
Paradox, The Uninspired Writer

@paradox-brody-chase / paradox-brody-chase.tumblr.com

Just some girl, who can never get motivation to write.

Jason does reach out to people it’s just that the reaching out often involves dramatic theatrical violence. The final confrontation in under the red hood was Jason’s version of reaching out to Bruce. It’s not like Bruce was ever going to be the one to be like “hey let’s sit and talk about your death and why you’re mad at me”. Yes it did involve kidnapping and possible murder suicide plans but hey at least he started the dialogue agshshshs


Local man destroys every bridge he ever had in the attempt to be emotionally vulnerable


So I just made a joke that "more women should poison their husbands" to my cool boss and then immediately found out that he got divorced because he was poisoned by his ex-wife

I'm apologizing profusely and he's like "oh it's fine it was funny" and then he offhandedly mentions that his next girlfriend tried to poison him also

Yeah this is going to break containment babe.

The average husband/boyfriend/spouse does not get poisoned on purpose. Poison wife George is an outlier that should not be counted and by all means he should have died from the first one had it not been for some meddling kids.




It won't. It will have a very tragic ending. Crowley takes a sleeping potion, but Aziraphale thinks Crowley is dead and plunges a dagger deeply into his fair breast. Crowley wakes and, finding Aziraphale dead, becomes, in his heartbreak, a furniture delivery person and is crushed to death by a falling wardrobe. Then everybody cries.


the worst thing that could happen to a comic book lady with massive curly hair is being given 1 appearance with straight hair because suddenly thats their most popular canon hair style


giving simon his first ever handjob, watching the way his back arches when you barely even touch him, never having felt the touch of another on him. he was so used to his own big, rough, scarred hands that when your soft, gentle, and much smaller hands pulled him out of the confines of his pants, he was already starving off his orgasm to the best of his abilities.

but you knew, despite his poor attempts at holding back his whimpers, that he had never felt like this before. he had been leaking precum ever since you two were kissing, a prominent wet spot covering the front of his pants. it was adorable, the way such a big man could barely control himself, his hips twitching away from the onslaught of pleasure, his own precum being used to make the movement against his cock more slick.

the only sounds in the room were his helpless, muffled sounds of pleasure, and the sick, obscene noises of your hand moving over his overly slick cock at a punishing pace. and when you cupped his head, the man was cumming like no other, his entire body contorting, thighs trembling and spasming, his hands pushing at your thighs where you sat on top of his.

you didn’t stop just yet, your hands moving as he whimpered out a few pathetic words about how much it hurt. you had to tease him then, because a man as big as him shouldn’t be complaining like this while getting his cock rubbed raw.

“you can’t be in pain, simon. you go through much worse everyday, stop being such a baby”


oh my fucking godddd. i love you


when i was really little and had just learned how to write my full name . i noticed my twin brother had really messy handwriting. while mine was like … as nice as it could be for a little kid. so i wrote my name in his handwriting on a wall and i waited to see who our parents would get mad at . and they blamed him. and that was when my life of crime began

all joking aside it’s really funny that like little kids do things like that sometimes . my mom would look at her phone everytime she was at a red light so i got into the habit of saying “green” once the light changed so she would know . one day i was like “i wonder if i say green while it’s red if she’ll go” and so i did . and she did . and i got yelled at real bad

though looking back on it what the hell was she doing relying on like a five year old . who was a chronic shoplifter and liar . for that . i’m surprised we didn’t get into more accidents

My mom is Deaf so when I was like 5 I plugged all the drains in the bathroom with towels & toilet paper and turned the bathtub and sink on full blast before we went out to go shopping cause I knew she wouldn’t hear it and I flooded the entire house for no reason

ok that is some nasty shit i can’t even believe the amount of damage that would’ve done 😭

"I'll say this about you, Matt Murdock. You are a lot of bad things. Boring is not one of them." - Claire Temple
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