


I'm Rottemp, doing some art stuff

Hey, can I use your most recent Gallagher art as a spotify character playlist cover? You'd be credited in the description, thanks in advance!


Hi! Sure, no problem 👌


Hello!! Ive been a big fan of your art for a while now and I really adore your use of colour to shade/make compositions (like in your pfp piece!! (of jack and tim on the blue/orange background) it’s one of my favs i admire it and think ‘how did this wonderful artist come up with this’)

so i suppose i was wondering if you had any tips on colour choice, or what your thought process is behind picking colours or textures (like the water-like lines from the aforementioned pfp) for a work? thank youu sm <3


Hello! First of all, thank you so much for your kind words, it means a world to me! Although I usually just go with the flow and usage of any means to achieve my idea in art, I tried to at least pick something, that might help, but it`s very far off from professional advice.

firstly, even if it was said a thousand times before, it`s best to get accustomed with the color wheel and color theory, because the use of color depends on the intended composition and mood of the drawing! For me personally, I like to use triadic and complementary palettes for my drawings, so the contrast is more visible and you have more freedom to play with the shades in the rendering process! Try to use colors that you associate with the mood that you want to have in your drawing, let them be your partner in telling the story, accents and the mood (like how I used opposite colors for the background behind Jack and Tim in the pfp)

secondly, gradients and layer effects are a lot help! not only they can give you palette ideas, they help to accumulate the color that you already have!

I don`t really know, what to say about the textures and stuff, other that forms can tell as much as colors can. Use references, your understanding of forms and patterns to set the right atmosphere in your work!

I really hope, that you will find my rambling helpful, and thank you so much again for your words and your questions!! If anything, you can always message me, and I'll try to explain things better!


Do you have any borderlands ships you like?


Hi! Yes, quite a lot, with the favourite ones being Rhysothy and Maya/Krieg


Don't go thinking you're alone in this. You've got me. Remember? I'm not going anywhere

I got a little carried away with background and expressions, so what started as an illustration of one of my favourite scenes in How They Met Themselves (by Wheat From Chaff) is now is an art heavily inspired by the said scene. I'm just always so obsessed with the intimacy of Tim's tragedy as a doppelganger, and this fic brings it to a whole new level


I'm currently working on russian translation of How They Met Themselves by Wheat From Chaff (I'll attach the source of the orig) and wanted to make an illustration per chapter, but the plan didn't work so for now there's these two pics

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