
Inside My Organized Mind

@insidemyorganizedmind-blog / insidemyorganizedmind-blog.tumblr.com

Welcome to my studyblr! My name is Carly and I am a college student with a passion for organization and design.

i should write my notes in biro pens more often because i love how this turned out!!! the pen i used here is the Zebra Z-Grip Retractable Black Ball Point Pen Medium Point and they are super affordable too!


So, I have been getting messages asking how to stay focused. I’m going to walk y’all through the things I have learned about “the art of focus”. These are just some things that help me, hopefully they help you too. 

  • First things first. You need to want to focus. Like, you need to say, “I need to focus. I want to focus. This needs to get done.” If you can’t do that you might as well not read the rest of this. (Harsh, but true) 
  • After School. What to do when you get home. 
  • Get Comfy. Change your clothes if you need to. Wash your hands and your face, maybe take a shower. Leave the day’s stress and dirt behind.
  • Give yourself 15-20 minutes to just chill. Get a drink of water and maybe a snack. Let yourself unwind. 
  • Take the crap off of your study space. Instead of cleaning your desk, literally just move everything that you don’t need out of your space. We all know that cleaning our desks/study spaces can turn into procrastination and wasted time. Literally pick up the clutter and put it someplace else. You can deal with that after you are done doing what you need to. 
  • When you settle down to study, get all of the things that you need out. If you use a bujo or a planner take that out and figure out what you need to get done. Take out the papers, folders, notebooks and texts that you need. 
  • In your bujo/planner or on a sticky note, make a list of things you need to do in order of priority. For example, if your first class the next day is math, do your math homework next. Save studying as the last thing. For real, get done the things that need to be turned in. Then study. 
  • Time Management
  •  I love the pomodoro method. I use an app called Focus Journals. It is pretty much a pomodoro that keeps track of focused and unfocused activity. It is free and you can get it on the Windows App store. 
  •  The Forest App is super useful. It lets you grow tiny trees when you don’t use your phone. I love it. 
  • Break down your to do list into time slots. So, say you have maths. Give yourself 20 minutes to get it done. Treat that like a deadline. It will help you stay focused and keep you moving. I know it is easy to get spacey and off track. Hopefully giving small and manageable deadlines will allow you to work like you would when something is due. 
  •  Motivation. Here are some reasons to be motivated to focus. 
  • You get an education. So many people don’t get this opportunity. Even though it sucks sometimes, you should really be glad that you get to go to school.
  • You can do anything. Literally anything. Even if it is hard and you don’t want to, you can.
  • You wanna buy some dogs? Some cats? A birb? You need to study so that you can get a good job and buy food and toys for your future pet.
  • If you focus and study and learn you can better yourself. George Washington Carver once said, “Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom”. Buckling down even when it’s hard is investing in your future. Do everything you can to give yourself an advantage.
  • If you get done what you need to you can go do other, more fun things. That is 10000000000000 times better than sitting at your desk for hours feeling bored and frustrated. Just get things done.

Last but not least, get off of this hell site. Right now, just click out. 

You rebel. No but really you are super cool and amazing. You can do this. If you ever need anything I am here for you. 

But for real get off of this site and go do your work. 

– Love Jack 


🌸 29/01/2018 🌸

so many mistakes, and the watercolour didn’t exactly come out how i wanted it to, but it grew on me :)

🎧 bad boy; red velvet


1.31.18 // 8:38 pm

wow I can’t believe the first month of January is almost over!! I’m currently very busy with the start of second semester and science fair and pretty much all the way through the end of the school year but I’ll still try to post more on Tumblr :’)


the immune system is one of my favourite topics in biology!!! This weekend is going to be a productive one and i am actually going to do things on my to do list that i have been procrastinating for a month and keep adding on to my list each day. Today we are going to tick it off!!


A lot of us rewrite our notes before we post them to make sure they are ‘studyblr worthy’. We are all guilty of it and i just wanted to put that out there so that no one looks at my notes and assumes that this is the content that i have created in an hour and fifteen minute class where the teacher is talking really fast. This is the content that i have created while consolidating my learning at home so please don’t compare my rewritten notes to your class notes. If you want to see my class notes vs my rewritten notes then click here


revision methods that actually work // studygram: alimastudies

1. Memory mind map 

Personally, this is the most effective one for me. All you need is a blank piece of paper. Pick a sub-topic that you are doing e.g in biology a topic could be immune system and the sub-topic could be antibodies and antigens. If you want you can create some questions for each sub-topic and on your blank piece of paper, using questions as a guide, write everything you know about that sub-topic without your notes. After get your notes out and check and correct with a different colour pen. Watch this video to get a better understanding

2. Flashcards

I recommend you use written flashcards, unless you have vocab or definitions in which case digital ones like quizlet is fine. You should have questions on one side and your answers on another - i’ve heard people say the answer shouldn’t be long but i find that the more detailed it is the higher marks you score in the exam - of course summarise don’t just copy from a textbook or there is no point in doing this. When you test yourself try to do something else other than reading, for example write the answer down and then check and correct.

