
sun: ♑ moon: ♌ rising: ♓

@ardent-x / ardent-x.tumblr.com

This is a personal blog, but I also offer tarot readings!


Simply choose a question that resonates with you and proceed to your reading! All questions were inspired by the current transiting Scorpio moon.

1: What do I have to gain from being vulnerable?

2: How can I heal trust issues?

3: What is my intuition trying to tell me?

4: What am I currently transforming?


First Post Ever!

Helloooo! :D

 I’m creating this page now because one of my favorite blogs that used to offer free readings seems to have “died”. I won’t name it, but I’m mentioning it because I needed some context as to why I’m making this page now.  

I feel there should be plenty of places that people can come to practice their reading skills and join up with people who are in need of guidance but can’t afford an expensive psychic. I haven’t seen many places that offer this opportunity lately, so I figured I could do my best to create it and offer it. The type of intuitive reading that will be done here doesn’t matter, as I feel that the more variety there is the better. As long as the readings are compassionate, helpful and NOT fear based or hateful in any way. ( that won’t be tolerated here) The main goal of this blog now is to create a community for people to receive validation and feedback for their reading ability, and for them to be able to read for whoever they feel called to. I hope anyone can feel safe submitting a reading request, and I hope that they also feel that they receive quality insight: completely for free.

That comes to my next mission highlight: I also want to help anyone who is in need of advertising their services for business. So while we do do free readings ONLY  on this blog, I am going to let anyone who gives a reading submit their links so they can maybe make some money. The bottom line is that this is a free reading blog, but there’s also no reason our readers should feel they can’t offer their services at another time for a price. The catch is that I will be monitoring spam, and I will not be allowing link posting without free-reading first. The link submissions must come with some  feedback from free reading clients. This brings me to my next requirement:

There MUST be feedback from free reading clients or else usernames will be added to a list called “do not read for”, and then I will be blocking them. It sounds harsh but the whole point of this blog is to offer free readings in exchange for feedback, so that everyone involved receives something for their efforts. Feedback must be given within three days or else the username goes on the public list.

That’s all my rules for now. I’d love to keep this space fun and full of compassion and inspiring insight. It will probably take me time to get things rolling on the community front, so until I have enough people reading it will just be me offering free readings in the meantime. Thanks to anyone visiting this page -  I appreciate you!



My lovely friend here is trying to grow a community for tarot readers and people who want to receive a reading!

Please give her a follow and don't hesitate to perticipate after reading the rules ❤️


I am absolutely tired of the concept of soulmates and twin flames and whatever bs there is. It's the most opressing concept ever to believe there is one person meant for you . Who are you even? Do you know yourself? How well do you know yourself? Do you really think your identity is fixed and not ever changing and evolving?

Do you love yourself fully and madly the way you want to be love? My guess is not, because we always want the things we should give ourselves before we can receive it from the outside. Everything starts from within, one big lessons I learned in 2020. Ive heard it too many times but I finally felt it and saw it.

So no, you're not looking for your soulmate, you're looking for your soul. I'm talking to you and myself.


I'm having existential crisis, anyone else?


Sorry if this is weird but your nose is really cute


Omg this comment made my whole life haha, no one has ever said anything nice about my nose xD thank you so much ❤️ Little acts of kindness can change so much, thank you for reminding me.


Once you get this, you have to answer with five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then you have to send it to ten of your favorite followers. (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!!)



The spiritual community and coronavirus.

I've been holding myself not to expose certain big spiritual YouTubers and their complete ignorance and idiotic opinions on that subject.

I let go a few idiotic statements such as "no need for fear, send light and food vibes, think positively" implying that negative thoughts have led to this situation.

But I couldn't let go certain YouTubers "educating" their audience with wrong facts on the coronavirus. I can't let go of the same creators saying that the measurements their country is taking such as shut downs and quarantine is unnecessary also telling their followers to "wash their hands" and "masks are not unnecessary, they are only for infected people ".

All I will say is educate yourselves and read a lot from trusted sources because I can tell you everything this apparently medical spiritual guru wrote in her IG is all wrong and dangerous.

I was so mad that I was contemplating not once an "exposed" video however I will be throwing myself in a pit of bitter and hateful snakes.

I've been mistreated not once from those big spiritual gurus on YouTube and I have screenshots and evidence of their malicious and malevolent behaviour. I gave them the benefit of the doubt because I'm naive but I realize I just let them walk over me.

