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I wanna jump into the deep ocean water, disappear in it. let the water fill my lungs, let it calm my feelings and be it. 


Il gruppo Co-Design Jam e Nois3 portano a Roma la Global Service Jam - 48 ore per cambiare il mondo!   ✏️🌎🖍 Service Jam Rome 2017 è un weekend dedicato al design e creatività per progettare dei nuovi servizi che possano risolvere dei problemi quotidiani. Una bellissima opportunità per mettere alla prova le proprie idee, capacità e competenze e conoscere delle nuove persone! 💡 http://codesignjam.it/global-service-jam-2017/

#GSJam #SJRome2017


10 Novembre 2016 a Parco Leonardo torna #WUDRome2016 e si parlerà di Sustainable UX! Acquista il tuo biglietto! http://thndr.me/C8E7wP


#Repost @ggdroma // Waiting for #godot ・・・ ~SAVE THE DATE #wudrome2015 ~ Roma è pronta per celebrare 10 anni di World Usability Day dedicando 5 giornate al tema mondiale di quest’anno - #Innovazione. #Wudrome2015 - Take Part In The Innovation! — www.wudrome.it

10 ANNI DI USABILITÀ E DESIGN TRENDS, COME SARÀ IL FUTURO?• http://www.wudrome.it/… Carlo Frinolli aprirà il 12 novembre la giornata di World Usability Day 2015 ripercorrendo gli ultimi 10 anni di ricerca su usabilità e UX design per evidenziare i successi, ma anche problematiche del passato, capire le tendenze e dare poi spazio all’#innovazione.


Mikkel Jul Hvilshøj anatomizes simple meals in this assignment for cookware company Eva Solo. Shot on a selection of pastels, the photographer aimed to capture the beauty of food preparation on their Instagram- paring the ingredients with the proper pan and chopping them to the right specification.


Starting in 2011, Tatsuya Tanaka has been framing scenes of miniature bliss into diorama-esque photographs that have effortlessly captivated his audience for years. Using everyday items easily found around the house or within a grocery store, Tatsuya can create a lush forest just by using broccoli and bits of parsley. Want to recreate a peaceful afternoon on the golf course? Use a grass colored shoe sole and position some figurines on or around the cup.

It’s truly amazing what Tatsuya can do with literally anything he puts his hand on. He serves as a true testament to the creative spirit.

Source: really-shit

Designing for the Invisible Experience

When we’re doing our job well, users don’t see our designs. Our users don’t understand how much time we put into our taxonomies or information architecture. It’s invisible to them.

Instead, customers focus on their experience. What they care about is their experience while using our products and applications. But as soon as they become frustrated, our designs become visible.

In an interview with Netflix customers, happy customers didn’t talk about the design. Instead, they focused on their experience and how it made them feel. As soon as they experienced a negative emotion—like frustration—customers saw the designs and even asked questions like “why did they design it this way?”

We want our customers to experience our designs, not see them. We can do this by eliminating all negative emotions. Usability testing and field studies are a great way to to see through our users’ eyes and solve for these problems. And when we spend more time observing our users, we can create designs that our users don’t see, but rather experience.

Come to the UX Advantage Conference and hear interviews with design leaders from PayPal, MasterCard, and GE on how they are shifting to designing for the invisible experience and the changes needed in the work process and design cycle to make this happen.


First try at cell animation for a project that’s taking too long to see a proper daylight. 

I am too connected to you to Slip away, to fade away. Days away I still feel you Touching me, changing me, And considerately killing me.



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