

@fallintosanity / fallintosanity.tumblr.com

Fanfic writer (yopumpkinhead on AO3) and infosec/privacy nerd (#sanity talks infosec). Multi-fandom blog with a lean toward Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Other things I reblog include FFXV, FFVII, Ace Attorney, Promare, the Murderbot Diaries, Breath of the Wild, Wakfu/Dofus, cute animals, life hacks, Discworld, language geekery, feminism, sociology, writing, Tolkien, and whatever else catches my fancy.

i want to attend a terry pratchett book club that includes at least one gen x or older british person because i feel like there must be so much brilliant stuff that is going right over my young american head

Probably! I'm still getting jokes on reread now, in my thirties. But if you don't have any gen X brits who are also Pterry fans close to hand, may I present to you L-space? It's quite an older site, built out of the old Usenet alt.fan.pratchett listservs, and it includes quite a lot of helpful metadata on everything Pratchett published.

In particular, L-Space contains the Annotated Pratchett File, being a repository of all the references anyone could suss out from about 1992 on, usually verified by asking Pterry himself if he'd meant to do that or not. There is also a set of annotations available in a crowd-sourced format through the Lspace Wiki.

Annotations make getting the jokes funnier and you get to learn more about the layers of meaning in the work, plus you can chase weird rabbit trails off them in your own time. I highly recommend anyone who enjoys Discworld and knowing stuff spend some quality time with one of the book annotations at some point.


Fire Emblem, 2 and 7. :3


2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom

because he's ace af :3

7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?

this is absolutely choosing violence right here, because that character is Edelgard. I have no idea if it would have been different had I played Crimson Flower first, but as is, I entered the fandom from the ending of Verdant Wind - and immediately stumbled into several extremely nasty rants by Edelgard fans expressing alarmingly extremist views based on her ideals and philosophy. It was so bad I noped right back out of the fandom for a bit.

Since then I've played through a second full time (Azure Moon), and am watching friends' playthroughs (1/4 of VW and 3/4 of AM), and I'm reasonably confident that those fans I ran into, neither represent the vast majority of Edelgard's fans, nor correctly understood her ideals. But that initial NOPE reaction stuck, and in my mind Edelgard is, unfortunately, forever associated with those initial rants.


how much violence is there about 20 and 25 for XV?


Let's find out! XD

20. part of canon you found tedious or boring

The Menace Dungeons, ugh. Identical fights in identical rooms set up to get you ever more lost and trapped in more identical fights in identical rooms set up to get you ever more lost and trapped in more identical fights.......

violence: 0/10

25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing

"Dawn of the Future is/should be the True Ending(tm) because the real ending sucks!"

violence: 15/10 - FIGHT ME


Ask for violence!

10 for ff15?


10. worst part of fanon

Ooh, I gotta go with the Big Meanie Bahamut Did It For The Evulz thing that cropped up after Ep: Ardyn and Dawn of the Future came out. Not that Bahamut doesn't bear most/all of the responsibility for Noctis's destiny, but he had a reason for it: protecting humanity and their planet from the Starscourge. We the players, as well as the characters we follow, may not like the means he chose - but Noctis and his retinue decide that the end goal is worth it. For all the quibbles I have with the specifics of the prophecy (or lack thereof), it's a compelling exploration of... if not quite blue and orange morality, then a form of divine morality and perception.

But if Bahamut set up the prophecy for... no real reason? sadistic entertainment, to watch the humans suffer? shits and giggles? idk whatever the heck DotF tried to imply was his motivation - it negates everything. It makes the whole game pointless - Noctis's journey, his growth as a character, his development from a terrified child into a man willing to accept a responsibility that by rights should never have been his. But there was already a lot of (understandable!) Bahamut hate in the fandom, and DotF and Ep: Ardyn landed in the middle of all that like matches in an oil well.


Okay, for the choose violence ask game… I just can’t resist, I want to know 1, 14, and 18!


haha well my own coin toss came up XV so let's gooo!

1. the character everyone gets wrong

Somnus Lucis Caelum, boy howdy. I thought the Episode: Ardyn Prologue anime made clear that Ardyn is an unreliable narrator at best, but most portrayals of Somnus I've seen take Ardyn's word at face value that Somnus is a treacherous, moustache-twirling backstabber. He's not - he's a prince whose beloved older brother is slowly transforming into a daemon and going insane as a result; and Somnus is doing the best he can to keep his people safe from both the Starscourge and the monster his brother is becoming. It just sucks for both of them that the only way Somnus could think to do that was to lure Ardyn into a trap and imprison him for eternity.

