

@sh1m1sen / sh1m1sen.tumblr.com

antis dni | central asia | πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ | ru/en | basically she/her, but you can use any pronouns, i don't care | nsfw with labels | multishipper and multifandom | just block if you don't like my fandoms or otp | i respect all couples and characters and ask the same from you while you're on my territory | i'm not going to be polite to users who behave like shit here | read my pin and my carrd byf: https://shimisen.carrd.co/

❗read this, please❗

🧿 first, guys, check my bio and carrd before interacting with me (yes, i've repeated this a hundred times and will do it again, because i'm not going to take responsibility for someone else's inattention). you can completely ignore all this if you don't care about any characters/couples or you don't separate the user's personality and content they create, but otherwise take the trouble to study information about the artist in order to avoid incidents. 🧿 secondly, i'm tired of the invasion of spam bots and therefore block all suspiciously blank blogs. take care to notify me that you are a real person if you want to follow me. thanks.

it's funny when yana toboso, shotacon lover, draws shotacon, puts sexualized shotacon elements in a manga... and antis make a surprised pikachu face at the same time. is everything okay with your logic?

i have never been a fan of sebaciel, because both characters are not that interesting to me, but this otp existed when many of you were not even born yet, and it has always been one of the main foundations of the title. it's time for the notorious antis who have problems with the perception of reality to get the fuck off our fandoms. the father-son relationship, yeah. just an amazing level of denial.



****ANOTHER UPDATE! See end of post.****

I'm just gonna kick that fake-ass moral pedestal out from under you right now.

For someone who calls the ship 'disgusting', you sure have made it clear how much you actually enjoy my smut-laden Sebaciel stories.

You bookmarked AND gave me kudos on Butterfly with a Broken Wing, as well as a few other Sebaciel fics.

You don't get to come into this fandom and imply that the people who are the literal backbone of this place don't have the right to get angry when you try to bully us- especially when you're not-so-secretively consuming the very content that you pretend to abhor.

Also keep in mind that many of us who create Sebaciel content are the same ones who produce your favorite fics for rarepairs and ships you act like are superior.

Like Sebastian x Bard?

Me, motherfucker.

Bard x Lau?

Also me.

Vincent x Diedrich?

Sebastian x Claude?

Sebastian x Wolfram?

And this is just to name a few.

Let me be the first to tell you that you DON'T have more of a right to be here than the rest of us. You're not fucking special. You're not some golden example of morality for shrieking into the void about how much you hate certain ships or the people who like those ships.

There is no right or wrong way to enjoy fictional content.

But there is a wrong way to behave in the fandom and treat your fellow fans, and you are a glaring, grossly hypocritical example of it.

Grow the fuck up.


*Update- they changed their name to esther-emerald and are trying to deny all of it. πŸ˜‚

So what you're saying is that within 2 days of me making this post, the person who bookmarked and gave me kudos from that account, who had the same name AND the same profile pic as you- just happened to delete their Ao3? Nah. That doesn't track unless it was indeed YOU.

Also, cursing and screaming hysterically at someone who caught you in a lie does NOT reinforce your argument the way you think it does. In fact, that is what it looks like when someone is in serious denial. πŸ˜‚

You like Sebaciel. Just admit it. Shrieking buzzwords and thrashing like a 5 year-old throwing a tantrum in the comments doesn't change the fact that nearly 200 people (so far) have seen through your virtue-signaling bullshit.

Also, for the record, slander is the action or crime of making a false spoken statement which is damaging to someone's reputation.

The statements made in this post are true. It's not slander. It is fact.

You, on the other hand, are claiming people are pedophiles for liking a FICTIONAL ship. You are the only one here making slanderous claims.

And might I also point out that in order for that ao3 user (you) to have found this post and then deleted their account, they would have had to either:

  1. Search for MY tumblr username
  2. Search for their own username (like an egomaniac πŸ˜‚)
  3. Search the main tags for SEBACIEL

That's even further damning evidence.


"No, you are the ones who need to fucking grow up"

I'm in my 30s, kid. I'm grown, have a job and a credit score. Can the same be said for you, who is yelling, pissing and shitting yourself over fictional content being bad-wrong? I surely hope not.

"why are you people getting all aggressive"

Literally the only one being aggressive here is you? 🀷 You're the one shrieking curse words and name calling like an eight year old child.

"that user from the website isn't me"

So that user just happened to have the same name AND the same profile pic as you? Real fucking likely. πŸ˜‚

"The Phantomhive twins were gangraped by Satan worshipping pedophiles"

.... Said the person who gave me kudos on a story where Vincent Phantomhive is raped and manipulated by Undertaker, his own father- a story I wrote to cope with my own experience as a CSA survivor.

"but here you are sexualizing him. It's very disrespectful to the twins!"

You know what's really disrespectful?

1. Admitting that you clearly understand the line between fiction and reality, and yet having the gall to compare fictional content to actual CSA, to a fucking CSA survivor. Way to admit that you don't care about living, breathing CSA survivors. You only care about fictional characters, who don't fucking exist. Who don't need protecting.

2. Liking and bookmarking the fictional content that I created and then turning around and harassing people in the Sebaciel tags for the sake of virtue signaling, in hopes that no one would discover that you're reading Sebaciel and other content that you deem 'problematic'.

3. Using the extremely ableist term 'lunatic' as you desperately try to scramble out of being caught in your lies.

You're just digging your own grave here, kid. Deeper and deeper. Know when to stop.


UPDATE: They are STILL bitching about this.

....Said the person READING MY SEBACIEL CONTENT πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Kid, YOU ARE the problematic one when you actively harass multiple people in the fandom and compare fictional content to real-life CSA. That is so fucking offensive to CSA survivors. You know, who are living, breathing human beings?

And you call us extreme? πŸ˜‚ You are behaving like a pearl-clutching, conservative grandma who just saw two men kissing.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? You are SO fucking desperate to present as an anti, but you've been caught red-handed reading Sebaciel, Vintaker incest, and a Weston orgy I wrote. πŸ˜‚

There are screenshots, too. You cannot possibly be more fucked here.

But like a broken record, you are yet again vomiting the same "you people get offended when others say Sebaciel's disgusting". Is that honestly the only anemic argument you can come up with? You are aware that when you shriek the same shit over and over again, it becomes little more than background noise, right?

Like... just stop. It's over. Everyone knows you're full of shit. You are not going to find support from either side anymore unless you apologize and drop it.

To my followers, as well as anyone else in the fandom: If esther-emerald (aka linaemerald) has sent you hate or commented on any of your posts with harassment, REPORT and BLOCK them on sight.

Bullies are not welcome here.


Since they don't know how to shut the fuck up, I'm bringing out the big gun.

I'm at the image limit for this post, so here's a link to part two-

It includes a dated screenshot of their ao3 before they deleted the evidence.


jeez, i hate antis so much, they're all fucking hypocrites, it's unbearable D,:

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