
Quiet Reader/Watcher

@fandomscraziness22 / fandomscraziness22.tumblr.com

Kira|25|that girl who reblogs everything, but doesn't say much. Current obsessions: Percy Jackson, Leverage. Part of so many fandoms. Header by @archeryicons

I think a lot about how Holly legit as good as told Lucy that La Belle Dame was impersonating Lucy to lure Lockwood, but Lucy never made the connection bc she was too busy tryin to save his life.

H: yeah I thought he was with you

L: why would you think that

H, thinking back to the ghost that literally had Lucy’s face and mannerisms that Lockwood was just followin around all love sick like he does with Lucy daily: … I don’t fuckin’ know Luce, never mind 🙄


Hey, so, here's a thing I noticed...

I'm re-watching Leverage right now, and a fun bit I noticed this time around that I hadn't spotted before is how Eliot will come out with some random-ass knowledge that saves a situation or answers a question and the crew is all "How do you know that" and he'll answer "Oh I dated a NASA engineer" or whatever. It's played a bit for laughs, but -

  1. Since Eliot is heterosexual, it's showcasing that women have valuable knowledge and expertise in a wide variety of areas,
  2. Eliot actually listens and talks to the women he's dating, to the point where he's learning and understanding what they're talking about,
  3. And, Eliot respects women and their knowledge and always looks a bit miffed when the crew laughs at him for knowing things because he dated someone once.

It's a little thing, but this show is constantly surprising me with the amount of thought that got put into it.


we poke fun at obi-wan for saying "sith lords are our specialty" and then getting his ass kicked by dooku, but in fairness, he was at the time the only person in living memory to have actually killed a sith. he showed remarkable humility honestly.


I love being part of audio fiction spaces, I love the community, I love the discussions we have on here, I'm so thankful to be able to share my interests with all of you, I'm thankful for people writing full blown essays about five minute scenes, for podcast fanartists for their imagination, for all the writers, voices actors, teams working with tight budgets to bring their stories to life, I'm grateful for everything, it makes me so happy just thinking about it


Leverage meme quotes [5/5] → from Nathan Ford

My name is Nathan Ford. And I… am a thief

There are moments when Nate goes completely cold and he is way scarier than any of them, or all the rest of them combined, like a reminder of what is sitting there under the surface - an incomparably brilliant mind with no heart to anchor it and nothing to believe in.


you can tell that Nate is an ex-Jesuit, or perhaps more accurately an almost-Jesuit He has this Catholic self-hatred coupled with this deeply rooted sense he’s better than others and it’s all tied together with a large amount of ‘here, hold my beer’


“My father would buy me an ice-cream” is just the the most terrifying thing anyone in the show says.

He says, in one line, that he was raised to be bad, knows how to be bad, chose to be good, fell, chose to be good by doing bad, but his gut reflex, the one he’s been supressing for his entire life, is just to be a walking nightmare, exactly what you’d expect if you rewarded a child for lying, cheating, swindling, and hurting for fun and profit.

Nate Ford is not a nice man. But he’s all that’s standing between us and Jimmy Ford’s Son, so let’s be thankful for that.

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