
Good News Gang!


I finally have a blog theme about a piece of media I can actually tolerate | Dylan (he/they)

Riz is such a funny character. wore a newsie hat until his friends found out he was much hotter without it. had a glow up that mostly consisted of putting on a bunch of rings. killed and ate a dragon in his freshmen year after breaking out of prison. prevented multiple apocolypses. almost started at least 1 apocolypse. covered in tattoos. liscensed private investigator at age 15. in every club in his high school. yells at his guidance counselor/ best friend's dad. in a world of magic he's one of the few brave enough to use a gun. nepotism hire at a celestial task force. has recently taken up smoking. his mom may or may not be dating several of his friend's parents.

some additions:

has died. has killed. is willing to resort to torture concerningly quickly. joined his schools equivalent of a football team even though he's like 4' 3. his friends call him for help finding their lost air pods. bullied in middle school for using a brief case.


so throughout Buffy, vampires regularly rise from graves, leaving the coffin broken open and dug up. then Buffy and co dust them, leaving no bodies for anyone to recover or find during their investigations. do you think there's another group of people, who work for the Sunnydale cemeteries, gathering together in the evenings (or maybe in the mornings) to try to solve their own little noir mysteries? why do they think all these graverobbers are doing it?

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