3. Spaced intervals

No point cramming for an exam. Yes it might have got you an A* in GCSE or other lower level exams but it’s certainly not going to get you an A* for a-levels or other higher exams. Space your learning out and if you can try and revise everyday, even if somedays are just for half an hour, DO IT! It will help you in the long term. Don’t revise one subject/unit for a whole day, space it out. For example don’t revise like this: AABBCC, revise like this instead: ABCBCA or something along those lines.

4. Mind maps

My favourite revision source!!! For some reason in an exam ( i only use mind maps for essay based subjects) i can remember where i put each point on my mind map which helps me write my essays and retrieve my information more in the long term! Don’t make it boring by trying to be ‘minimal’ - ADD COLOUR !!! But to stay within limits, too many colours can make it look overwhelming and confusing !

5. Teaching someone else

Either teach your younger siblings or pretend you are teaching to an imaginary class - while it may seem crazy it works, trust me. Use a whiteboard to help you illustrate your ideas! This method will help you identify any gaps in your knowledge and you’ll truly see if you know something well enough to explain it. If you cannot explain it to a six year old then you truly have not got the grasp of it, as Albert Einstein says!

6. past papers

Honestly, this should be the last thing for your revision, unless you have not left enough time to revise all the content and you are running out of time then past papers should be the first thing you do. Do these properly, don’t do it just to see what gaps you have in your knowledge- genuinely do it as if it is a real exam. This will help you see how well you can apply the content you have memorised for an exam. It will also get you familiar with the mark scheme which will help you get as close as full marks !!!


06/02/2018 ; 24 / 100 days of productivity : revised the two types of selection that can occur before we learn the third one in bio tomorrow. started moments questions on the first half of the chapter in m2 and it is tragic. had my carboxylic acids test today and i think it went well.


Feb. 6, 2018 - 20/100 days of productivity

So I was allowed to skip school today to study for my trig and physics tests at the end of the week and to start my IRR so I went straight to Starbucks. The Pomodoro Technique thing is a godsend. All I have to say right now is…. physics…honey….wyd….

Listening to: Runaway by Against The Current


In the beginning of the year, I tried to start new habits (financial and self-care ones) and I’m proud to say that I’ve actually maintained them so far! Now this month, I’ve added another habit I want to develop: to post more often and consistently. This blog has always been a source of happiness and comfort, I’d hate to abandon it for a prolonged period of time again.

So I’ve decided to switch things up!

On the blog today, you’ll find two versions of the standard layout, an improved design for the list layout, a year at a glance calendar printable, a new desktop wallpaper, and a fresh blog post on self-care. Phew! That’s a lot. Consider it as a taste of what’s to come!

Download this month’s freebies: calendars / desktop wallpaper

A tagged snapshot of your computer, phone, or study space using these freebies will be very much appreciated. (Use #thearialligraphyproject or #arialligraphy!) 😊

Also, do you have around three minutes to spare? I hope you can answer this quick 8-item reader survey. Your comments and suggestions have always been helpful in guiding the direction of the brand, so I’d like to ask for your help once again! Who knows, you might just get an additional desktop wallpaper at the end!


01.02.18: notes on neurones along with a latte ☕️ + today I reached my savings goal, meaning I have enough money to buy my mum a new laptop for her birthday and I’m so happy, I can’t wait to give it to her!!! happy thursday loves


How to get straight -As.

Hi guys,welcome back to my blog😁.Today’s post is going to be about how to get straight -As by following 5 simple steps.Shall we?👇🏻👇🏻

• Keep good notes: In my opinion the key for good grades is keeping bomb notes, you see when you go home you will probably forget everything that you learnt in class (kind of) so in order to get done with an essay or a project much easier it will be helpful if you have key words written down to remember exactly what your teacher said.

• Have a study buddy: I think that I’ve mentioned this before but having a person that you can rely on for subjects will be very helpful.Organize study sessions to share your notes,your ideas,after you’ve finished studying a lesson say it out loud to one another without looking at the book,ask for advices everything you need.Its okay to ask for help when you need it🙏🏻.

• Pay attention in class: Umm this is pretty self explanatory but you have to always pay attention in class,keep your eyes and ears open while your teacher is speaking and just try understanding what he is talking about 😂.

• Ask questions: If you don’t understand something all you need is to ask.Don’t be shy, always have the nerve to raise your hand and ask your teacher for anything that it is you need .

• Use flash cards: I don’t know if you’ve tried this or not but it is claimed that flash cards is the best friend of many students mine as well.Use them to write definitions or even equations that you need to remember and just keep them with you and read them (they are smaller than a whole notebook page,something that makes them handy and easier to carry around).

• Record your lesson: Okay so I’ve tried this once and let me tell you that it is a life changing hack.Record yourself while reading that one lesson you are struggling to learn and listen it when you are waiting at the bus station,while you are on your way to school whenever you want and maybe you will memorize it better after 2-3 plays 😉.

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