
Oodelally & Jezebel


Where random photos and videos of Oodelally, the retired trucker cat, and Jezebel, her little sister, will be posted randomly! (in loving memory of Mahado-the-trucker-cat)

Oodelally is a little stressed today so she decides to start nursing mother's blanket. (I tried to trim her claws again and it always makes her upset)

Please ignore Markiplier's voice in the video XD


Why does she sit like this? It's her favorite position so most times she naps this way too XD

And then Oodelally...

Dainty princess she is not. Her gremlin side is merging with the princess, oh no XD


I now give you the dance of attempted relaxation as performed by Jezebel:

The poor girl is still learning how to settle in and lay still but the enthusiasm to cuddle is just adorable 💚


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