


(Art tag: #ryu's art) A 16 year old avid WildeHopps shipper, an artist that is trying SO HARD TO EVEN COMPARE WITH OTHERS, an editor (barely), but definitely not a writer. Profile pic is by @trashasaurusrex! Background is Disney-made (obviously). Feel free to message and/or ask me about anything, anytime! I'll answer them ASAP! :)
Anonymous asked:

uwu will wu dew mower strewam in the future? owo swory for my bad lengauge. uwu

Yes!!! Although I'm not sure when and how many people would be interested, so I'll probably announce when I could do so :p


Just a heads up, I probably won't be too active here, I'm mostly gonna spend my time on Twitter now @ryutolbx


@staff Not exactly the “welcome back to the app store” you were expecting huh

THIS is the kind of protest that tumblr will care about sooner or later. Leave bad ratings and reviews on apple or in the google play store. Lower their rating so hard that it damages their userbase.

Logging off for a single day isn’t of interest to tumblr. I’m not saying y’all shouldn’t protest in any way you can or want, but logging off the site for just one day isn’t going to bother tumblr because tumblr doesn’t CARE about your symbolic protest. Tumblr has proven time and again that it doesn’t CARE about its userbase. We’re still using the site and we won’t stop using the site any time soon because there’s no alternative. But that’s what we’d have to do to hopefully force tumblr to change anything. And they still won’t do it because their policy change isn’t about family values or what the userbase allegedly wants. It’s about money.

So, unless you stop using the site and app permanently, or for a long period of time, this isn’t going to matter to tumblr. And when you do, you need to do it in big numbers.

Leaving them bad reviews in the apple app store or on google play (where it’ll be harder because the current average rating is 4.4 stars and you need to edit or leave a LOT of bad reviews to drastically lower that), is going to do more to damage their reputation and thus do more to compromise their profit.


Guess what I just did.

guess what i’m doing

Putting this on my to do list for today


everytime I say something on a discord server I get a lowkey feeling everyone’s just lookin at me like this


NSFW ban fail

Reblog if you’re still seeing porn bots despite the NSFW ban. I’m still seeing them. Plenty of legitimate followers seem to be blocked from my feed, however.


WildeHopps Xmas

It’s still christmas somewhere. Merry christmas everyone!


Indonesia Needs Us

2018 has not been geologically kind to Indonesia. 

An underwater landslide caused by the eruption of Anak Krakatau spawned a tsunami that as of today (Dec. 24) has killed 373 people. This already on top of other earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and the Sulawesi Tsunami. Millions have been displaced, thousands dead, and many more still missing. As Anak Krakatau is an actively erupting volcano, it could still generate more waves, hampering rescue efforts and displacing more people.

(source: Adek Berry / AFP / Getty Images)

Many of those affected were owners of tourist driven industries, and will now be unable to earn money this holiday season as their property and businesses have been destroyed. People have their only source of income, their beloved family, and friends.. 

Please consider donating to these charities to directly help the people of Indonesia. Every cent counts. You will help save lives. 


so we’ve tried explaining vaccines using science and that scared people

but what if


we told them that vaccines actually contain magic rocks or healing energy

“we left this rabies vaccine in the light of a full moon to cleanse it, so it’s safe.  everyone knows about the link between rabies and full moons :)”

“vaccination is an ancient practice going back at least hundreds of years that draws on your body’s natural healing abilities to let you fight disease naturally”

the, the second one is

shit that’s how vaccines actually work


Right now we put our computers to sleep, maybe in the future they will be putting us to sleep..

No shitposting for you! We want cute pictures here.

I will shit and post as I please fuck you

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