
Call me Kain.


ENTP ♉♂️🔞He/Him hel I don't care, call me it if you want. I don't run anything in particular, just lurk in the back, feel free to contact me, I don't bite...sometimes. I like cultural exchange and enjoy meaningful conversation, skip the small talk, be like a spear and have a point.

I have exciting information for you! Bird bones are not entirely hollow, rather they are filled with large air pockets. I find the result both delightful and terrifically unsettling!


To expand upon this: a lot of birds’ bones aren’t hollow in order to make them lighter, but instead so that they can take in more oxygen. This is because when you’re flying through the air at speeds of Fast™, it’s very hard to convince the air around you to flow into your nostrils at speeds that let you get enough to breathe. So, birds evolved hollowed out bones to circumvent this, as it allows them to store air.

I feel like not enough people are aware of the fact that birds are nightmare creatures that have respiratory systems that extend directly into their bones. And the same thing was the case with lots of dinosaurs, light bones let birds fly and let dinosaurs grow huge.

#dragons have the same bones


the worst part ab having online friends is that to maintain the friendship you actually sort of have to have conversations with them. if we were all irl friends i would invite you into my home, give u my xbox controller & let u play a game on my bed while i lie next to u and coexist in ur space and backseat game you


In case no one told you growing up

  • Bras last longer if you let them air dry. Don’t put them in the dryer.
  • If you have a problem with frizzy hair, don’t dry your hair with a towel. It makes the frizzies worse. (I recently read an article that said to use a t-shirt? I brush mine out and let it air dry.)
  • Whites wash best in hot water. Everything else can be in cold - save on your electricity bill.
  • You can kill 99.9% of germs in a sponge by putting it in the dishwasher for a cycle or by microwaving it for 2 min (be sure to make the sponge damp before microwaving and to put a cup half full of water in with it and please DO NOT squeeze the sponge until it has cooled off)
  • Airing out your room/house and letting sunlight in every so often can decrease the number of household pests like silverfish and ants.
  • Black underwear is best during your period as stains are less likely to be visible.
  • To save money, put aside 10% of each paycheck into a savings account. It’ll add up.
  • Unless your hair has something on/in it (like grease or mud or something), using conditioner first can actually be the better choice. The conditioner holds in the good oils that help you hair look sleek and beautiful, which shampoo would otherwise wash away.
  • Speaking of shampoo - if you have long hair, washing just the bits that touch your scalp is generally enough. The rest of your hair gets cleaned with just the run off from your scalp.
  • If you put a tampon in and it’s uncomfortable/you can feel it, you didn’t do it quite right. A properly placed tampon is virtually unnoticeable by the wearer.
  • Apply deodorant/antiperspirant a couple hours in advance of when you need it. This gives the product the chance to block your sweat glands. Using deodorant just before going somewhere where you’ll sweat (this means walking outside for people in high humidity places) results in your sweat washing the deodorant off and starkly limiting its usefulness.
  • After running the dryer, use the dryer sheet from that load to brush out the lint catch - it gets everything off in a fraction of the time it’ll take you to get it clean with your bare hands. Paper towels also work well.
  • Wash your face everyday, or as often as possible. Forget which brand of cleanser is best. Just washing your face everyday will guarantee you clearer skin. And do you best not to pop pimples, as tempting as the urge may be.
  • Fold laundry asap after taking it from the dryer to avoid wrinkles. This may seem obvious for dress shirts and silly for things like t-shirts, but you’ll notice the difference even then once your shirts stop looking like unfolded paper balls.

To all the kids whose parents couldn’t help you with this kind of stuff

This post literally had me going “Oh shit! My bras are outside!” out loud, so I would add “Take your laundry in after line drying it so that it doesn’t get spiders.”

(I don’t know if there are spiders in my bras. This is now my spouse’s job to find out.)


Was reading this with great enjoyment, and then hit the about airing out your house and misread “silverfish” as “shellfish”. And (on the wings of the mental image the phrase then provoked) did a doubletake that nearly gave me whiplash; then laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe for about thirty seconds.

