
The Living Jinx


Anything I say can and will happen
You can call me Lark
Visit me on Ko-Fi! https://ko-fi.com/larkdesilvan
||18|| A Sucker for Steampunk (And dragons)
I’ve got imagines that’ll be posted every weekend! I don’t take requests, but my content usually includes Hiddleston or Bloom.

Imagine this: You, a brand-new member of the Avengers with the power of manipulating sound waves, are given your first mission. You’re sent back to 1931 France via the Tesseract, and are to retrieve one item and one item only from the Louvre: a powerful Egyptian relic known only as the Disc, which supposedly is the key to the Sphinx. Your only obstacle? A couple of mustached guards and a certain trickster god, who seems to think he owns you...


I’ve got no dialogue for this one; just let your imagination run wild with the gifs. >:)

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Imagine Trip complimenting you, and you being surprised and shocked that he did.

“You look nice today.”

*continues tweaking on PADD*


“Huh? What?”

“I was talking to you.”

“Wait what? You were talking to me?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I just... Uh... No ones really complimented me like that before...”

“Well, guess it’s time someone started...”

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Imagine trying to help fight during the Battle of Helm’s Deep but you keep getting distracted by Legolas’s pure awesomeness.

Legolas: *gif*


Legolas: Stop what?!


*whole battle seems to pause* Legolas: *leans forward slowly* You can fight a dozen orcs on your own with wargs coming in from all angles and not get distracted, but I distract you?

You: Precisely. Thank you for understanding.

Legolas: ....What?


I was gonna do more Trip imagines, but I haven’t seen Star Trek: Enterprise yet, so, I’m waiting until I start watching it. I rented season 1 from the local library, and am now just waiting on it to come in...

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Imagine becoming a part of the Enterprise crew, but being too distrustful to make friends with anybody until you get stuck in a shuttlepod with Trip Tucker for a few hours.

“So why haven’t you really talked to anybody before this?”

“What, you’ve been watching me?”

“No... Maybe.”

“If you must know, it’s because I don’t really trust anybody not to backstab me.”

“Well, you can trust me.”

“Forgive me if I don’t believe you, especially after stalking me.”

“I wasn’t stalking you!”

“Whatever, Tucker. But I’ll give you a chance anyway. Cause you’re cute and I can’t help it.”


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Reenactor throws a spear at a drone


What a time to be alive.


“The medieval warrior, realizing the consequences of his impulsive act, immediately approached the owner of the drone and offered to pay for the damage.

The owner of the drone was so impressed by the brilliant attack that he suggested organizing a competition for bringing down “dragons” with short spears next year.

Drone owners have another year to develop a unique “dragon-like” design for their flying machines.” (x)

I am 100% cooler with this knowing that the spear-thrower realized “oops maybe I shouldn’t have done that” and tried to make it right, and that the guy who the drone belonged to was cool with it

just so everyone knows, this has already been memorialized in a runestone


Everything about this post blesses those involved with a +4 on their next Today is Good Day roll

I crack up every time at seeing that runestone. 

This is gonna confuse so many descendants 


Imagine being a member of the Enterprise crew, and constantly making fun of Trip’s nickname solely because it’s easier than admitting you’ve got a thing for him.

“You were in the infirmary?”

“Yeah, I’ve got this cold—“

“What did you... TRIP and fall?!”

“Oh no...”

“I guess you could say the coincidence was... TRIPPY.”

“You can stop now...”

“You should really take a vacation. RoadTRIPS are wonderful this time of year on Earth.”


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Drag ‘em || Star Trek: Enterprise 3x05 “Impulse”


Ok, I have a huge fracking problem.

Any of you heard of Stargate: Atlantis? Yeah, my Mom LOVES the Stargates from the original movie all the way to Atlantis. They’re pretty cool and relaxing. Atlantis is the coolest though. When I was little I watched every episode (Having a thing for Joe Flanigan at the time.).

We’ve got a thing now though: every evening we watch something together, usually an episode of Lost, y’know, Reba, relaxing things like that. A couple of weeks ago we started up Stargate: Atlantis again.

Usually during Stargate it’s background noise for me while I write on my PC blaring dubstep or Danheim music from my headphones. I know most of the earlier Atlantis episodes by heart anyway. But then, I look up one fateful evening and see


And I just


Like really when did he get hot (Teyla too damn)

And just overnight like BAM he’s suddenly up there with Bloom and Tom as if by magic.

And then I just




But when the time came for fan fiction, yes fan fiction, I found myself utterly shocked when Tumblr (And most of the internet for that matter) yielded NOTHING.

So great.

I am now the Chosen One to write all the Michael/Trip Tucker fanfiction on the internet.


Imagine Trip dropping into our world suddenly; you two meet and you try to help him, but you don’t know anything about Star Trek, and he doesn’t know anything about what, to him, is “history.” Like, less than zero.

“You’re telling me you can’t traverse the galaxy?”

“You’re telling me you’ve never seen Harry Potter?”

“So you’ve never met someone not from Earth?”

“No, no I haven’t, but thank you for that little tidbit of information...”

“Okay, tell me something about 2020.”

“...*slowly hands him phone with news on the screen* Scroll, my space friend.”

“....*scrolling*......... Well shit.”


I really DON’T know anything about Star Trek, except that I tried to watch the one with the guy who plays Xavier from X-Men, and was quickly scarred by Space Shakespeare.

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Imagine getting dropped into the world of the Fellowship, and having really short hair, and feeling really self conscience because literally everybody has longer hair than you.

You: This isn’t funny, guys. Even Frodo has longer hair than I do.

Aragorn: It will grow, Y/N, fear not.

You: *strokes Legolas’s hair wistfully* BUT LOOK AT HIS HAIR LOOK AT IT

Legolas: Perhaps you shouldn’t have defiled your own so.

You: Don’t you have Elvish magic to make hair grow?!

Legolas: Yes.

You: :D

Legolas: But I will not use it on you so that you learn your lesson.

You: D:<



So actually I wrote this months ago, but kept forgetting about it... :P

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Imagine getting pissed off at Legolas for showing off at the battle of Helm’s Deep, because he totally did.

Mellon, I only did what I had to—“

“Shut up, Leggy, you were showing off and we all know it.”

“But I—“

“Nope you were showing off.”



Meanwhile Gimli is laughing his ass off at this

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Imagine being a gladiator in Sakaar, but you’re more of a two-in-one; you have a Dragon companion, which is rare. You and your dragon are usually pitted against strange, dangerous creatures that live on Sakaar itself, but when Loki arrives, he’s thrown in the arena with you to see how long he can last.

Lucky for him, your Dragon won’t harm him: Loki’s essentially the father of the biggest, most terrifying serpent of all time, after all. Dragons respect that.

You: “You can stop shaking, princeling, he’s not gonna hurt you.”

Loki: *gif*

You: “.........”

Your Dragon: “... I don’t think he’s gonna stop shaking. Can we go now?”

Loki just faints in the background, but totally denies this when he wakes up.


Did... Did I miss a weekend...?

I guess this means two imagines today, just in case.

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Imagine getting sucked into the world of Carnival Row and the first person you meet is Philo.

*opens your eyes* “...Orlando Bloom? Holy crap I’ve died and gone to heaven. You’re an angel in Bloom form.”

“...Um... What?”


“My name is Rycroft Philostrate; or Philo, really.”


*it was at this moment Philo realized you’re probably deranged*

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