

@eskiworks / eskiworks.tumblr.com


Once in a lifetime electromagnetic storm lighting up the sky. This is my first time seeing it, and yeah... I definitely cried. The shimmers of solar wind whipping through the colorful pillars like wind through grass were astonishing. Spectacular despite being on the edge of the storm!


They will destroy nature and call it saving the planet.


Joshua Trees are a weird thing that stayed since the last Ice Age. They're on the decline anyways because no mega mammals eat their seeds and pop them out else where anymore. Hasen't been one around in over ten thousand years but still they persist. Sometimes they thrive in small areas and other times they die out.

Then California decides fuck the Joshua Trees and destroys four thousand of them.

Fuck California. Joshua Trees provide shelter to hundreds of different species.


People asking if there is anything that can be done, YES.

There is a group trying to get this halted but they need to be boosted!


Wildfire Preparedness Day 2024

(Alt text included within image.)

May 4th is not just Star Wars day, it's also Wildfire Preparedness day! So what better time to finally share my new preparedness poster?

One thing I hear a lot when discussing wildfire preparedness is that people want to protect their most treasured items, so they have them pre-packed to make them easy to grab in the event of an emergency. I've always found this kind of sad. Understandable! But sad. You shouldn't have to hide away the things you love.

Which is where the concept of a preparedness shelf comes in. The idea here is to keep all your evacuation based stuff AND your "save first" items in one spot where they can be displayed instead of hidden away, but still easily grabbed and evacuated.

This has several advantages. For one, you don't have to hide away the things you love but they will still be easy to access in one central spot. For two, if you are not home at the time of evacuation and someone else is (maybe a partner, or your neighbor, or an older child) and they call you and ask what you want them to grab, you do not have to direct them all over your house, just to one central location.

As always, use your best judgement about the hazards in your area and what works for you.

If you are in the U.S.A. and experiencing disaster related anxiety, call the Disaster Distress Hotline at 1-800-985-5990 for support and resources.

If you would like a print of this poster, you can get the high quality digital file on my website for $3, and discounted rates are available if you would like to purchase the right to make more prints! You can get files of the evacuation prep poster the same way!


The southern dwelling serpent people of TeaFeathers have a strong magical connection with all spirits. Individuals can form pacts with spirits, gain their blessing, and subsequently physically transform and be given gifts according to their chosen spirit. Here is a powerful fire blessed serpent!

Once they gain a spirit's favor, they become elites in their society. Commoner serpents appear more plain and are wingless. Old unaltered sketch of a commoner serpent here, and updated older painting above!


The southern dwelling serpent people of TeaFeathers have a strong magical connection with all spirits. Individuals can form pacts with spirits, gain their blessing, and subsequently physically transform and be given gifts according to their chosen spirit. Here is a powerful fire blessed serpent!

Once they gain a spirit's favor, they become elites in their society. Commoner serpents appear more plain and are wingless. Old unaltered sketch of a commoner serpent here, and updated older painting above!


Small artists you need to understand that when you see an artist who you think has 'made it' tells you not to worry about the numbers and to not fret about getting more likes than reblogs they are not telling you it because they think you are stupid for caring or because they dont need to network to survive they are very likely telling you that because they have witnessed first hand the way the numbers game tears people to shreds in terms of mental health and motivation

Beginner artist: It’s easy for you to say not to worry about the numbers because you don't have to do it anymore.

Advanced artist, shaking them by the shoulders: DON'T DO THIS, it's a never-ending loop of trying to satisfy the nameless statistical tables that make you think your worth is measured by the number of people you can entertain.


I got possessed by some kind of blue light attracted muse, and this study came out of my fingers. As far as I can tell this is the original photo source for the lovely long haired subject: https://depositphotos.com/photo/domestic-cat-profile-291633228.html


Sorry if I missed it, but it might be helpful if you put your commission prices or a link to your examples with prices in your pinned post or in your blog description. Sorry if I'm coming off as rude, it'd just be nice for accessibility to not have to scroll a long ways through your blog to find those things. Hope you're having a great day!


I really should, you're right! Lemme see if I can figure out pinned posts, I'll make something so that info is easier to access


I finally (got help) slapping Wordpress into shape and Runaway to the Stars is now releasing as a public webcomic! Thank you so much for your support over the years, and sticking with me while I'm slowly chewing my way through this book. I'm very excited to share this story! It'll be updating every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday thanks to the massive Patreon backlog. Patreon will continue to update as I finish pages, which happens on a sporadic non-schedule.

If you experience bugs with the site report them to me. Some things may occasionally break, as coding problems tend to be a very "whack-a-mole" affair; and I'm still getting used to the interface.

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