
Made of emeralds

@deniisu / deniisu.tumblr.com

Denise, 1989, Brazil, she/her. Wanted to be a girlprince; is now a womanfail. Mixed race. Bisexual. Pretty things in general. THIS IS A CHOOSE NOT TO WARN BLOG. DO NOT FOLLOW ME IF YOU'RE UNDER 18.(avatar by femslash-claw)

I think it's worth adding that every week, sometimes multiple times a week, there are also (much smaller) protests that are explicitly about ending the occupation and stopping the genocide in Gaza, in addition to everything mentioned above. These protests have been happening since almost immediately after Oct 7th and they have often gotten violent with people getting arrested. There are Arabs, Jews, young people, old people, trans people, anarchists, socialists, communists, feminists and pretty much anyone you can think of at these protests. They do not hold Israeli flags.

These protests are not reported on, even by Israeli news outlets, because they ruin the narrative that the Israeli government and the zionist movement want to push: that the Free Palestine movement is calling for the eradication of all Israelis, and that to be pro-Palestine is inherently antisemitic. They need it to be an extreme "us or them" situation in order to manufacture consent for the atrocities they are committing and for their future goal of "flattening Gaza", as many people put it. They need it to be seen as a fight to the death with no option of ever having peace.

It's important to fight back against this narrative. There are many (though not nearly enough) Israelis who believe Palestine should be free and have been fighting for it. Protesting, posting on social media (which is obviously dangerous when living under a fascist government), going to military jail for refusing service, traveling to the occupied territories to protect Palestinians from settler violence, and more. I'm not saying this so people give Israelis a pat on the back - I'm saying this because I see people on here (including huge popular accounts) posting things like "there isn't a real pro-Palestinian movement in Israel", not realising this is EXACTLY what Israel's government and the zionist movement want them to think.

Do not fall for their propaganda!!!


Cozinha Solidária da Azenha is very reliable, they've been providing free meals in Porto Alegre for a few years, and they're delivering meals to people displaced by the floods here in southern Brazil.

If you can donate, give preference to NGOs and social movements, and avoid government links.

If you're unsure a fundraising campaign is reliable, you can DM me.

Because of conversion rates, donations in dollars or euros are highly effective. Just 3 dollars/euros ensures ~2 meals.


The way some men talk about women is crazy “I just want someone to wait at the door when I get home and be happy to see me, is that too much to ask?” Bitch just get a dog???

I think what just gets me at the end of the day is that they’re so determined for women to be both the cause and solution to all their problems that they’re unable to reflect and work on their issues in a meaningful way. They can’t say “Im lonely due to a variety of factors and this makes me feel bad, what steps can I take to fix this?” Instead they go “Im lonely because women don’t act the way I want them to and this makes me feel bad, women should take steps to fix this since it’s their fault”

And this both fuels their pessimism and misogyny and it reduces their ability to reflect and work on their problems. This increases their reliance on women which turns into this weird viscous cycle of hate and failure

You would think that their hatred for women would make them wanna be self-sufficient and not rely on women in this ridiculous way. But through their own insecurity and helplessness they created this conundrum where a woman is both a status symbol, a thing that should be owed to them AND someone who holds ultimate power over them by refusing their demands. The enemy is both strong and weak


i wish everyone who has lost their mothers, never had mothers, or had to be their own mothers throughout life a very kind and gentle day today. it's not easy.


hello google chrome refugees

don't use any of these browsers, they're also chrome

Here are my favorite firefox plugins for security/anti-tracking/anti-ad that I recommend you get

please get off chrome google is currently being investigated for being an Illegal Monopoly so get outta there okay love you bye


hate being the generation that remembers no ads on YouTube & the annoyance when we first saw 1 ad every 10 videos, then 1 every 5 videos, then on every video, then multiple ads within a single video, only for YouTube to market paying for Premium™️ to ‘get rid of ads!’ which weren’t even there at the start

I hate being the generation that remembers when I could easily find episodes of anime and whole ass movies on YouTube.

Hate being the generation that remembers when YouTube videos would buffer when you pause them, allowing the entire video to load and let you watch it without interruption even on slow connections.


there’s such an unbelievable multitude of this type of (straight) woman who’s like “when he mentions a ‘she’ 😡🥺👀” “when he calls some girl his ‘friend’ 👀👀🔪” etc and this person is like a different species to me. this person is a space alien. this type of person makes me feel like amy adams in arrival

a man’s female friends are like a car’s warranty. a woman has vouched for this guy’s ability to be normal. you should be kissing her on the mouth for her service

You get it


the upside of ADHD is that it makes you a fucking genius

the downside is that you don't get to decide when and for how long you're a genius.

