


   Hey guys, So I'm moving my blog! It'll be the same url, I just wanted to get things shuffled around and start a bit fresh in the new year, since I've been coping with a lot of lack of inspiration lately! Not sure how much starting with a clean slate of a blog will help me, but I'm sure hoping it will! If you all could be so kind to follow me on @conflagrationstyle-redux which I'll be changing to simply conflagrationsstyle soon after the move has been more solidified alongside a new theme I've commissioned!       If you have any questions, feel free to ask them or ask for my Discord!


I’m upset because I want to change the world but the world is too big and people are too mean

“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.” - Rabbi Tarfon


I needed to hear this

not obligated to complete the work, not free to abandon it.


something ive noticed: it seems that dysfunctional moirallegiances are made from one of the people not being willing/even able to kill someone.


yknow how gamzee gone insane but karkat cant even bring himself to kill a leprechaun? or how eridan when on a killing spree but feferi would never even think of hurting one of her friends? dysfunctional moirallegiances

example of a good moirallegiance: equius and nepeta can both be extremely destructive people if they wanted to but they kept each other in check to make sure they dont actually kill people.

dammek owns like 700 guns he fully intends to use and xefros went out of his way to keep some rando alien he’d never met alive

this tracks to the rest of canon & trollmance meta, the societal purpose of moirallegiance is murder reduction so if only half the relationship is actually doing that work (because on the other half has any bloodlust) then it’s bound to be unbalanced


     ❛     COLPIRE  O  PERDERE  ??  immagino  che  non  manchino  mai  ,  eh  ??  hai  un  fidanzato  ,  scommetto  che  non  ti  bacia  .  troverà  un'altra  e  non  gli  mancherai  .  farà  skrrt  e  dabbera  come  wiz  khalifa  .

                                                          (  non  -  rp blogs  :  please  do  not  rb  . 

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