Please be aware of whom you follow and whom you listen to. As soon as you question them and they try to silence you, that's a red flag. A few of them have inflated egos and narcissistic traits that I tried to ignore again and see the positive side but there is none. It's just a slow painful road to corruption that we all get to witness.

I genuinely hope those people will fade out because I can't imagine the guidence they are giving to people if they manipulate people with spiritual terms such as "I just read your vibration and it's shit".

I've had enough of those arrogant and privileged folks. I don't support cancel culture but it seems it's necessary when individuals fail to grow and see their wrongs and develop the God Complex.

Be discerning please.


Do YOU Still Believe in Twin Flames?

Because I’m not sure if I do. 

I followed this movement for 2 or 3 years, maybe longer unconsciously. But the more I was getting into communities the darker the energy got. 

I kept seeing women who every time they saw 22:22 or alike it meant to them their twin flame is thinking of them, or they are closer, or whatever they wanted to tell themselves. Many were suffering because they were anticipating something “promised” from the heavens that might never arrive. (at least not in the form they were expecting it to)

The twin flame community was resembling awfully a cult at one point. There was always a leader, a guru, someone who was already in union, or if not, they claimed they knew a lot. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I know sometimes people do it out of pure good will, and just desire to help others. I get that, very well. 

But this wasn’t working for everyone. It wasn’t producing the results people wanted to see.

Was it completely useless then? I wouldn’t say. It challenged many people to heal from unhealthy tendencies and forced them to heal wounds from the past. It did the same for me. It healed me. Just that. I’m still single, no union or near it, lol. 

I don’t know if twin flames are something real or if they exist, I don’t even know if I’ve experienced it, or made certain people and events “fit the picture”. I don’t know anything about this journey. But I do know one thing. It led me to me. 

It taught me how to love myself more and how to love others even more. How to appreciate any moment for what is given. It made me comfortable in my own skin. Confident in my own demons and flaws.

Maybe the twin flame concept was just an utopia, because lets face it, it’s hard to witness healthy relationships. There is always some form of abuse, lying, cheating and betrayal. That’s the most common picture we get. We didn’t want to experience that, yet somehow we did the most with this twin flame trial. 

Funny. Life has humor. 

The thing is, it was silly to preach about twin flames (myself included) because no one knew anything about it. We were just speculating and trying to make sense of something that made no logical sense. One thing is for sure, there is masculine and feminine. Within all. That’s all I know and am certain about.

But are we part of the same soul? Are unions imminent? Are we promised this heavenly union? Do we even have a counterpart? All of us? Or it’s only for the chosen ones? I don’t know. 

I just don’t know. It appears to be God’s will, even for someone as logical as me. The more I look for answers, the less I find them. 

I’d love to hear your stories and opinions. It was a long journey. 


10$ Tarot Readings!

Oh, wow. 2020 came in with a bang. 😱

I know I took a very long break from readings ,because I truly wasn't feeling it, instead I tried to focus some on my art career. But lately I've been feeling drawn to reading again. I know January is challenging many people (myself included ) and I've found readings to be very healing and therapeutic.

So if you have a burning question, hit me up! I'll do my best to deliver the message that you need to hear right now in order to proceed on your path ! 🙌


Tyrande - Digital SpeedPainting (World of Warcraft)

Hi there! SO it’s been awhile, and I know that’s not my typical video which was tarot readings... BUT, things happened, and I decided to follow my dreams haha. I’m an artist by heart, but I was never too brave to pursue that, because I never thought I was good enough or I could be good enough. 

That change. Here  I am heh. 

If you liked this, follow me on instagram for more!

Source: youtube.com
Anonymous asked:

Can not thank you enough for how much your readings provide me with solace and comfort. Your accuracy in the readings is so on point sometimes I think you are just channeling me lol 😅 the past 2 weeks have been so hard, confusing and painful but I look forward to your readings to help guide me through. Thank you for the light you bring into my life 💛

This made me tear up 💖💖💖 thank you so much for the kind words ,it makes me so happy my readings reach someone and help. Stay awesome, we gots this 💖


Hi 😁😁i am interésted in getting a reading on my present relationship how my sweet boyfriend Alejandro presently feels for me(Danielle). The outcome le this relationship. And his intentions for our love.Also I would love to know if there is anything hidden regarding his migration


hey, Dap! As of the moment I'm not doing free readings. If you are interested in a private one they are aprox. 10 $ per question. You can message me privately if Interested. :)

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