Or what you are going to be a genius about.

You have a big work project?

Nah. You're now a genius at making boardgames. For 7 hours.

Anonymous asked:

Saw a post of someone talking about they saw a post of a transmasc talking about running into doors now because cis men stopped holding them open for them after they transitioned and a lot of people were like “yeah lol average transandrobro” and I’m like… that sounds like a believable story to people? Have we forgotten what a troll is?

is this really the type of shit we have to take seriously now


For anyone who hasn’t seen the original post, it’s at the end of a reblog chain that opens with a transfem person calling “transandrodorks” MRAs and incels who complain about male loneliness and think women are bitches. Actual cis MRAs including this libertarian guy then began using this made up version of trans men to prove how “transmen” are Waking Up after they transition and realizing how terrible women are to men. The point of this guy’s last comment is that trans men feel so oppressed after they transition because they no longer get the Privileges that women get. People who believe this about trans men are just swallowing MRA rhetoric outright. Even if the transandrophobes passing it around don’t believe the ridiculous idea that any trans men are like this and they’re just sharing it as a joke, it’s a stupid, misogynistic joke. Following its logic, there is a number of women who expect men to constantly be opening doors for them and would simply run into them if that stopped. It is unbelievable that the same kind of people who accuse us of being misogynist MRAs for talking about our oppression will side with real ones as long as they say something shitty about trans men.


I see a lot of people who tell young people–especially young people who are heading into college–that they should “do what they love.” And they’re right. You should do what you love.

But there’s a world of difference between doing what you love for you, and doing what you love for a paycheck. 

I went to undergrad for graphic design and 3-D design–art and more art, I usually say–and I loved it. You know what I didn’t love? Trying to collect my fees from clients. Trying to meet unrealistic, over-simplified or over-specific briefs from people who didn’t know what they were talking about. Coming home, having worked creatively all day, with no creative juice left for the things I wanted to do.

You know what I would tell you instead? Do something that you can be interested in, with people you like.

You don’t have to love it. Loving your work can be a lot, and it often means you have to live in your job 24/7. Some people can do that. Not everyone can, or should.  But if you can find work that’s interesting enough that it doesn’t feel tedious, and people you can enjoy spending your 9-5 with, and you can make money, that’s great! It means you can do the things you love for you.

I’m in law school now. It’s interesting work, and difficult, and I like doing it. I like how complicated it gets, and I like the stories it tells. But I don’t come home and read law journals for fun. I come home, and I sculpt, and I draw, and I paint, and I read. I do these things for me.

And I love it. 

This is still circulating and it’s been a few years, so let me update. I’m officially a lawyer now, and still not a single regret about this choice. Settling into a stable job is such a gift and a privilege in ways I didn’t expect. I’m not going to repeat the advice given above, but I want to make it clear that having passed through my student years and into my career proper, I stand by this in every respect. 

I chose to take a job that was not the most high-paying option available to me, because it wouldn’t require me to bill my time, I would have a better work-life balance, I found the work more engaging, and I really loved the office. It has paid off so much.

I get to walk to work, and most days I leave my laptop behind when I walk home at five. I have a little house with a little garden and a bunch of seedlings sprouting too early for spring. I have two stupid cats and two stupider doves and they make me happy. I put a little money into food and shelter for the neighborhood strays and name all my visiting opossums Harold. My art gets done when I feel inspiration striking, sometimes in the middle of the night, and I let my hobby fund itself without the pressure of deadlines. There is so much joy in making only what I want to. My sleep schedule has stabilized. For the first time in my life, I know the shape my days will take weeks and months away, because my routine is consistent, and I never knew what a peace that was. My job is predictable but never boring, interesting but not consuming, and it’s just a job. 

There are people who will tell you–people who have told me–that turning my back on an artistic career or a career you have “potential” in is selling out, or settling. 

Let me tell you, friends, I have never felt so settled. 

Tags from galwednesday:                                                                                                                                                                                                             financial stability improves your quality of life in SO many ways   and there’s a lot of middle ground between “your artistic passion” and “soul-sucking job you hate”   and many of those jobs in the middle ground have health insurance and paid vacation time

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