
Teapots, Tempests

@hollygoliterary / hollygoliterary.tumblr.com

A very quiet blog about roleplaying in FFXIV, librarianship, being a mom, and sometimes chronic illness.  There may also be cats.  I play Arteka Va'ros and Vasque Desmarais on Balmung.

Arteka Va’ros

A quick sketch of my best friend @hollygoliterary ‘s FFXIV Paladin and my RP waifu. I love her so much~ <3


Support my art: patreon.com/onyrica

This is pretty much spot on - this is how Arteka looks to me, in my mind...and after playing her and RPing her and writing about her (And Onyrica, her partner) it feels like I am looking at her for the first time.  I’m so smitten. Thank you @onyrica for my present!  <3 


Daughter of Pulse [ Fang, FFXIII - Commission ]

A commission of Fang, from FFXIII. One of my all time favourite characters in one of my all time least favourite games.


Support my art: patreon.com/onyrica

Lucky me - this is the base character for my RP Paladin in FFXIV.  I may be nudging Onyrica to do another piece of our characters, thanks to this one...

*nudge, nudge*


This turned out completely different to how I pictured in my head and boy did I have fun with it!

My original plan was to make it sunny and vibrant, maybe somewhere in a desert plane that would suit the outfit. But then I accidentally sharpened the values, and played with some color sliders and suddenly we ended up with this eerie night scene that much better fit the “come here so I can put this sharp stick where the sun don’t shine” mood.

Let me know what you think in a comment or reblog!


This piece was made thanks to my lovely Patreon supporters!

Support my art at: www.patreon.com/onyrica

Not ready for the commitment?

Want to see more of my shenanigans?

So Horizon Zero Dawn is my favorite video game.  And when Onyrica did a Patreon poll for March that featured strong female characters, to my mind, Aloy was a slam dunk.  Luckily, enough of her Patreon supporters agreed with me and voted for Aloy.

Onyrica and I spent so much time discussing this game (a fave of hers, too) and what she might want to draw.  I wasn’t expecting a night scene, but now that it’s done I just love it.  I really like the lights behind her, signaling that she is being watched and possibly followed - or maybe she’s successfully snuck into some tall grass and will wait for a takedown with her spear. This one is going up on my wall, definitely. Wanna vote for her next piece?  Support her!  at: www.patreon.com/onyrica Not ready for the commitment?Buy her a Ko-Fi!


I’m pretty sure I lost a year of life for every day I spent on this. Wings. Why. Why, Past Me. Why.

I sure hope the little shit who drew this is happy.

In all honesty, is was a joy to work on this and if I overextended myself on the painting it’s because I really wanted to push the boundaries of what I can do now vs what I could do 16 years ago- and moreso, show anyone just getting into art that trying, pushing and perservering long enough will pay off.

As always, please reblog and let me know what you think! <3 —-

This piece was made thanks to my lovely Patreon supporters!

Support my art at: www.patreon.com/onyrica

Not ready for the commitment?

Want to see more of my shenanigans?

"I shall become a master of this art only after a great deal of practice.” - Erich Fromm

I think it’s paid off.


The first of the ongoing Patreon poll winners this month- Ysayle. I have to admit I never thought much of her character, but drawing this and remembering her story made me rather emotional. Especially while listening to this. Damn you Soken. To vote on what I draw next for #Inktober support me on: www.patreon.com/onyrica

Sooo much in this piece.  The strong lines you’ve drawn her with, juxtaposed with the delicacy of the flowers, done in the palest of forget-me-not blues...it’s perfect.  And her expression is complicated and beautiful.


Trying out something slightly different here! I’ve always loved the DA:I tarot cards, so as I’d be doing two Patreon pieces this month (ahaha whydidIdothattomyself) I thought this would be a good style to have them both in!

This was really fun to draw and I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out. What do you think?


Help me continue making art! Support me at:

Not ready for the commitment? Buy me a a Ko-Fi.


Follow my shenanigans:

I love the color scheme of this piece, the sort of mirroring of it and that vertical split.  I don’t play this game, but I feel like I could tell what the character is like, just from the picture. I like when art tells me a story.  Well done! ~~~~


Onyrica is on Patreon

Did you know? If you didn’t, now you do! If you did, turns out, my rewards have changed quite substantially since I opened up shop last year. As it’s been a while and my following has grown a fair bit, here’s a breakdown of what you get at each tier

Don’t care and just want to support me now? Right this way, sir!

