
MacKenzie York

@thezone10001 / thezone10001.tumblr.com

FUcking jewish
She/Her 15

only true 90s kids remember these 😩👌: 

  • playing with tamagotchis 😜😜🔥 
  • watching scooby doo 🐶❤️ 
  • having movies on vcr 😍 
  • being murdered in the late 1960s to early 1970s by the notorious zodiac killer only to have your murder go unsolved as the killer slips through the fingers of justice
  • eating lunch 😏💯💯👀💦

I fucking hate it when you’re in such a fantastically giddy mood and then you see one simple little thing that makes you think, “oh” and then you just get this empty feeling in your chest and you get nauseous and the world just crumbles and you want to just lay under a blanket and close your eyes and fall asleep and never wake up.


hey you look really cute today

april fools you look cute everyday keep it up 


hey there delilah what’s it like in new york city i’m a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do

i installed a camera in your room

i’m watching you

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