
Iä! Iä!

@innsmouthshadow / innsmouthshadow.tumblr.com

Our purpose is to present the various works of H.P. Lovecraft to the general public. We will be regularly reblogging various H.P. Lovecraft related posts to bring exposure to his works. Submissions are open. Blog managed by Dax and Kaya.

from now on if people want to bitch about how "archaeology is just sanctioned graverobbing uwu" they should first be made to do all the paperwork associated with dig permissions, sit in on at least one ethics lecture, and get it trowelled into their brain that digging up graves (containing human remains or otherwise) is only a small part of archaeology. the age old adage holds true: if you know sweet fuck all about something your opinion is worth absolute jackshit


They can go sit in a corner with all the “historians never acknowledge queer relationships in the past!” people. And then read about half a dozen books from the last several decades about ancient sexuality, and another dozen articles on how to talk about/understand said ancient sexuality & amatory practices, written by historians.

Fuckin truly

Oh yes, let them have fun with the paperwork^^ If there is one thing I do not miss ...

But seriously, this assumption is so weird and narrow-minded. Starting with the fact that archaeology is not something that is exclusively done by evil white people in unsuspecting colonized countries or whatever it is that people who frequently make that critique imagine. People excavate things in their own countries quite frequently, actually. And yes, there is paperwork and ethical considerations for that, too.

This paperwork is also often a lot older than what people imagine, depending on the area of the world you are in - the excavations in Olympia were regulated in that way for the first time in 1874.

(And I also have never met an academic who seriously denies the existence of queer relationships, not even the ones that were in their eighties. Not saying this never happened, but the field - or most of the field - has moved on from this in my experience and having academic opinions from a hundred years ago constantly hanging over your head like that is frankly annoying).


remind me to make a gif of Crawford in the kitchen where he goes into a corner for some private space and then shreeks when Barbara Crampton comes into that private space bc same

personal space! PERSONAL SPACE!!!


what's it with gay people and reanimating corpses in the name of science??

if you can't read my magnificent handwriting hebert is saying "so true bestie, now please get ready for the operation."

so yeah i'm posting my art again. deal with it.


illustration for Lovecraft’s story “Herbert West – Reanimator”

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