Rewards at Easy tier:

  • Full resolution file of the monthly pieces (Yes, this means you can download and print the piece for personal, non-commercial uses)
  • Fan kit including: PC wallpaper, phone background and avatars of the monthly pieces
  • Voting rights on what I draw next
  • Exclusive Patreon posts and WIPS

Easy Tier is good for those wanting to show a token of their support or who might want to have input in what gets drawn next. Additionally, as the files sent in the rewards can be used to print for non-commercial purposes, this tier is good for those wishing to get a copy to hang at home.

Rewards at Intermediate tier:

  • All the rewards from “Easy” tier
  • Layered PSD files so that you can see my process
  • Step-by-step process file & animated gif
  • Discord community access
  • Commission waiting list access
  • Entry into a monthly chibi-button raffle
  • Sample:

Intermediate Tier is good for non-artists who want to get a little more involved or have an interest in seeing the art “behind the scenes”. The reward is non-exclusive and may be used to give a gift (ie, the button may be of a friend’s character).

Rewards at Advanced tier:

  • All the rewards from “Easy” and “Intermediate” tiers
  • Live art critique & tutoring
  • Handpainted textures & brushes
  • Commission priority
  • Entry into a monthly lineart bust or color chibi raffle
  • Sample:

Advanced Tier is good for both artists and non-artists who want to get fully involved in the community. Patrons in this tier receive priority for commissions, as well as a monthly raffle to win a color chibi or lineart bust. Learning artists receive critique from myself, as well as other learning artists, in the feedback and resources channel - though I’ll often be available for 1-1 discussions when needed.

Rewards at Advanced+ tier:

This tier is identical to Advanced, with the addition of:

  • Custom Discord title + color
  • “Surprise Box” raffle (might include: commission discounts, free art, prints and more!)

Your support allows me to continue making art as a freelancer, so I’m forever grateful if your eyes even made it this far down the page! And if they click this nice little link… well, that’d just make my day now:

Can’t become a patron? No worries! Support me in other ways like:


My first WoW-inspired piece for Patreon! This was really fun to paint, even if I went about it in the most complex, convoluted way possible by deciding to make it a flat color piece then changing my mind halfway through and then changing my mind again two thirds of the way in.

I also watched a lot of WoW lore videos while painting this. I still understand nothing.

 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ —-

Please help me continue making art! Support me at:

Not ready for the commitment? Buy me a a Ko-Fi.


Follow my shenanigans:

I have been waiting for her to draw Warcraft for aaaaaaaaaaaaaages.  AAAAAAAAAAAAGES.  

It was totally worth the wait, don’t you think? Jaina is such a complicated character, and a lot of that is down to the writing of her, but you have done such a good job here - she looks angry but focused, without any hysterics.  As someone who feels there is no one stronger than a broken woman who has rebuilt herself, I appreciate that.


Please help her continue making art and supporting my longstanding WoW addiction! There’s a wonderful community she has built on her discord there, too! Support her at:


The Patreon piece for June. This picture is extra pink as it’s especially dedicated to my best friend, who had a particularly rough month. I figured if a year’s wages spent in pink watercolor couldn’t fix it, nothing would.

Next month’s piece won’t be FFXIV, so if you want to have a say, consider supporting me on Patreon! I’m currently running a poll with over 10 options to pick from at: 

(And like… I’d be also be really chuffed if you helped me feed myself. Just saying. =])

IS MY TATARU <3.  (I did have a rough month but lalas make everything better.)  Also pink makes everything better.  Because pink is best color.  And Ony is best friend <3



In this month’s Patreon poll, The guardian of pink Tataru defeats unlikely underdog Papalymo in a ferocious battle that… well, mostly went by unnoticed by all of those taller than 5’’.

 ¯ \_(ツ)_/¯     

Oh! Inviting suggestions for Tataru’s wardrobe! Next to Rowena, she’s probably the NPC that’s changed clothes the most.


Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/onyrica

Buy me a Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/onyrica


I WIN!  I WIN!  YAY SMOL! #reallifelala


Nastrond (Estinien/Nidhogg, FFXIV)

The Patreon piece for May and oh, my life hurts. This has definitely been my most intense picture to date. Hopefully it paid off. What do you think? =]

If you like my art, would you consider supporting me on Patreon and help me continue doing pieces like the above? You also get all kinds of goodies, access to commissions and the ocassional freebie! Sign up at:


I love the composition, the colors, the highlights, the symbolism.  A departure from previous work, a personal dare taken and a challenge conquered.  One of my favorite of Onyrica’s pieces to date.

Support her on Patreon!  Fun in discord, WIP’s, commission priority.  Art saves lives, man.

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