Thank you, OP. That was blessedly cathartic. :)

Also: I need new glasses AGAIN. (sigh)


I feel bad for people who’ve never experienced a corn maze bc it’s not even fun but you just have to do it

I'd like to reblog this with some tags and comments bc I've really appreciated reading them

people who get what I mean:

people who have found a way to have fun in the corn maze but who I'm a little worried about:

person who we are going to put in the corn:


I wanted to ask that question too. Anyway, I believe that I have managed to deduce it.


voluntarily deadnaming myself for a second because i always introduce myself to people i'm not out to as "ness, like the monster" and i just realized how funny it would be if that was a normal thing you were expected to do when meeting new people. my name's ruby like the gem. my name's george like the guy who slew the dragon. my name's jeff like. the killer.

I once introduced myself as "Cat. You know, like Nyaah" and then immediately felt my soul leave my body.

I said "My name is Theodore like the president" to a Walgreens worker today and I wanted to hide in my roommate's hot car.


Am I the only who feel slik when I introduce my self that way?

"Yo, am Kain, like Can and Able, with a K".

*Maintain eye contact* *preserve the sensation* *crack a smile*.
*Watch them stare in owe*

I've survived my first day on Tumblr


  • Don't shoot! I'm friendly!: Prove you're not a bot
  • AI dismemberment: Disable algorithm settings
  • Friends?: Gained a mutual
  • I recognize you: Follow someone you know from r/Tumblr
  • MY EYES!: Change the site palette
  • Great Idea: Reblog a post
  • They love me: Have a post reblogged

Oh boy oh boy you're gonna get a Rare achievement for this one

Containment Breach

I've been inundated with over 120 new followers in the last 5 hours. I haven't been able to even check if I have any pornbots. I'm tired and need to go to bed. I'll clean up this mess tomorrow.

This is cool to look at, though. I'm studying some data-science adjacent fields so things like this are fascinating to me.

I've been told I should submit this to world-heritage-posts. Just to make it clear what happened to me, here's a screenshot of my notifications activity in the last 24 hours.

For additional context, I've only been here 4 days.

At his point, I've been here 5 days and this post has 85k+ notes. My notifications have recovered to the point that sometimes they're empty so I'd say the breach has been recontained and now I just need to deal with the cleanup process.

I figure it might be interesting to show just what this experience has been like.

This is my notification history over the last week. I joined Tumblr Saturday June 17th, 2023 around 12pm so the actual data starts half way through the chart. My follower count has grown at a roughly equal pace.

Overall, I enjoyed the whole thing once the shock died down. I was just surprised this was the post that would gain any traction at all. I expected the chicken posts would be the first ones to reach triple digits and only several months later. But I've enjoyed reading peoples' reactions and chatting with folks here.

I'll close out by sharing some other achievements I've gotten since:

  • It's free to give: Like a post
  • It's great to receive: Have a post be liked
  • This calls for a specialist: Install a third-party app
  • Precautionary measure: Disable email notifications
  • Uh-oh: Have a post reach 100 notes
  • Oh no: Have a post reach 1k notes
  • PLEASE NO!!: Have a post reach 30k notes
  • CONTAINMENT BREACH: Have a post spread across Tumblr
  • Fallout: Have at least three posts reach 500 notes during a containment breach
  • Blessings(?) of the gods: Have a post reblogged by a member of Tumblr staff
  • At this point, it's all white noise: Open your notifications when it's at 99+ and receive 99+ notifications in less than a second
  • And blocked: Receive hate mail
  • Also blocked: Receive a creepy DM
  • To the scrapyard with you!: Report a pornbot
  • Shiny scrap: Report a male pornbot
  • Maybe you should have thought ahead: Use the Mass Post Editor to add a tag to 20 posts
  • Next time, proofread before you post: Use the Mass Post Editor to edit a tag on 20 posts
  • Wild creature at the zoo: Find a heritage post using the search engine
  • It's raining cats and cats!: Receive 30 cat pictures
  • True human experience: Receive a message that makes you feel genuinely loved

And with this, I'm going to call this chapter of the Saga of Containment Breach closed


You are going to have a 100k notes post in your first week here. You are really speedrunning Tumblr.


There needs to be a bad romance movie about someone falling in love with their tumblr mutual

@sodabutch out here being funnier than me on my own post

I think everyone who enjoyed this post back in 2021 should know that I’m now dating the person that inspired it. The feeling was mutual

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