14. that one thing you see in fics all the time

I'm definitely choosing violence with this one XD

MT!Prompto. That's not how MTs work!!!!!

MTs aren't half-daemonified humans wearing power armor - they are nine-foot-tall robots powered by batteries which run on daemon miasma. Ep: Prompto even goes out of its way to show how the clones are turned into miasma clouds and absorbed into the batteries!

And, okay okay there are lots of reasons why This One Thing keeps happening, I get it, but for whatever reason it drives me bonkers whenever I see it.

18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...

This one's tough! Hmm.... Okay actually maybe not so tough. Something I find super interesting about the world of FFXV is that it's strongly implied that daemons weren't really a problem until very recently - potentially as recently as a few months before the game starts! Insomnia's Wall wasn't originally raised to protect against daemons, it was to protect against the Niflheim Empire. Some NPCs mention that the longer nights are a recent thing, and all the abandoned buildings and whatnot that you see across Lucis are a result of the war - not daemons. It's a very interesting point of lore and I almost never see it get referenced or used in fandom!


YESSSS to all of this!!

I totally agree with you about Somnus; I see treacherous, jealous Somnus ALL THE TIME, but the anime and DLC make it pretty clear that Ardyn's memories of him are twisted by his own suffering! (You see it in the anime particularly; anytime you see Somnus by himself, he is definitely not the raving, vengeful, jealous brother; he's thoughtful, deliberate, and sad.)

I sympathize on the MT!Prompto thing--but I must admit, I really enjoy myself an MT!Prompto fic now and then. XD I know the MTs don't work that way, but it's fun to imagine...

I'm definitely with you on wanting to know more about the daemons and what's going on there. Too bad they really skimped on the worldbuilding in so many aspects of the game...

heh I really do understand the appeal of MT!Prompto, even if it doesn't work for me. It's a super interesting concept in its own right and would make a great standalone story (come to think of it, it definitely has parallels to / thematic overlap with The Murderbot Diaries...). I don't even know why it bothers me as much as it does, tbh - possibly this is just my particular Someone is Wrong on the Internet 😅


number 25 for the violence ask game! whats your common fandom complaint you're tired of hearing?


You didn't give me a fandom but uhhh the only fandom I'm in where I'm sick of a complaint is Fire Emblem: Three Houses

and that complaint is that Felix owes Dimitri an apology.

(my bias is showing but i'm choosing violence!)

The implication of this particular complaint is that Felix is unnecessarily cruel to Dimitri, and/or is acting out of spite or malice with the intent to hurt Dimitri. Except... he's not. If anything, Felix is terrified of what his childhood best friend has become, and is trying to both keep Dimitri at bay and get someone - anyone - else to see the monster hiding beneath Dimitri's nice-guy mask. He's not successful thanks to his own particular traumas (plus the way he's internalized Faerghan culture, which is... kind of a trauma in itself), but he's not just a jerk who insults the sweet naiive prince for lulz and therefore owes him an apology.


I'm in awe of how we ran historical revisionism on the civil rights movement so bad that people truly believe it was quiet self-sacrifcial non-disruptive christ-like activism that forced progress and not — like — the incredible economic pressure of boycotts and outbreaks of illegal civil disobedience

Yapping to the choir but eughhh it burns me up girl effective protests have to be loud and inconvenient for change to happen because silent cries die in the dark that's the entire pointtt

Also, a lot of the so called harmless examples used for peaceful protests were specifically supposed to be disruptive as all hell. Like, take sit-ins, for example. What you were probably told is that black people just refused to leave white only establishments to make a point.

But how they actually worked was manipulating racist policies to cause as much of a delay as possible. They'd sit down at the bar to order (that's how those restaurants worked, you had to sit down to order and there weren't many tables) and when the waiter said they couldn't serve them, they'd respond that they would wait until they could be served. And then all their friends who they organized this with would do the same, and they would sit there at every seat until they're holding up the whole line. Then nobody could order and the restaurant was forced to either close, serve them, or try and fail to work around them. It wasn't just to make a point, it was to cost them money and time.

Even what was framed as "quiet peaceful protest" was actually very disruptive both socially and economically.

Does this look quiet, peaceful, nondisruptive?

And the struggle didn't stop after formal integration, once the Civil Rights act had passed. Because even when they are legally required to serve you, they can make you really fucking uncomfortable and threaten you and the cops probably will take their side.

For one example, there was a cafe that would serve Black people, but would then publicly break the dishes so that no white customer would ever have to eat off a dish a Black person had eaten off of. This was done publicly, right as the Black diner was done eating. The waitress takes the plate and smashes it. This is a signal both to the white diners "see, we hate them just as much as you do, you're safe here" and also a threat of violence to the Black diners. "If you're not careful we'll smash you just like we did this plate."

