting, a vampire and lot of sarcastic banter❤️ It's free, give it a try!!!

When a sarcastic bard is arrested and exiled to an abandoned castle, she expected to be at the mercy of a hungry, blood-thirsty vampire. She soon discovers that the vampire, Lucius, is not starving: he is gravely bored. She may just survive on borrowed time, one ballad each midnight.

Lavinet - Briony - Tallys - Shepherds of Haven based on THIS So this was supposed to be a collection of 10 imgs with all SoH ROs.. but it's been a month now since i last touched this and i don't feel like going back to it so it's fair to say i'm probably not gonna finish it c': altho i still hope that maybe one daY.. But since i don't want these 3 pics to go to waste either.. here they are. AND Before somebody hits me with a 'whY aRe thEre tiTtY wiNdoWs it'S noT pRacTIcAl', well how about u contemplate over this: who needs armor when u have sex appeal. I have said my piece.


Recently i replayed Shepherds of Haven (and truth been told, last time i played, it only had like one chapter available.. now it has 7 c':) ...... and felt compeled to draw possible outfits/variations of the uniform of the Order. Now, i'll be honest and say that i'm not the most attentive reader, so frankly i have no idea what time period&fashion style this game is going for, what outfits characters wear or what the 'official' uniform looks like.. so this is just.. a quick uninformed not-very-serious attempt. My sincerest apologies for butchering the chars c':

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