But at the same time, if Black people go there and eat every day ... how long before the cafe can't afford to do that? How long before they have broken so many dishes that it's eating into their profits? How long before the white diners start getting used to eating alongside Black people and simply don't care as much any longer, or start getting annoyed at the noise and fuss and mess?

Black people eating in white establishments was loud, inconvenient, and disruptive. Because that's the nature of challenging the status quo.


Okay, for the choose violence ask game… I just can’t resist, I want to know 1, 14, and 18!


haha well my own coin toss came up XV so let's gooo!

1. the character everyone gets wrong

Somnus Lucis Caelum, boy howdy. I thought the Episode: Ardyn Prologue anime made clear that Ardyn is an unreliable narrator at best, but most portrayals of Somnus I've seen take Ardyn's word at face value that Somnus is a treacherous, moustache-twirling backstabber. He's not - he's a prince whose beloved older brother is slowly transforming into a daemon and going insane as a result; and Somnus is doing the best he can to keep his people safe from both the Starscourge and the monster his brother is becoming. It just sucks for both of them that the only way Somnus could think to do that was to lure Ardyn into a trap and imprison him for eternity.

14. that one thing you see in fics all the time

I'm definitely choosing violence with this one XD

MT!Prompto. That's not how MTs work!!!!!

MTs aren't half-daemonified humans wearing power armor - they are nine-foot-tall robots powered by batteries which run on daemon miasma. Ep: Prompto even goes out of its way to show how the clones are turned into miasma clouds and absorbed into the batteries!

And, okay okay there are lots of reasons why This One Thing keeps happening, I get it, but for whatever reason it drives me bonkers whenever I see it.

18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...

This one's tough! Hmm.... Okay actually maybe not so tough. Something I find super interesting about the world of FFXV is that it's strongly implied that daemons weren't really a problem until very recently - potentially as recently as a few months before the game starts! Insomnia's Wall wasn't originally raised to protect against daemons, it was to protect against the Niflheim Empire. Some NPCs mention that the longer nights are a recent thing, and all the abandoned buildings and whatnot that you see across Lucis are a result of the war - not daemons. It's a very interesting point of lore and I almost never see it get referenced or used in fandom!


🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥

  1. the character everyone gets wrong
  2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
  3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
  4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
  5. worst discord server and why
  6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
  7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
  8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
  9. worst part of canon
  10. worst part of fanon
  11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
  12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
  13. worst blorboficiation
  14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
  15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
  16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
  17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
  18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
  19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
  20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
  21. part of canon you think is overhyped
  22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
  23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
  24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
  25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing

On Noctis’ Injury And Its Effects On His Magic

A̷ ̷f̷i̷l̷l̷ ̷f̷o̷r̷ ̷t̷h̷i̷s̷ ̷k̷i̷n̷k̷m̷e̷m̷e̷,̷ ̷I̷ ̷g̷u̷e̷s̷s̷.̷.̷.̷?̷

Anyone who has played FFXV knows that as a child, Noctis suffered from an injury that rendered him unable to walk for a while – the reason for his visit to Tenebrae as a kid, and thus his first meeting with Luna shortly before Tenebrae fell. The Brotherhood anime and Kingsglaive movie expand on it a little bit, giving more information on the extent of the injury, as well as what caused it: a daemon called the Marilith. As a reminder, I mean this thing:

The injury was severe enough that Noctis remained in a coma for an unspecified amount of time (though most likely at least a couple weeks, if not a couple months) and even once he woke and recovered a bit, he was unable to walk, his legs being paralyzed (or he was literally paraplegic, meaning paralyzed from the waist down; that’s a valid possibility as well, and an even more likely one all things considered). Furthermore, it is a widely assumed headcanon (and rather heavily implied, though never actually stated in the game) that he was infected by the Starscourge through this injury. For these reasons, he was taken to Tenebrae so the Oracle may heal him, though this led to Niflheim attacking and conquering Tenebrae as a result.

Well, fine, he was healed. That’s that then. Except it’s not, according to Noctis’ character sheet in the game’s archives.

“An injury incurred as a young boy deprived him access to the full potential of his innate power”, huh?

Unless there was another ‘childhood injury’ that we don’t know about, which is unlikely, this references the Marilith. And that injury, though healed by the Oracle, apparently left marks deep enough that it affected Noctis’ ability to use his magic. But that begs the question: how exactly was he affected? No part of the game or the anime or ANYTHING gives us any real indication on that. So all we can do is speculate. That said, here are some thoughts I had on the matter.

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